When to plant pepper in 2017 according to the lunar calendar

21.02.2017 Pepper

When to plant pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendarSince there are a lot of peppers today, they are planted in the soil at different times, even bell peppers have early or late varieties. Below we will consider when to plant pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, in order to get a rich harvest.

You can divide all the peppers into three main groups, these are sharp, sweet and semi-sharp vegetables, it is important to know how to plant pepper for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, to get your crop on time. Each of the varieties has its own planting time, early varieties are planted in the form of seeds in the early days of February, and they are transported to the soil earlier than all other varieties. Later varieties can be planted in the soil in the month of March, when seedlings are transplanted rather late, which makes it possible to get a late crop. This is often used by gardeners, because if you plant early, middle, and late varieties in the ground, you can eat pepper for two seasons.

Many inexperienced gardeners believe that the preparation of seedlings can only begin with the advent of spring, but in order to grow the first seedlings, it is necessary to sow in the month of February, only then the seeds have time to germinate and small sprouts can be transplanted in time to the greenhouse or open ground. Early varieties of pepper can be sown in the ground in January, as they need an early transplant, they are usually intended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions.

How and when to plant seeds for seedlings

In the middle lane of our country, gardeners are already accustomed to starting planting seeds to grow seedlings from them, the fact is that small seeds rarely germinate well through the soil, but even if this happens, the plants themselves will be weak and yield less yield. But if you plant the seeds in small boxes where the seedlings will gradually grow and in comfortable conditions, the seedlings will be stronger and better take root in a new place, whether it's open ground or a greenhouse.

Some southern regions allow seeds to be planted directly in the soil, but in this case sowing is carried out around May or June, this is quite late for our latitude, in the Moscow Region seeds are also planted only in winter in pots to grow strong and fertile seedlings .

Where and by what method is pepper grown?

For those gardeners who would like to know when to plant pepper for seedlings in 2017, lunar calendar, a special calendar will be presented, it can be different for different weather conditions. So, for example, in the middle lane of our country, as well as in the Moscow region, it is customary to plant the pepper first with seeds for seedlings, and only ready-made seedlings to be transferred to the prepared soil. If you follow the lunar calendar, it is best to do this in the last days of February or at the very beginning of March. Speaking of the southern regions, you can find out that the calendar advises to start planting in mid-January or early February, as warming is faster in these regions, which means that seedlings should be transplanted into the ground earlier. There are also northern areas, where seed planting for seedlings is usually carried out in early March.

Since the Urals and Siberia are not distinguished by their favorable weather conditions, gardeners are recommended to pick up frost-resistant peppers, these can be early ripening varieties or hybrid types of vegetables. In the north, summer is short enough, but if you plant exactly according to the lunar calendar, then the seeds will have time to germinate, and early-growing seedlings, even in a short warm period, will yield a fairly large crop.

Today, the choice of peppers is simply huge, while the early varieties can be both in hot and sweet Bulgarian peppers. These types of vegetables have been specially bred according to certain technologies in order to withstand severe temperature changes, and they can also adapt to the climatic conditions of the region.

How to sow seeds in time?

Today we are talking about when pepper is planted for seedlings in 2017, and also on what dates the sowing calendar recommends. It is worth saying right away that there are certain rules for planting seeds, for example, on the new moon and full moon they do not recommend working with the soil at all, but on the growing moon the seedlings will grow faster and become stronger. Of course, you can rely on the dates indicated on the package with seeds, but they usually show the ripening time, then you will have to calculate how long it will take a seedling to germinate and strengthen.

Most often, seeds are planted in mid-February, but early varieties can be planted in mid-January, while later varieties are often planted only in late February or early March. If you plant in time, then the first crop can be obtained in about 3.5 months, that is, in June-July, the gardener will finally test his crop.

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Usually, store seeds are planted a little earlier than the deadline, this is due to the fact that the material is dried to increase the shelf life, for this reason they must be soaked in water and planted in moist soil, even in this case, the seed germination period can last from two to three weeks. In the suburbs it is best to start planting seeds already on February 10th, the deadline for mid-season peppers is the last day of February, but these data are only generalized, according to the lunar calendar, slightly different dates are indicated.

