Red beans: benefits and harms, properties, how to cook

21.04.2019 Beans

Legumes, regardless of species and variety, saturate the human body with valuable proteins, amino acids and vitamins. Especially a lot of healthy elements are part of red beans. Dishes from it are included in different diets. Very often this product is used to reduce weight. When used correctly, the benefits of red beans to the human body are enormous. But if there are some contraindications, this product should be discarded.

Chemical composition

Bean culture has all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of the body. This product contains the following macro and micronutrients:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

In addition to them, the composition of red bean grains includes almost all the vitamins of group B, K, nicotinic acid, niacin. They enhance cellular metabolism and immune defense, heal skin and hair. Niacin provides a complete assimilation of the protein, heals the heart, normalizes the state of the nervous system, improves vision.

Red bean also supplies the human body with essential amino acids:

  1. Tryptophan has a sedative effect, helps to get out of a depressive state, relieves stress and normalizes sleep.
  2. Arginine supports the health of the reproductive system, gives elasticity to the skin.
  3. Lysine prevents the development of cancer, strengthens the immune system.
  4. Tyrosine normalizes the work of organs of the endocrine system, removes from a state of depression, has an antioxidant effect, reduces the risk of allergies.
  5. Histidine relieves anemia by being part of hemoglobin.

The nutritional value

Highly digestible high quality red bean protein. In its benefits, it is comparable to the protein of fish and meat. Calorie content of the product is 127 kcal per 100 g of product. The composition of nutrients is as follows:

  • 0.5 g of fat;
  • 8.67 g of protein;
  • 15.4 g of protein;
  • 7.4 g of fiber.

One glass of beans contains a sufficient amount of soft dietary fiber to saturate the body. Such a portion permanently relieves hunger and gives satiety. With the use of legumes, the body is freed from toxins.

Benefits and harms of red beans for the body

The advantage of the high-content red beans of Azuki in the composition of useful components that remain unchanged after heat treatment. This product is especially useful for children and adolescents. In childhood, it can be given after three years. It is best to combine beans with vegetables or fruits. So you can achieve maximum assimilation of nutrients.

It is good to eat red beans during a diet to reduce excess weight. Its effect is due to the fact that among the ingredients there is a substance that inhibits the production of alpha-milase.Dishes from this variety of beans reduce appetite and increase the rate of metabolic reactions.

It is red beans that contribute to weight loss. In just 7 days of eating beans, many women manage to eliminate 5-7 kg of excess weight.

Possible harm to the health of the use of beans can result only in childhood. Babies often have colic and gas in the intestines. Therefore, until the age of three, children do not need to give it. The same can be said about people suffering from flatulence or other intestinal diseases.

For men

It is good for men to eat red bean dishes to improve potency. It helps especially people who have to spend a long time at the computer. This product prevents the development of obesity and other related diseases. Beans saturates the male body, gives vigor, energy and strength.

For women

Beans to red women are especially healthy. This product contains magnesium, calcium and other beneficial substances. Thanks to them, the beneficial effect is carried out in several directions:

  • prevents dental diseases;
  • heals the organs of the reproductive system;
  • contributes to the normal course of pregnancy;
  • heals hair, strengthens nail plates;
  • rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin when using the product as part of home cosmetics.

Beans show their beneficial properties during pregnancy, due to the high content of folic acid. It contributes to the proper formation of the neural tube in the fetus. The sedative effect of this product helps to calm the nervous system and neutralize hormonal bursts during pregnancy. The high concentration of iron in this product helps to cope with anemia. Red beans with moderate consumption improves water metabolism and relieves muscle cramps. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid edema during pregnancy and relieve cramps.

After giving birth, you should not give up beans. This product nourishes breast milk with vitamins and protein. Thanks to the product, the child’s bone tissue is strengthened, muscles develop correctly, the body is saturated with oxygen, and water metabolism is normalized.

For children

In childhood, it is good to eat beans if for some reason you can’t eat meat. This product saturates the baby's body with protein. Legume easily assimilates and improves digestion. From red beans, the child's body receives the necessary energy, grows and develops faster. The B vitamins contained in the product soothe the baby’s nervous system. Therefore, dishes from this product are useful for children with increased excitability.

