Garden tax for summer residents from 2019 in Russia

21.01.2019 Uncategorized

The latest news in the media once again confirms the postulate about the inherent opposition and yellow press, unscrupulous and incorrect reporting. Rumors about the garden tax introduced in 2019 have alarmed all enthusiasts of cucumber and onion potatoes, lovers of fresh apples and flower beds.

The law, which supposedly affects the lives of 60 million summer residents and makes them pay 50 thousand a year, actually turned out to be a bill submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in order to expand the list of activities for the patent tax system, which has nothing to do with ordinary individuals .

Briefly about the problem

Explosions of indignation on social networks, videos posted and a serious scandalous wave on the Internet made it necessary for representatives of the United Russia party to clarify. One of the authors of the bill, S. Maksimova officially announced to media representatives about the irresponsible and incorrect interpretation of the bill.

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This document has no relation to summer residents and gardeners, if they are not individual entrepreneurs. But even if a person has a patent for such activities, this does not mean that he will pay some taxes for fruits and vegetables grown for his own needs.

Homestead farming in nonprofit partnerships is nothing more than a way to survive in the face of inflation and satisfy the natural urge to work in the fresh air. Statistics show that the majority of Russians, if they do not work in summer cottages, plan to purchase them. It is logical that rumors about the upcoming universal annual payment of 50 thousand rubles. under the new taxation, caused a wave of indignation and indignation, negative emotions and excited calls.

In Russia, the law on mandatory registration of buildings located on land entered into force. Those who did not do this, for 10 years from the date of acquisition, in spite of all the deferrals provided, counted on avoiding the introduced tax, since the registration is entered into the Federal Register, on the basis of which it is charged.

Amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provide for payment in double amount for those who are not concerned about the implementation of the law for ten or more years from the date of purchase. The reason for the double payment is the irrational use of the land allotment, since there are no buildings on it, according to Rosreestr.

If the site is intended for residential construction, then in the first three years a double tax will be charged until the registration of the finished building.

As for the resonant bill, which supposedly comes into force in March2019, then this is nothing more than another reason to inflate false information, into a fact causing a sea of ​​indignation. The authors of the bill do not imagine where the figure of 50 thousand came from, and even more so dating in March, if the tax year has already begun.

For reference!
The bill has not yet been adopted, but its main purpose was not to levy tax from gardeners, but to expand the areas of activity in which the patent tax system can be applied. Forced registration of each summer resident as an individual entrepreneur, no one is going to produce.

Why there was a misunderstanding

The latest news that trumpeted the introduction of an overwhelming 50,000th garden tax for summer residents is a clear example of what happens if incompetent people famously set forth a topic they’ve ordered, without fully understanding the essence of the issue. The list of activities that individual entrepreneurs on the patent system can engage in is set out in the law on the application of SPEs.

It may have different interpretations, depending on the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur (individual subject of the federation). Individual entrepreneurs are provided with conditions that must be observed if they intend to use this system. For example, the number of employees should not exceed 15.

This is a form of tax payment, in which it is not necessary to keep complicated reports, to file a declaration of income, because the amount payable to him is calculated when paying for a patent.

The list of activities that can legally be pursued by a person acquiring such a document is not always the same, because local authorities can expand it at their discretion. However, there are limitations: it applies only to retail trade and the provision of services to the public.

The new bill, which is still under consideration and has not been adopted, provided that it is approved, cannot enter into force in the middle of the tax year, because it has been adopted so as not to violate the reporting. All changes to the Tax Code may come into force from the beginning of the year, and samples and forms for filling out documentation are prepared for this.

The provision of services to the population is a fairly wide list of points, which includes:

  • catering services and production of planting materials (seedlings, seeds);
  • baking bakery or bread products, and picking wild berries and mushrooms;
  • excursions, ritual and ceremonial services;
  • hire, rental and conservation of fruits and vegetables, etc.

The law that generated a lot of noise on the Internet - not only not the law, but just a draft that has not yet been adopted, implies not a cardinal taxation on all individuals on a tiny plot of growing cucumbers and tomatoes. This is an amendment to the existing legislation on patents of the tax system with a simplified type of payment and documentation.

This rule does not apply to individuals and is relevant only to those who have taken the patent and are working for profit. Changes were made in order to expand the list and introduce there such types of activities as plant growing and animal husbandry.

You should carefully study not only high-profile messages from journalists, but also the statutes of gardening associations. Their main principle is non-profit activity - that is, not for sale, but for their own needs.

Therefore, summer residents and belong to the category of individuals, and not to individual entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of crops or livestock for profit.

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Comments on the article: 8
  1. Avatar


    would say thank you that people cultivate the land young do not need all this soon everything will grow over with a cow parsnip and there are already so many abandoned “summer houses” and you all taxes

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  2. Avatar


    The site fell into the ZOIT zone, registration was stopped from last year and what will be the tax now, of course, if there is an increased tax, it’s easier for me to quit this site and correctly, Dina writes that he will overgrow with borshchik and there will be many more abandoned sites. warn the owners of the sites and do not write about it in the USRN. Everything is done not for people.

    To answer
  3. Avatar


    Guys, do not panic summer residents it does not concern

    To answer
    1. Avatar


      Air while breathing without tax while I’m free

      To answer
  4. Avatar


    Give the original of this project!

    To answer
  5. Avatar


    Young lady, you just make people nervous, read two of your completely contradictory materials. You are not a lawyer, so leave the ranting on the topic of future and existing laws to yourself and, in the absence of a legally competent interpretation, don’t scam people, it’s hard to live without you. Engage in your greenhouses, beans, sidewalks and do not meddle where you are not asked. If the social network is your main income - work correctly and on your topic, otherwise you will find a scarf on a loud mouth.

    To answer
  6. Avatar


    All mixed in a bunch .... if the grandmother sells onions at the bus stop ... should I take a tax from her? At a minimum, it is necessary ... for it is not clear where she got this bow from, maybe outbids and give it to her for sale. And the faces of the faces of these grandmothers ... they certainly do not look like gardeners.
    And that whoever grows up in SNT doesn’t bother anyone ... because the documents say so, agricultural land.

    And people don’t plant anything right now ... laziness is a power tool for working on the ground, roads. Village only, and then if the tractor plows everything.

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  7. Avatar


    Yeah, they distract people with bullying to their neighbors, and during these holidays the clamps drag and slavery.
    So the slaves and shniri gentlemen (who are insolent) and all

    To answer

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