The best dressing for seedlings of cabbage to grow

20.09.2018 Cabbage

feeding seedlings of cabbage

Not everyone succeeds in growing strong cabbage seedlings. For beginners, it is most often frail, pale, thin. The reasons for this are a lack of light, excessively warm air, malnutrition. To obtain seedlings with a developed root system, a thick stem, you can not do without fertilizing.

You can use any type of fertilizer. Folk recipes also benefit cabbage.

Scheme for feeding cabbage seedlings

The first fertilizer is applied during the preparation of the soil mixture for planting. For the cultivation of healthy seedlings, this stage is very important. There is an infection (fungi, bacteria) in any garden soil, therefore, before sowing seeds, it is disinfected: they are heated in the oven and spilled with a potassium permanganate solution.

The soil mixture is prepared from garden soil, humus, sand. Sand take 1 part, and the earth and humus in 2. Add 10 kg of soil:

  • potassium sulfate - 50 g;
  • ash - 200 g;
  • superphosphate - 70 g.

Picking has a good effect on the root system. Dive plants are lower and stronger.

This soil mixture is suitable for growing seedlings of cabbage of any kind (white, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi). You can grow cabbage seedlings without picking and picking. Feeding regimens may vary in time.

We feed the first time

Sprouts cabbage quickly. The first sprouts hatch after 5-7 days. As soon as 2 leaves are opened, the seedlings are fed for the first time. Universal Crystal Powder is dissolved in water (10 g per 10 l or 1 g per 1 l) and cabbage is sprayed, the same solution can be used to water the plants under the root.

Complex fertilizer increases the resistance of seedlings to temperature extremes, infections. Similar processing can be carried out weekly. A break for 2 weeks is needed after a dive and after transplanting to a permanent place.

After the pick

Two weeks after the dive, it goes into adaptation. When the plants again start to grow, they are fed a second time. In total, before transplanting into open ground, seedlings are fed three times after a pick.

Fertilizers The number of days after a dive Volume of water in liters Fertilizer ratio in grams Norm on 1 plant (ml)
superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride 14 5 20:15:5 75
ammonium nitrate 28 10 35 100
superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride 3 days before transplanting into the ground 10 60:30:20 150

Lagging seedlings in the development of cabbage can be additionally fed on the leaves with a nitrophos. Add 5 g of fertilizer to 5 l of water.

Fertilizers for cabbage

During the summer, cabbage can be fed with various fertilizers. Subject to the necessary standards, there is no harm from their use.


In order for a large, not loose head to form, you need to feed cabbage with complex fertilizers:

  • Clear sheet;
  • Omu for cabbage;
  • Gaspadar
  • Nov Agro.

Universal crystal can be used throughout the growing season.


Nutrients are needed to form outer leaves and heads of cabbage. Nitrogen is needed during the active growth of leaves, phosphorus and potassium - during the period when the head of cabbage is formed.

Nitrogen is found in ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea. Potassium - in fertilizers:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • potassium chloride.

Superphosphate is added to increase the phosphorus content in the soil. The listed mineral fertilizers can be applied in bulk on wet soil with subsequent watering, or a solution can be prepared from them. Potash and nitrogen fertilizers are applied separately.

Popular folk

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Many summer residents manage to grow a good cabbage crop without chemicals, cost folk recipes. Boric acid is used to stimulate growth. Its solution is carried out in early July foliar top dressing. The acid powder practically does not dissolve in cold water, so they take a glass of boiling water, pour 1 tsp of the agent into it, stir until completely dissolved, pour into 10 l of water and use for spraying.

Yeast is very popular. They can be fed cabbage 2 times during the summer. The first time from July 10 to 15, and the second time from August 10 to 15. After yeast top-up, cabbage must be watered with infusion of ash every other day. For cooking, you need warm water (10 l) and yeast 100 g. Plants are watered under the root.

Late cabbage in early September is recommended to water with a soda solution. There is an opinion that soda prevents cracking of heads, prolongs the shelf life of heads. For 1 watering can you need to add 20 g of baking soda.

