Do-it-yourself perch for laying hens: original ideas (photo)

16.11.2017 Construction

Many sources claim that a correctly made, correctly placed and arranged chicken nest is not only an element of order in the chicken coop, but also a guarantee of better egg productivity and quality. According to the drawings, making a roost for laying hens with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to take care of the purchase of materials in advance. And the original ideas of perches will be provided to you at!

Many residents of villages and villages who grew up in conditions of constant physical labor and painstaking work do not betray the importance of such details. It is believed that the bird itself will be able to find a secluded place in the barn. This is a wrong opinion, since the productivity of laying hens directly depends on comfort and coziness.

Features perching

Before you publish the main ways to create nests for chickens with your own hands, it is worth indicating the locations recommended by specialists for their location:

  • the location of the perches should be placed in strictly designated and prepared places that are in the shade, far from sunlight;
  • the nest should be placed in a dry place in the chicken coop, out of the reach of moisture and rain;
  • It should be in a warm place.

In this context, it will not be out of place to note the fact that in order to increase the comfort level of chickens in rainy, cold weather with high humidity, it is necessary to shower the floor and nests with hay or straw. Many villagers use sawdust that retain heat and absorb moisture when it is available.

[sc name = "info-attention" text = "We must not forget about such a thing as cold, which occurs during the winter and autumn. In order to avoid a decrease in activity and the appearance of diseases, nests should be placed away from the front door, windows, or above their level, which is difficult to implement with a low shed ceiling. ”]

Another addition will be that when creating perches, you need to carefully check the place of their future location for the presence of nails and chips in it so that they do not hurt themselves. Drawings and photos of roosts for laying hens are needed to do it yourself without any difficulties. There are a lot of original ideas, it remains to bring them to life!

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Types of Sockets

Every self-respecting agricultural owner, including the presence of chickens, should be aware of the existence of several types of such structures. A nest for laying hens in the form of a box stuffed with hay or straw, in which hens lay eggs. The technology is probably used by every villager.

If the number of chickens is very high, far exceeding the mark of 200, or even 300 pieces, the owners of such a large-scale farm develop so-called egg collectors - designs of the end of the twentieth century, which are trays where eggs from all perches fall immediately after their appearance, not letting the hens break them or even touch them.

[sc name = "info" text = "When creating roosts, it is necessary to take into account the number of individuals in the chicken coop, it should be borne in mind that the approximate number of laying hens per nest should be calculated on the basis of the principle“ 1 roost per 5 hens ”. In the case of fewer places per bird, egg loss may occur. ”]

Perch for laying hens: detailed instructions

In this context, it makes no sense to talk about creating an egg collection: firstly, to owners of 5-10 chickens, he, in fact, is not needed; secondly, the creation of such a design at home is a complex procedure.

Most often, for the installation of an automatic egg collector, call experienced in this industry, specialists. There is the possibility of purchasing finished parts for subsequent assembly.

A quality perch for laying hens with an egg collector is easy to do with your own hands if you have drawings and step-by-step instructions.The main thing is to do everything in accordance with a pre-developed plan and project. Next, step-by-step instructions on creating perches for laying hens in a variety of variations will be presented.

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Photo: Roosts for chickens

Nest is a very important element of the chicken coop and poultry conditions. Perches combined with a place where the chicken can be carried is a very interesting solution, which allows to save space as much as possible. Original ideas and various sizes can also be used by you in any combination. Next, the most common projects that you can implement will be presented.

Car tire socket

Maybe this option will be ridiculous for someone, but unacceptable for someone, but the facts speak for themselves now: many villagers make nests for chickens using a car tire.

  1. Choose the right place. It should be dry and warm.
  2. It will be necessary to take the tire and put it in the planned place.
  3. Inside the tire, it will be necessary to fill up about 500 grams of sawdust to maintain heat.
  4. On top of sawdust, it is recommended to lay hay, laying it out so that the center of the tire is 3-4 centimeters below its walls.
  5. After the first laying, the bird will lay the litter on its own as it is comfortable.
  6. To give an original style, you can paint the outside of the tire with paints.
  7. Perch is ready.

[sc name = "info-attention" text = "A car tire is not always the best option, due to cumbersome."]

Roost and nest layout
Roost and nest layout

In most cases, such designs are used on a private courtyard in the summer. In winter, choose small and comfortable wooden boxes, they are most suitable for the chicken coop.

DIY perch for chickens (drawing)
Perched in the form of a box

The perch together with the egg collector is perfect for winter keeping of the bird. At this time, they carry few eggs and need a lot of vitamins. Often there are times when a bird pecks off a shell. If a special collection with storage is installed, then such situations will not arise. The most important thing is to responsibly approach the production procedure.

Box perch

This style of execution is less energy-consuming, requires a minimum of materials. Perches in the form of boxes are used everywhere and have many advantages.


Today, the nest for laying hens in the form of a box is popular, which is not only comfortable for chickens, but also convenient for humans.

  1. Take a crate with a height of not more than 20 centimeters (plastic or wooden) and place it on a selected, previously prepared dry place in the barn.
  2. As in the first version: sprinkle the bottom with sawdust, and then with hay.
  3. That's all, the much-desired and much-needed nest is ready.

This is the most optimal and common option for making roosts for laying hens with your own hands. You can easily collect eggs and you will be sure you are safe. Agriculture today is of great importance for the population of the country, therefore, care for poultry should be in accordance with veterinary requirements.

Decorative nests for layers

In fact, it’s very easy to make original ideas of roosts for hens with your own hands, since each method has a photo with detailed instructions. Either for fun, or “there is nothing to do”, some owners of private chicken coops approach the creation of perches extraordinary.


So, someone makes perches from the aforementioned tires in the form of a flower, and some, from a box, invent a real multi-storey, decorated house for chickens, which does not scare the layers themselves.The material for the manufacture of the presented designs can be applied differently, it all depends on your financial capabilities.

Video on creating a perch for laying hens:

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