For example, if it was not possible to plant in February, then you can sow for example on the thirteenth or fifteenth of March, these days are considered the most favorable in order to grow strong and healthy seedlings. The 26th and 29th days of March are also considered favorable days, and although the seedlings are planted later than necessary, the warm sun will still shine on the street, for this reason the seeds will germinate faster and the sprouts will catch up with other seeds that were planted in February. You can plant pepper "California Miracle" on seedlings.

What time is the planting of finished seedlings made?

When we sow pepper using the lunar calendar, we have already sorted it out a bit, now it’s worthwhile to talk a bit more about which favorable days it is better to transplant seedlings into open ground or a prepared greenhouse. Immediately it should be said that the planting of sweet and hot pepper can be different, and the timing varies depending on the variety and type of soil for transplanting. It is very important not to blindly trust auspicious days on the calendar, but also focus on weather conditions.

This year, the calendar advises planting seedlings in soil from May 1 to the fifteenth of this month, but these numbers are better for a greenhouse, if you need to move small shoots under the open sky, then you should wait for a warmer time. Already from the tenth to the thirtieth of May it is allowed to transplant small sprouts into the open ground, but a special protective film is necessarily used here.

The lunar calendar also suggests that it is important to follow some rules for planting pepper, because if last year tobacco, tomatoes or potatoes grew on the beds, then the yield of pepper will be very low.If you follow the advice of the lunar calendar, then it marks several dates when you can sow pepper for seedlings, while it is worth considering the days of transplanting seedlings into the ground.

Speaking about the days of February, we can distinguish several excellent days to start sowing pepper seeds, the first and second of February will be an excellent day, it is also worth highlighting the twenty-third and twenty-fourth of the month, but if it was not possible to plant these days, then in February it will remain another couple of days when the seedlings can grow strong and healthy, this is the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth numbers. All subsequent or previous days cannot be called good for sowing, if the summer resident planted the seeds in the soil, then the seedlings will grow weak, they will often start to get sick and wither, with such seedlings it is unlikely to grow a good and rich crop.

If we talk more about March, there are also favorable and negative days for planting seeds, for example, it will be good to start sowing the first or second day, it is on these days that planting will help to get strong and strong seedlings that will bring a fairly large crop. If, however, it was not possible to plant on these numbers, then it is worth shifting the sowing to the very end of March, the good numbers for planting are the 22-24th, and also the planting is carried out on March 27-28. Thus, it is worth saying that gardeners who would like to start growing seedlings in greenhouses can already think about buying quality material. Following the lunar calendar, it is necessary to prepare the soil for planting plants in advance, otherwise the gardener is unlikely to land on time.

When on the lunar calendar to pick and transplant into a greenhouse

We have already talked a little about what time it is best to sow small seeds in the ground, as well as when it is necessary to transplant plants in open ground, then it is worth discussing such important points as “what time is it better to pick” and “when to conduct transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse. ”

So, although many are well aware that picking after planting pepper seeds for seedlings spend with the advent of the second main leaflet, all the same there are some favorable days for the transplant to go well, and the seedling better take root in a new place. A great time to transplant sprouts into new pots will be days from March 1 to March 4, and seedlings from the sixth to the eighth day, from the fifteenth to the eighteenth, or the twenty second and twenty third of this month are also not bad to dive.

When it comes time to transplant seedlings to a new place in the greenhouse, it is also worth looking at the lunar calendar, and there are dates from the fourteenth to sixteenth of May, it is not bad to plant the first, eighth and seventh of this month. But after the tenth of May, the moon will decrease, at this time it is excellent to fertilize the pepper in the ground to get a big crop.

Not many gardeners follow the advice of the lunar calendar, but many years ago it was proved that the moon really has an effect on the growth and fertility of plants, for this reason you should not refuse to plant pepper on the lunar calendar, which is already presented for 2017.

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar


    I also begin to prepare seeds in the first decade of February, and for better germination, I stand 12 hours in a solution of aloe juice.

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  2. Avatar


    Actually in the greenhouse, you can plant seedlings even at the end of January. Everyone does it in his own way.

    To answer

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