How to carry out autumn processing of the greenhouse from pests

30.11.2016 Diseases and Pests

Processing greenhouses in the fall from pests and diseasesWhen and how the greenhouse should be treated in the fall from pests and diseases, every gardener should know. If everything is done right and on time, then next year there will be much less problems when growing garden crops. This is not to say that autumn greenhouse maintenance is difficult, but some rules will still have to be followed. Also read about what and how to process apple trees in autumn.

Before starting treatment in the greenhouse, you need to restore complete order. After themselves in the soil of the plant, even when they are already harvested, they leave seeds and roots, in which pests or their eggs can be found. Therefore, it will be necessary to carefully remove all the remains of plant crops, to remove at least seven centimeters of old soil from above.

It is imperative to dig the earth in the greenhouse for the winter, then many larvae will rise to the surface and die from the cold during the winter. For example, this is an extremely relevant measure to combat the larvae of the bear. As for the larvae of the May beetle, they are in a dense layer of soil, so you have to work through the soil manually to get rid of them. In addition, it is recommended that everything be treated with a solution and should be in time before the start of frost.

Advice! During the preparatory work, before starting the treatment of the greenhouse in the fall from pests and diseases, in order to improve fertility next year, remove dried mud from the walls.

Proper soil disinfection

From late blight and pests, it is necessary to properly process greenhouse soil in the fall. That is, not only use a special solution, but additionally add other ingredients, depending on the prevention of which disease or pests you want to carry out. For example, to get rid of a spider mite, it is necessary to burn sulfur.

In the case of using sulfur, special constructions of wood or metal must be prepared. Fill them with sulfur and make sure that up to one hundred grams of the substance per square meter of area. You can also use ready-made sulfuric drafts of 60 grams of substance in each. Here the treatment is carried out very carefully, it is imperative to use a gas mask. To increase sulfur toxicity, pre-moisten the greenhouse with water. After treatment, ventilate the greenhouse and rinse it well.

Processing greenhouses from pests in the fall

Sulfur checkers are suitable for excellent antibacterial treatment of the greenhouse, its internal space. During combustion, smoke is formed, penetrating into all microcracks and cracks, into the upper layer of soil. ABOUT autumn currant processing methods.

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Rules for processing with a sulfur block:

  1. Before processing, tightly close all cracks, as well as windows and doors, so that smoke does not leave the room.
  2. Set the sulfur block in the center of the greenhouse. If several checkers are used, then arrange them symmetrically in space.
  3. Set fire to the wick and leave the greenhouse, close tightly so that smoke does not come out.
  4. Leave the greenhouse closed for a day, and then ventilate well and rinse the walls with water.

Activities after

After using sulfur blocks, the walls of the greenhouse will have acid, which must be removed. Already wrote that the walls need to be washed, you can use ordinary water, but a 1-2% solution of pemoxoli is best for this.After processing the walls, additionally remove residual material using nylon brushes. At the end, rinse everything with plain water.

About soil preparation

On any thematic video on the topic of how the greenhouse is processed in the fall from pests and diseases, it will be said that the soil needs to be dug up. Do not forget about additional fertilizing of the earth during the autumn preparation. Be sure to add a little peat, humus and manure at the rate of half a bucket of fertilizer per square meter of area.

After carrying out fertilizing procedures, additionally sprinkle sand or ash in the greenhouse at the rate of liter per square meter. At the end, cover the ground with resin. In winter, you can add snow to the greenhouse: it will protect the earth from freezing in winter, and in the spring it will give it a sufficient amount of moisture.

sulfur checker

Definition of terms of processing

Processing from pests and diseases for the next year is necessarily carried out precisely in the fall. Spring procedures of this kind are also available, but they are not so effective. Here much will depend on the temperature of the earth: the lower it is, the faster the gas released during processing is absorbed.

Again, you need to remember that sulfur is used for processing in strictly limited quantities. It secretes acid, which can adversely affect the quality of the future crop. Processing can be carried out on any day of the fall, it is important to catch it before the onset of frost. Important stages of autumn garden treatment from pests.

Other possible methods of autumn processing:

  1. For film greenhouses, it is recommended to remove the material from the frame and dry it well. The design is treated with bleach (400 ml of lime in an ordinary bucket of water, infuse for four hours). The solution, which will be obtained from above as a result of preparation, can be used for spraying the soil.
  2. A greenhouse made of wood is treated with copper sulfate. Processing a wooden greenhouse in the autumn from pests and diseases with copper sulfate allows you to save the structure in proper order until spring. The containers in which the crop was grown should be scalded with boiling water.
  3. Some serious processing is not required for the steel greenhouse; it can simply be greased with lime or simply painted.

In order to get a good harvest in the greenhouse next year, it is necessary to prepare it in advance for wintering and the onset of spring. The fact is that in late autumn, just before the frost, the pests had already hibernated and laid off their larvae. That is, for a gardener this is a unique opportunity to neutralize pests when they are completely defenseless.

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