Planting and caring for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

15.04.2015 Cucumbers

Cucumbers in the greenhouseThis article will discuss how cucumbers are in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care are properly organized. In general, early cucumbers, for example, cannot be grown at all without creating greenhouse conditions. Very often gardeners grow cucumbers in greenhouses.

As for polycarbonate, this material is better for modern greenhouses than any other. It should be noted the excellent opportunities for the conservation of heat, to collect light. Not a single leaf of cucumber, and the greens of this culture is tender-tender, will not receive a sunburn even in the clearest weather. Plus, most greenhouses of this type differ in that they have special windows (ventilation is important at an early stage, immediately after transplanting seedlings into the ground). In general, there are only a few points that you must remember when growing cucumbers in this greenhouse.

How to prepare seedlings for planting

You can grow any kind of cucumber in a polycarbonate greenhouse landing: and leaving will be approximately the same. But, it all starts with a room transplant seedlings in the ground. In general, many bold gardeners claim that in the presence of a greenhouse it is from this material that seeds can be planted in the ground.

It is important to pay attention to the seeds, whether the initial seedlings are planned or not. For greenhouses, only those varieties that can grow in closed ground are selected. The main feature of the variety here will be that there is no urgent need for insects to pollinate flowers. It is best to buy hybrid varieties for this purpose.

Polycarbonate Greenhouses

The fundamental advantages of hybrids, in addition to the absence of the need for pollination, also include:

  • High yield
  • No need for vaccination against diseases;
  • No need to soak the seeds;
  • Before planting, seeds do not need to be treated with an antiseptic;
  • It is better to choose hybrids bred specifically for your region;

Important! For cultivation in greenhouses made of polycarbonate, you can safely buy such hybrids as "Caprice", "Hally", "Marinade" and others.

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How to arrange beds

Since cucumbers are very fond of heat, warm beds are necessary for them. To do this, manure or compost is placed in each hole. It is best for one bed to make a trench a meter wide. Fresh manure is laid at the bottom, and then soil is laid.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Then put the seeds in the prepared bud and cover them with foil. Wait for the seeds to sprout. But, if you plant already finished seedlings, then no film is required. If there is nowhere to take manure to heat the beds, then you should take compost prepared from sawdust and foliage. In general, any organic material is suitable for heating.

Important! Before planting the finished seedlings, you need to wait until 4-5 leaves appear on it. Since heat is quickly stored in a polycarbonate greenhouse, it will be possible to plant seedlings in early April. But, if the weather had not settled warm by the beginning of April, it is better to wait until the beginning of May.

Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

What is the main care:

  • To water. Cucumbers are very fond of a humid climate, so you need to constantly water the soil. Well, if you manage to provide drip irrigation. Water should be warm because the lower the temperature of the liquid, the slower the growth of cucumbers. It is also important that the water does not fall on the leaves, because, they can begin to hurt.
  • Ventilate the greenhouse.
  • Provide moderate top dressing. In the soil there is not always enough organic fertilizer.And this, by the way, has a bad effect on the development of the stem and fruits. So, organic fertilizers should be constantly added to the ground so that there are not many empty flowers. A very good way to constantly fertilize is to breed manure in water for irrigation. You can buy special mineral fertilizers. But it is important for the entire growing season of cucumbers to fertilize the soil no more than five times.
  • Constantly loosen the soil. Loosening is necessary so that a sufficient amount of air enters the root system. Loosening of the stalk should be carried out carefully, because the stalks can be damaged. Especially if they are still young and fragile.

Important! The more convenient the cucumbers will be formed on the stem, the higher the yield. Therefore, it is important to tie the bushes on time and correctly. In a polycarbonate greenhouse, a garter is done simply, because there is always enough space there.

Well, these are the main points for growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse. In principle, there is absolutely nothing complicated, but you need to immediately decide whether you will plant seeds immediately or, all the same, initially grow seedlings at home. We wish you a great garden season!

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