How to treat apple trees in the fall: fight against diseases and pests

25.11.2016 Apple tree

Processing apple trees in the fall from diseases and pestsIn this material, we will discuss in detail the question of what and how the processing of apple trees in the fall from diseases and pests. With the advent of autumn, gardeners, of course, become less busy, but it's too early to rest. After the main crop is harvested, fruit trees, including apple trees, need to be prepared for winter.

This is an extremely important stage of work, because autumn processing protects against the development of diseases in the spring, pest attacks, and rodent invasions. These measures lead to a future yield increase. Of the main ways to prepare apple trees for wintering it should be noted top dressing, mandatory watering and pruning. Processing is also carried out using chemicals (spraying), the barrel is whitened and its insulation is carried out.

About autumn infections on apple trees (signs how to detect them):

  1. Often the gardener notices that the fruits are covered with dark spots and cracks appeared. At the same time, apples dry and fall prematurely. It is necessary to check the inside of the leaves for a brown or green coating. Both symptoms in the compartment indicate that the tree was struck by a common scab disease. It is necessary to treat the tree with urea in the fall (0.5 kg of urea is bred in a liter of water),
  2. If there are ulcerative lesions on the cortex, sometimes the cortex even turns red and the branches dry out, then this is an ulcer. To get rid of it, remove all infected parts of the apple tree, whiten the trunk, then spray the tree with Homa solution.
  3. From black (European) apple cancer, which often occurs on old trees, autumn whitewashing after removing all infected areas will also help.
  4. The milky obelisk gives itself out as dark spots on the cortex and on the trunk itself. Here it will be necessary to spray and also whitewash the trunk with a special composition (specifically, the composition for whitewashing apple trees is considered in the final part of this material).
  5. With the manifestation of lichen, it is necessary to clean the trunk from infection, and then treat the tree with a 3% solution of iron sulfate (oxalic acid can be used instead).
  6. Defeat with polypants requires the disinfection of a tree cut with a solution of copper sulfate 5%, then grease these places with garden var.
  7. Due to temperature changes during the transition from summer to autumn, reddish burns may appear on the trunks. They are treated with a mixture of clay and mullein, instead of a mixture you can use garden putty. From winter burns, it is imperative to whiten the tree and tie the trunk.

On the video on the topic of how apple processing in the fall from diseases and pests, you can also see that there are hidden infections that will be in fallen leaves or bark. With the advent of spring, such infections will gain new strength, so autumn is a way to carry out good preventive work.

Apple processing in autumn

What to do to protect against hidden infections

First of all, powdery mildew can be distinguished here. She loves to winter in the apple tree, so the gardener should think about using 1% Bordeaux liquid and copper sulfate solution (dilute 50 grams of the solution in a bucket of water), add 20 grams of laundry soap and spray the tree.

Be sure to burn the fallen leaves and treat the crown with Bordeaux liquid to protect the apple tree from the possible development of brown spotting in the spring. To destroy moniliosis, collect rotten apples, dig the earth under a tree.

Pests that winter

Various pests can take shelter in the bark, soil and fallen leaves near the tree for the winter. These are beetles, and larvae, silkworms, young bark beetles, winter moth, goose, ticks, apple moth.

To protect the garden and cure plants, you will need to help the tree. The complex of autumn work in this regard is the pruning of branches and possible shoots under the apple tree itself. Be sure to carefully and carefully clean the trunk, spray the tree, to whitewash it. Collect foliage under the tree and unnecessary fruits, remove. Carry out additional trimming of the trunks. how get rid of aphids on apple trees.

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How and how to spray

This material said that an important treatment of apple trees in the fall from diseases and pests with urea or Bordeaux mixture is spraying. But it is extremely important to whitewash the trees in the autumn garden care. At the first stage, there will always be spraying, which will prevent the development of fungi and putrefactive infections, and destroy pests.

Apple processing

Note! Even if active and regular autumn spraying is carried out, this is only a preventive measure. In the spring, additional processing is still carried out.

Start spraying the garden after all the leaves have fallen. If you start before that, then there will be burns on the leaves, fatal to the tree itself. As a rule, the period of active spraying in many regions of our country begins in November, but you shouldn’t postpone it until the last one: you need to catch it before the frosts.

Trees are sprayed on a clear and calm day. For spraying, you can simply use a broom, as was done in the old days. But today, to simplify the process, you can buy a manual or pump-action unit. It is imperative to observe your own safety precautions, wear special clothing, gloves and glasses, a respirator.

Processing of apple trees in the fall from diseases and pests at what temperature to start, they talked: the leaf should completely crumble, but it needs to be in time before the onset of frost. Before starting work, inspect the tree, if affected areas are found, then remove them (carefully look under the bark, where insects and larvae like to hide for the winter).

Cut damaged branches, cut the slices with garden var. Remove the fallen fruits, branches and garbage under the tree, burn it all. Now dilute the selected drug, mix several times and shake. If the preparation is mixed poorly, the processing of the tree will be uneven and this may even lead to the death of the apple tree with a high concentration of the composition on its specific part.

Spraying technology, depending on the selected composition:

  1. Urea is used to eliminate larvae, but this tool is extremely aggressive and is used exclusively after falling leaves. To process a young apple tree, two liters of solution is enough, adult trees require up to ten liters. For autumn processing, a composition based on 5% is made. Only the trunk, branches, and also the land are processed (even if the fallen leaves have not yet been collected).
    Copper sulfate is a reliable protection against many diseases, helps against ticks and beetles.
  2. Bordeaux mixture is the prevention of the development of fungal infections. Apply in the fall you need a 3% solution. You can immediately buy the finished mixture, or you can take 400 grams of hydrated lime and 300 grams of copper sulphate for 20 liters of water, treat with such a composition.
  3. The processing of apple trees in autumn from diseases and pests with iron sulfate is unique, because pests are destroyed, disease prevention is carried out, and the soil and the tree itself are saturated with iron.

These are the main important aspects of the autumn processing of apple trees.As you can see, here you need to learn a lot and understand what kind of treatment is suitable for your garden, which tool is best used to achieve specific goals.

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