In early summer, cabbage ridges are watered with infusion of young nettles. In its composition, it can replace manure. Any container (barrel, bucket) is half filled with chopped green nettle. The remainder of the volume is supplemented with water. For better fermentation, the barrel is tightly covered with a lid. Fertilizer is ready in 4 days. You cannot water the cabbage with concentrated fertilizer. On a bucket of water it needs 1 liter.

In the first half of summer, cabbage needs nitrogen. It is in ammonia. You can buy it at any pharmacy kiosk. On a bucket of water takes 3 tbsp. l of floured fluid. In ammonia in early summer, you can feed cabbage of any ripening period.

In the second half of summer, potassium is needed for cabbage. It is in sufficient quantities in a banana peel. From it in 3-4 days, liquid fertilizer is prepared. A 3 liter jar takes from 3 to 4 skins.

Fertilizing after planting in the ground

Cabbage after transplanting into the soil for 5-7 days looks sluggish. It is neither fertilized nor watered at this time. It enters the phase of active growth after 2 weeks. It was at this time that she should be fed for the first time. Feeding is best done in cloudy, warm weather.

Mineral fertilizers can be applied under cabbage in a dry form, if the soil is wet, it rains regularly. On a 5 m² ridge, 500 g nitroammophoski is required. The fertilizer contains the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium necessary for cabbage. Options for other liquid top dressings are given in the table.

Fertilizers Fertilizer rate per 10 liters of water
fresh manure 200-300 g
"Prompter" 25 g
urea 15 g
ash, superphosphate 1 tbsp. 3 tbsp. l

During fruiting

The right feeding pattern during heading ensures good harvest. Fertilizers are applied 2 weeks after the first. Especially in need of nutrients cabbage is ultra-ripe and early. These varieties of cabbage from planting and before harvesting are fed only 2 times.


Root top dressing with any liquid fertilizer should be carried out only after watering.

Those who do not like mineral fertilizers can prepare an infusion of ash. On a bucket of water it needs 1 cup. No less useful cabbage infusion of fresh mullein. On a bucket of water it needs 1 liter. Of mineral fertilizers for cabbage nitroammofoska suitable. Her on a bucket of water you need exactly 2 tbsp. l

Large heads of cabbage are guaranteed with the simultaneous use of several fertilizers:

  • fresh manure 0.5 l;
  • azofoska 30 g;
  • Kemira-Lux 15 g.

The listed ingredients must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

When and how to feed late cabbage

The vegetation period in medium late, late varieties of cabbage is long. Head out after the first frost. If early ripening varieties are fertilized only 2 times, then late varieties are fertilized at least 4. A third time is fed 2 weeks after the second feeding. Last time - 3 weeks before cleaning.

If nitrogen is important in cabbage in the first half of summer, then phosphorus and potassium are more useful in the second half. She does not need nitrogen at this time. The easiest way to use mineral fertilizers. To 10 liters of water add 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate, 2 tbsp. l of superphosphate. Each plant will take 1.5 liters of solution.

The fourth (last) top dressing increases the keeping quality of the heads. They deteriorate less during storage. To prepare liquid fertilizer in 10 l of water you need to add:

  • ash 0.7 l;
  • potassium sulfate 50 g;
  • fresh manure 1 l;
  • complex fertilizer for cabbage 1 tbsp. l


It is worth taking the advice of experienced gardeners so that the plants benefit from fertilizing:

  • early varieties of cabbage, planted on a well-fertilized ridge, can optionally not be fertilized if the plants do not lag behind in development;
  • late-ripening varieties should be fed at least 4 times during the growing season;
  • the last fertilizer application should be carried out no later than 3 weeks before harvesting;
  • an overdose of fertilizers reduces the keeping quality of heads.

Without fertilizer, the soil in the garden will quickly become poor. Yields from year to year will decrease. Do not forget about the benefits of top dressing, to fertilize the system. Then in the fall cabbage will please with tight heads of cabbage. In early summer, it should be pampered with nitrogen, and in the second half - with phosphorus and potassium.

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