A digestive disorder in a child can only be with the use of mature beans, which are difficult to digest in childhood. Therefore, young beans are preferred for baby food. They can be steamed, boiled or made into cream soup. Such meals can be given to a baby from 1 year of age.

Including beans in the baby’s diet, you need to monitor the baby’s reaction. If he complains of abdominal pain or is troubled by gas, red bean-based meals are temporarily ruled out.

For weight loss

The healing properties of red beans contribute to the normalization of weight. This product successfully combines dietary fiber and slow carbohydrates. Therefore, it is classified as dietary and is recommended to use during a diet for weight loss.

By its properties, the protein of this variety of legumes is a complete replacement for the animal. Therefore, it will be useful to use for people who want to get rid of extra pounds, and those who can not eat meat for ethical or religious reasons. At the same time, bean dishes can be eaten at any time of the day, without fear of gaining weight.

The healing properties of red beans

The cultivation of red beans was practiced in antiquity.Then her healing properties were noticed. In recipes of alternative medicine, red beans are used to treat various diseases. Most often, dry pods left after peeling beans are used to prepare the preparations. They also prepare products based on flowers or ripened grains.

From pancreatitis

For the treatment of the chronic form of this disease, juice is extracted from the green pods of the plant. To do this, mix 100 ml of juice with 1 tbsp. l natural honey. This tool is divided into three doses and consumed throughout the day.

With diabetes

A decoction of dried leaves left after peeling beans, helps to normalize blood sugar. The tool helps to improve well-being with type 2 diabetes. To prepare the broth, pre-crushed sashes in the amount of 3 tbsp. l Fall asleep in a thermos and add 2 liters of boiled water. After insisting for 6 hours, the broth is taken in 1 glass per day before meals for 30 minutes.

The broth can be prepared from shredded green pods. To do this, take 4 tbsp. l raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiled water. The capacity is put in a water bath and heated for a quarter of an hour. Then another 45 minutes are left to brew. This infusion is also consumed three times a day before meals.

Infusions on the pods of red beans are used only as an additional treatment, but not as the main one.

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

In this case, home remedies based on red beans are used carefully. Otherwise, they will do less good than harm. It is useful to improve the condition to use boiled beans in the composition of the first dishes or salads. You can also prepare a decoction based on beans specifically. For this, 1 tbsp. l Beans are brewed with 200 ml of boiled water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. The resulting liquid is cooled and drunk at 2 tbsp. l after each meal.

To get rid of kidney stones

To cleanse the gallbladder and kidneys from the accumulation of sand and prevent the formation of stones, it is recommended to take a decoction regularly. It is prepared from the flowers of red bean varieties. Raw materials in an amount of 20 g are brewed with 200 ml of boiled water and left to infuse for 10 minutes. The resulting product is divided into 4 parts and taken throughout the day.

For accelerated wound healing

Ripe red bean grains have an antiseptic effect. Before use, they are ground in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. Then the product is mixed with water and a small amount of honey to make a cool dough. A cake is made of it and applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. The tool prevents the development of pathogenic microflora and dries the affected tissue.

Application in cosmetology

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To improve the condition of the skin varieties of red beans, Kidney and Azuki are used as part of cosmetic masks. Boiled beans rejuvenate the skin, remove the first wrinkles and eliminate unnecessary pigmentation. After using such a mask, skin elasticity improves, oily sheen disappears. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, this cosmetic procedure eliminates acne, acne and other rashes.

Dry beans are used to prepare the cleansing mask. They are ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with the same amount of white clay. The mass is diluted with water until a slurry is obtained. Then the product is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. To get a good effect, it is enough to do this procedure weekly.

A tightening mask is made from cooked beans.They are ground in mashed potatoes, add 1 tbsp. l lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil. The mass is distributed over the face and left for 20 minutes. This mask smoothes fine wrinkles and strengthens the contours of the face.

