When to pick broccoli in the garden

12.09.2018 Cabbage

broccoli picking

Broccoli differs from other types in color, structure, degree of density and taste. Growing cabbage does not cause particular difficulties, but certain rules should be followed. It is important to harvest the crops on time, otherwise, if the deadlines are not respected, broccoli can be overripe or unripe, which will negatively affect the taste.

Ripening time

Harvesting cabbage depends on the variety. There are early ripe varieties - the crop 60-65 days after germination, and late ripening - 85-95 days. Among the early varieties “Vitamin”, “Vyarus”, “Komanchi”, “Linda”, “Tonus”, “Laser” are popular. Later ones are less common. Of these, the most popular are Maraton and Lucky.

Most often, varieties are selected that yield a crop after 60-65 days. Ripening dates also depend on the region. Harvesting broccoli often continues until mid-September. The most important thing is to have time to collect it before the onset of the first frost.


Harvesting is a more complicated process than growing cabbage itself, as it can be difficult to understand when the heads are already ripe. It is especially difficult for those who grow broccoli in the country, and because of this they can not constantly monitor the growth of the vegetable.

Signs that determine the readiness of cabbage for cutting:

  • head size. The diameter of a ripe head should not be less than 10 cm. If the cabbage has not reached such dimensions, then it is too early to collect it;
  • the color should be intense green and the buds should be closed. If you see that they bloom, and all the more yellow, then the cabbage is already overripe and it is high time to collect it. Overripe vegetable becomes unsuitable for use because of its taste;
  • head structure. They should be dense, but not very hard.

Broccoli is fully matured at least 60 days after the first germination. Harvesting shouldn’t start earlier.

Be sure to monitor the temperature and do not wait for the first frost: cabbage can remain on the garden only until the temperature drops below 0 degrees. Broccoli is sensitive to low temperatures, and even one night with frost can ruin the entire crop.

Cutting is advised to start in the early morning. In the afternoon, when the sun becomes intense, the crop can quickly wither. It is important to remember that the fruits can not be torn off, sawed off the stem, tear out, so you can damage the bush with the root, but it can give a second crop.

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The main thing is to carefully cut the cabbage, its preservation depends on this. Garden secateurs (you can also use the usual sharp knife) make an oblique cut and separate the heads. It is important not to damage the leaves that are located below the stem.

After cutting the main head (if it is cut carefully and the bush is not damaged), the active growth of side shoots will begin. New heads will be tied, and it is important not to miss the moment of their maturity so that they retain their taste. New heads of cabbage will be smaller than the main ones, but no less tasty.

How to store a crop

Storage is highly dependent on the variety. Broccoli is considered capricious cabbage, it is difficult to keep it fresh for a long time, but this is due to a mistake that is often made: they try to preserve the early varieties. The fact is that early ripe broccoli is not suitable for long-term storage or for freezing, so it must be eaten immediately. Later varieties can be stored and frozen.

The difficulty of storing broccoli lies in the fact that it can stand in a ripe form for 5 to 15 days, so it is better to freeze it to extend storage. If you need to keep it fresh cabbage, then it must be placed in the refrigerator. It is imperative that the heads of cabbage be healthy and intact.

Storage conditions:

  • humidity should not exceed 90%;
  • temperature should not be more than +10 degrees.
  • Store broccoli in a separate box in which there will be no other vegetables and fruits.

You can extend the shelf life of fresh cabbage, if you follow the rules:

  • only cabbages should be selected for storage without dark dots and damage by insects - such fruits will quickly begin to rot;
  • Do not place wet vegetables in the refrigerator, so wash them only before cooking;
  • Do not put vegetables in a closed plastic bag, otherwise this may cause mold.

Not always long-term storage of cabbage positively affects its taste. The longer the broccoli costs, the less juicy and tasty it will be. Therefore, if you do not plan to cook it soon after cleaning from the garden, it is better to freeze it to preserve the taste.

Shelf life of broccoli with proper freezing up to six months. Frozen peeled and thoroughly washed cabbage is frozen. Before placing it in bags for freezing, the vegetable is soaked in salt water to rid it of insects. After, the cabbage is divided into inflorescences, blanched, and then placed in ice water. This treatment allows you to save all vitamins and other useful substances in broccoli. Excess water is drained, then the inflorescences are frozen.


The most important thing in growing broccoli is to determine when the cabbage is ripe. Do not leave it in the beds until frost, as this can ruin the entire crop. Heads of cabbage must be carefully cut without damaging the bush, as it will yield a subsequent crop. It is better not to store broccoli fresh for a long time: it is advisable to immediately use it or freeze it in a freezer.

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