We heat the house without gas and electricity on our own

25.07.2017 Construction

How to heat a house without gas and electricity with your own hands?Heating residential buildings, private buildings away from central heating and power lines is a daunting task. Alternative energy is rarely used on the territory of the Russian Federation, in addition to all associated equipment is also expensive. There are several basic techniques for heating a house without gas and electricity with your own hands, which you can use in certain situations. Each project has its own nuances and features, they should be taken into account.

Solid fuel boilers

There are a lot of theories about heating a house without gas and electricity, but they all boil down to installing stoves. Solid fuel boilers that you can make yourself can be called the best option.

Their advantage lies in the loading unit, where firewood is stored for combustion. Fuel, depending on the volume, lasts for 1-5 days. This kind of equipment has no special differences from the furnace, except for the loading box. In addition to firewood, you can use woodworking waste, coal and other materials.

The construction of stoves and fireplaces is the most optimal and cheapest way to provide heat to a home.

But there is one caveat, a fireplace can only heat one room.

It is not difficult to build a structure, for this you only need to develop a design of the furnace and chimney. Construction is best left to professionals, as there are safety precautions and quality standards that must be followed. Before using a stove or fireplace for a long time, you need to test.

The only drawback of the fireplace is that there is an open fire in the room, which can provoke a fire.

Of course, such situations are extremely rare. The solution to the issue of heating should be carried out only in the warm season, since in winter you can not think of anything.

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Alternative Sources of Electricity

Modern varieties of solar-powered heat collectors are incredibly popular. These are quite complex installations that generate electricity, which subsequently turns into heat. The cost of such equipment is quite high, but you will have to buy if there is no possibility of connecting to the central heating system. Solar panels have a fairly high efficiency, but only work during the period of activity of the sun.

The accumulated batteries are also designed for a short time.

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Wind farms are a great way out. You get electricity yourself, which can be spent on heating equipment. Energy can be used to start heat pumps, they will heat the water, and pump it through pipes.

The construction of a wind power plant today seems possible, since it can be constructed with your own hands, or you can buy ready-made spare parts for assembly. In fact, everything is quite simple, if you approach the solution of issues thoroughly.

Use of energy of geothermal sources

In Iceland, the leadership of many cities does not think about how to heat a house without gas and electricity with their own hands, as nature helps them. Many people know that the country is completely dotted with geothermal springs, geysers and ponds with hot water.

Everything is connected with the geological activity that is observed in this region. The design of the heating system is quite simple; input and output circuits are used. The advantage of this option of heat supply is that hot water moves independently through pipes. Due to the pressure created by the rocks, the fluid moves along the thermal circuit and is easily sent for disposal.

There are difficulties in servicing such geothermal installations, since the question arises as to where the cooled agent will go. It has to be pumped back into the reservoirs, and for this you need auxiliary equipment. In our country, these methods are not yet used, since there are no suitable conditions except Kamchatka. Residents of the Far Eastern region are already practicing the latest technologies for the use of alternative energy. Of course, this is not always possible, but there are positive changes.

When choosing the option of heating a house without gas and electricity with your own hands, think about safety measures.

What you come up with will not always meet the requirements and may lead to fire and other negative consequences.

It is best to purchase ready-made solid fuel boilers, they will perfectly cope with the heat supply of any premises.


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