Cooking Application

For cooking, use independently grown red beans or bought in a store. Delicious soups, salads, side dishes are prepared from this bean culture, added to the pie filling or canned. Bean-based dishes are especially common in Latin American cuisine. Spicy dishes are prepared from beans, combining it with meat and other vegetables. In Ukraine, beans are added to borsch and beet salads. In Jordan, boiled beans are used to make flat cakes.

Proper cooking

Before heat treatment, dry beans must be soaked. This procedure softens the hard tissue of the grains, speeds up cooking and reduces gas formation when eating dishes.

You can soak in cold or hot water. In the first case, the residence time of grains in the liquid is 8-10 hours. Therefore, beans are usually soaked in the evening, and in the morning a dish is prepared from it. In the second case, the beans are kept in boiling water for 2 minutes, and then left in hot water for 3 hours, turning off the heat.

The water in which the beans were soaked must be drained. You need to cook the product in clean water.

After soaking, the beans are boiled in clean water for 2 hours. To speed up cooking, salt or lemon is added only at the very end of cooking.

Bean Dish

What foods does red bean go with?

Red beans form successful flavor combinations with all vegetables and herbs. Especially often they are combined with tomatoes, cilantro and onions. As a side dish, beans are suitable for fish and meat. In the Caucasus, lobio is made from beans, which also includes walnuts, seasonings and garlic.

Large beans are used to make chili along with meat, curry and pepper. Small adzuki beans are taken to make a salad with apples, celery and walnuts.


This tasty and hearty dish is especially popular in Georgia. It takes a little time to cook it if you soak the beans in advance, in the evening.


  • 1 cup red bean;
  • 2 tbsp. l butter;
  • 0.5 tsp coriander;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 0.5 cups peeled walnuts;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • salt and ground pepper to taste.

How to cook:

Beans are soaked overnight in warm water. In the morning, the liquid is drained and the product is boiled in pure water until soft. Melt the butter in a pan and add coriander to it. Finely chopped onion is fried in oil until golden. Mix onion with beans and chopped garlic, add chopped nuts and chopped herbs. Dish salt and pepper, mix well.

Chicken and Bean Salad

This salad is very satisfying. Therefore, it can be used as a main dish.


  • 300 g of boiled chicken;
  • 150 g of cheese of any hard variety;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 300 g canned corn;
  • 200 g canned red beans.

How to cook:

Chicken and cucumbers are cut into small cubes and transferred to a salad bowl. Cheese is grated on a coarse grater and added to meat and cucumbers. The rest of the ingredients are sent there, the garlic is squeezed through a press. The salad is thoroughly mixed and served.

How to choose and store

Most consumers prefer to buy ready-made products rather than growing beans on their own. In the store, red beans are packaged in packs or by weight. You can also purchase canned red beans.

When you buy a product in a package, be sure to check its integrity, look at the date when the product was packaged, and its shelf life. If the pack is transparent, then check that there is no debris among the grains.If the beans get by weight, then look at the quality of the grains themselves. Their shell should be without damage, cracks and traces of the life of insects. Looks like a quality product, you can see in the photo.

When buying canned beans, also pay attention to the expiration date and manufacture of the product. Be sure to check the composition so that it does not have harmful ingredients of artificial origin.

Red beans

Unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes add bisphenol, which is hazardous to health, in canned beans.

Store beans purchased by weight better in a hermetically sealed jar in a cool and dry pantry. The packaged product is stored until the time indicated on the package under the same conditions. Canned food is best kept in the refrigerator. The cooked bean dish is stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days in a tightly closed container.


Arina, 25 years old

I sat on a bean diet for a week. The food, of course, is monotonous, but during this time I lost 4 kg and the difference is very visible in the photos that I took before and after the diet. The result pleased me, I did not feel hungry, but there was discomfort from a large number of legumes. Therefore, I will not dare to repeat such an experiment.

Svetlana, 40 years old

I often cook beans as a side dish for meat. This is a tasty and satisfying dish. It is much more useful than potatoes, as it saturates the body with protein. If you make bean soup, it turns out delicious and without the addition of meat.


Red beans are a tasty and healthy dish. With proper heat treatment, they do not harm the body. Decoctions based on these varieties of legumes can improve well-being in some diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to use beans as a normal food or medicine.

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