Planting pepper for seedlings in 2017

17.01.2016 Pepper

Planting pepper for seedlings in 2017To know exactly when it is best to plant the first seedlings of bell pepper, you need to know exactly where the seedlings will be planted, for example, in a garden under the open sky or in a greenhouse. Another solution for growing vegetables, which the gardener should take - what method to grow seedlings, and it can be with peaks and without peaks. Another point - at what time the gardener will plant the first sprouts of bell pepper in the ground.

If we consider the lunar calendar, then it is advised to start sowing seeds in February and March, but here you need to consider the lane of residence. For example, the timing of planting pepper for seedlings in 2017 in the middle lane is at the beginning and middle of February, but if the gardener lives in the northern part, it is better to start sowing in March, when the day becomes longer. If the planting of seeds was in February, it is necessary to take into account the length of the day. In February, the day is short enough and the plants will not have enough sunlight for normal growth, so the gardener should provide artificial light to the sprouts.

Planting pepper for seedlings in 2017

Those gardeners who grow their peppers in greenhouses sow the first seeds in the very early days of February, such seedlings can be planted not only in the greenhouse, but also in the greenhouse or just under a film that protects from severe frosts. In greenhouses, they create artificial heating to create good conditions for the growth of bell pepper. To get high-quality and strong seedlings, it is necessary that the sprouts receive a lot of light, to create artificial lighting, gardeners acquire fluorescent lamps, but ordinary lamps for a chandelier will not be able to provide the necessary lighting for the sprouts.

Recommended:Planting pepper seeds for seedlings according to the Lunar calendar 2017.

Sowing pepper for growing seedlings

To get the perfect seedlings, prepare good soil, for this you can take peat, turf land and sand, or replace the sand with humus. If you want to get better soil, then wood ash is added to the mixture, one bucket of such a mixture of earth will need only one glass of wood ash, this will be enough. This mixture for planting is saturated with minerals and special substances that will help seedlings to nourish and grow strong. It is not necessary to prepare the mixture for planting in this way, you can create your own land, but it is very important that the soil is very loose and soft. Of course, the earth should have in its composition many substances that will make the soil fertile, it should have a large amount of humus.

Usually, such a mixture is prepared for several more days, since microorganisms must have time to develop and begin to actively develop. To do this, the earth is steamed and a container with the earth is placed in a warm place. If you do not want to prepare the soil yourself, you can purchase ready-made soil, which is intended for planting pepper. If the gardener decides to plant different types of peppers, then sowing should occur separately, each variety is planted in different containers. But packages from seeds are not thrown away, but stored. Firstly, if the seedlings are strong, and the vegetables are tasty, then next year you can buy the same seeds. Secondly, on the packaging you can specify how to properly care for the seeds and some features of a particular variety.

Planting pepper for seedlings in 2017

Recommended:Planting tomatoes on seedlings for a greenhouse for 2017.

Most often, gardeners use the method of growing pickled bell pepper sprouts, and the seeds are planted in the soil a couple of months before the finished sprouts are transplanted into the soil.It is worth considering that the root system of pepper is quite vulnerable and weak, so you need to be careful when transplanting small sprouts. If seedlings are not carefully transplanted, the root system will be damaged, this will lead to the fact that the sprout may die or its restoration will drag on for a week or more.

To avoid damage to the rhizome, it is better to sow sweet pepper seeds in small pots or cups, from which you can easily extract the sprout along with the ground and transplant it into the prepared hole. If the sprouts will be planted in the ground along with the soil in which they grew, then sowing can begin 1.5 or 2 months before replanting the peppers. You can watch a video about planting pepper for seedlings in 2017, in it experienced gardeners will tell you how to plant seedlings and take care of it.

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If there are fears that not all seedlings will sprout, then two seeds are planted in one cup at once to get strong bores in each cup. If both seeds sprouted in a container with earth, then the weakest sprout is simply removed from the pot, and the strongest is transplanted into the prepared soil.

Planting pepper for seedlings in 2017

If pepper is sown in large boxes, then you need to observe the distance between each seed. For example, when one row is sown, 3-5 centimeters recede from it and another row is sown. Between each seed in a row there should be a distance of two centimeters, and the seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of one centimeter. If the gardener places the seeds too deep, the sprouts will be weak enough and may die soon, but those seeds that are planted too close to the prepared soil surface will die due to lack of moisture, as the top of the soil dries quickly.

When all the seeds have been planted, the soil is slightly crushed to compact the soil, and then the seeds are watered with water at room temperature. So that the soil does not dry out, a film is placed on top of the cups, you can replace it with glass, it creates a greenhouse effect and the soil will not be deprived of moisture. After planting, it is very important to place the seed container in a warm place. The seeds need heat, because in a cold room the earth will cool and the seeds will begin to rot. If you go through all the stages of preparation and sow correctly, in only 3-5 days the seeds will germinate. But you should not throw out the entire crop, if even after five days the pepper has not risen, some varieties of bell pepper emerge only a week after sowing.

When the first, almost imperceptible, bores appear above the surface of the earth, you can remove the film from the container with the ground and put the box with seedlings on the windowsill, where there is always a lot of sunlight. If there is not much light and the place is hot enough, the seedlings will stretch up, and this will degrade its quality. After only five days of this regimen, the small shoots are again sent to a fairly warm and well-lit place.

Recommended:Planting petunias for seedlings in 2017.

Planting pepper for seedlings in 2017

If these rules for growing sweet pepper sprouts are not followed, then the sprouts will turn out to be too sluggish, and the root system will be weakened, which will lead to the death of the plant when transplanted into the soil, or it will reduce the amount of yield. It is worth considering that bell pepper is in great need of a lot of light if there is insufficient lighting, but the appearance of the fruit will be late, for example, not after germination of the 9th petal, but only after the appearance of the twelfth. Another important point is watering. You can water the seeds only with warm water, if the water is cold, then the sprouts may not sprout at all, and already sprouted seeds weaken.

Picking seedlings

Very often, gardeners use this method so that the finished seedlings are stronger and have a good root system.A picking is the usual transplanting of seedlings into a more capacious container with the ground, but small sprouts are transplanted along with the soil in which it grew. Pepper transfers such movement easily enough.

How to feed seedlings

Planting pepper for seedlings in 2017

When the gardener picks the plant, he needs to be given time to recover, the sprouts are restored for about one week, after that you can start feeding peppers. The composition of top dressing should include substances and microelements necessary for pepper growth, you can purchase such fertilizer in a regular flower shop. It is worth considering that sprouts need to be fed carefully so as not to get an excess of minerals in the soil, this adversely affects the growth of the first sprouts.

Growing peppers is not so difficult, especially if grow in a greenhouse, most importantly, follow the advice of knowledgeable gardeners and take good care of small sprouts. Only in this case, wonderful plants will be obtained from seedlings and it will be possible to collect a large crop.

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