About the time of planting seedlings of cucumbers in 2017

16.01.2016 Cucumbers

Growing seedlings of cucumbersChoosing the exact dates when to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2017, it is necessary to take into account some points. In the framework of our region, cucumbers can be called one of the most unpretentious vegetables. With minimal care, they will always give an excellent harvest. In Russia, there is practically no such region where cucumbers are not grown in summer (perhaps only in the Arctic, and then there are special greenhouses for this purpose).

What factors determine when to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2017 in the Moscow Region or in another region? Of course, from the date when you plan to plant grown seedlings in the ground. Unlike peppers or tomatoes, cucumber seedlings are quickly enough ready for transplanting. So, you must initially correctly calculate the temperature of air and soil in a certain period in order to quickly plant young bushes.

About exact dates and calculations

So, the seeds of cucumbers from the moment of planting rise quickly. If they provide a temperature of about 24 degrees Celsius in the cuvettes, then the first sprouts will appear in a couple of days. At the same time, at home, seedlings of cucumbers can be grown no more than two weeks after the appearance of the first sprouts. All these tight deadlines must be considered when deciding exactly when to plant seedlings.

If we consider the middle zone of Russia, then at the end of May the soil is ready to accept seedlings of cucumbers. It’s clear that in the greenhouses you can start planting this crop in early May. That is, if you plan to plant in a greenhouse, then the best time to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2017 is the end of April (somewhere around the 20th). If you plan to plant cucumbers immediately in open ground, then you can plant seeds for home seedlings in mid-May.

How to grow seedlings of cucumbers

In the southern and northern regions

Of course, in the southern regions of the country all these terms described above can be safely shifted by 2-3 weeks. That is, in the Krasnodar Territory and surrounding areas, you can plant cucumbers for seedlings three weeks earlier than was described for the suburbs. As for the north, the Urals, there, of course, everything happens a few weeks later.

In particular, it will be possible to plant seedlings of cucumbers in open ground in the Urals only in the tenth of June. So, seedlings at home can be safely planted only at the end of May. As for the regions of Siberia, there cucumbers are grown only in greenhouses. The beds during planting, even in greenhouses, must be heated with manure or compost.

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How dates depend on the variety

Much in germination and seedling growth rate depends on the variety. This also needs to be considered when choosing specific sowing dates. In particular, varieties can be early and late. In hybrid cucumbers, seeds are generally more resistant.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings

The only thing that is extremely important to remember: cucumbers love heat and moisture. It doesn’t matter if only seedlings are grown or cucumbers are already growing in the garden, it is extremely important to ensure these two indicators in any situation. But the abundance of moisture can be fatal, as well as too high temperatures. So, compliance with the rules of the golden mean will especially help in caring for cucumbers.

About the phases of the lunar calendar

We must not forget that the date when planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2017 according to the Lunar calendar is also calculated the most suitable. On the pages of our site we already wrote in detail about Lunary calendar for this month and even about a special gardener calendar for the whole year.

Do not be lazy and look at the Lunar calendar when you start work on planting seeds.After all, the crop directly depends on the seedlings, so the process is responsible. If you do not want to go into the description of the phases of the moon at all, then we note that planting in the soil and doing any garden work is not recommended (and strictly) on the days of the full moon and new moon.

Cucumbers for seedlings in 2017

What once again I want to talk about even in the article when to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings in 2017, is that the seeds must be chosen correctly. You must not only choose the varieties suitable for your region, but also familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of their growth and care. Before planting seeds, they need to be checked (thrown into the water and remove all that float). Then you must hold in a solution of potassium permanganate, a few days in a damp cloth, and only then plant it in the soil.

Summing up the article, the exact dates for planting cucumbers on seedlings are for you to determine. Keep in mind that cucumber seedlings at home should not grow more than 15 days after the first sunrises.

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar


    In planting cucumbers, the main factor is the efficiency and accurate timing. The fact is that seedlings of cucumbers very quickly emerge and the stem grows. And if the soil has not yet warmed up enough for planting, and the stem length is already more than 20 cm, then you should not expect a crop from such seedlings. Therefore, it is very important to calculate the time for planting in order to plant seedlings of optimal size in open ground.

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