Proper planting of apple trees in autumn

15.11.2018 Apple tree

Planting an apple tree in the fall is a time-consuming undertaking, which requires certain knowledge and careful preparation. During operation, you should take into account the characteristics of the selected tree and the climatic conditions of the area. If everything is done correctly, then in a short period of time it will be possible to collect a good harvest and enjoy the wonderful taste of the gifts of nature.

Proper planting of apple trees in autumn

General information

Planting apple seedlings in the fall is a rather difficult event, which requires taking into account certain nuances. If you neglect them, you can encounter many problems and lose the crop for next year.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting

In order to understand when it is better to plant apple trees in spring or in the fall, it is necessary to study all the advantages and disadvantages of the process for each season. Most inexperienced gardeners prefer to plant young trees in spring, immediately after the snow melts.

However, professionals recommend that apple trees be planted in the fall. Their opinion is based on the following benefits:

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting of apple trees

  • A wide variety of seedlings available. In the fall months, seedlings growers offer gardeners many different varieties. This makes it possible to choose the best option, which is ideal for the climatic conditions of a particular area.
  • High survival rate. In autumn, young trees slow down all biological processes. This allows you to simplify the transplant procedure and help the seedling adapt more quickly to new conditions. With the first warmth, the apple trees take root quickly and begin to grow well.
  • Free time. Autumn is not such an active time for a gardener as spring. In this period of the year, you can more carefully approach the process of planting trees and not miss any nuances.
  • The need for minimal care. Apple trees planted in autumn do not need daily care. All the required actions are reduced to watering, which is necessary only with prolonged absence of rainfall.
  • Early awakening. If apple trees were planted in the fall, then with the onset of the first spring heat (temperature more than 4 degrees above zero), they will begin to grow rapidly.

The benefits of autumn planting apple trees

Despite the many advantages, the autumn planting of seedlings has several disadvantages. All of them must be taken into account, otherwise young trees may not survive the cold season.

The minuses include:

  • Danger from rodents. During winter, small garden rodents suffer from the absence of any food. Because of this, they can begin to eat the bark of the trees planted, which will lead to disease or death of an apple tree. Protect against pests it is possible with the help of arrangement of a protective grid.
  • Difficulties in determining the timing of planting trees in the ground. The optimal time for planting apple trees in autumn is quite difficult to predict. If you make a mistake and perform the procedure too late, then the tree will not have time to take root and may die from the first frosts. If planted too early, the apple tree may begin to grow due to a thaw. The appeared kidneys do not have time to open, which will lead to their death in frosts.

Important Terms

During the autumn planting of apple trees, important conditions must be observed. They will help the young tree to take root quickly and survive the winter safely.

The main nuances:

The disadvantages of autumn planting of apple trees

  • For autumn planting, seedlings should be chosen whose age does not exceed two years. In most cases, they are stronger than three-year-olds, they will better cope with adaptation to a new place.
  • The purchased seedling must be immediately planted in the ground. If this is done in a few days, then the roots may dry out due to lack of moisture.
  • Young trees can only be planted in a previously dug hole.
  • After planting apple trees, they should be carefully watered. This will not only moisten the earth well, but also make it more dense.
  • Seedlings do not tolerate a large concentration of fertilizers. Because of them, the roots can be damaged or die.
  • Planting trees is recommended only in those places where groundwater lies at a depth of more than 2.5 m.
  • For normal growth, a young tree needs at least four meters of free space on each side.
  • It is forbidden to plant apple trees in those places where water pipes pass.
  • The optimal temperature conditions for planting are from 9 to 11 degrees Celsius.

Dates for different regions

According to the lunar calendar for 2018, apple trees should be planted in October (2−5, 14, 16, 17, 20−22) or November (16, 17, 18, 21, 22). This will help the seedlings to better take root and avoid the negative effects of the environment.

The timing of planting young trees is affected not only by the phase of the moon, but also by the local climate. Landing time in different regions:

Autumn apple tree planting

  • Moscow region. Here, work is carried out from the last days of September until the end of October. In this region of Russia, frost sets in already in November, so the slightest delay can cost the future harvest.
  • Leningrad region. In this area, frost occurs even earlier, so you need to plant trees before the end of September. Due to the nature of the local soil, young apple trees should be well fertilized and watered.
  • The middle lane. For this region, the best time will be from mid-September to late October. However, in the absence of good weather conditions, it is recommended to postpone planting until the first spring heat.
  • Siberia and the Urals. Climatic conditions are characterized by severe frosts, so it is quite difficult for young apple trees to survive. Experts recommend not taking risks and planting trees in the fall.
  • Ukraine. Planting apple trees in autumn in Ukraine begins in mid-September and ends in early November. As a rule, the first frosts come in December, but in some cases they can start a little earlier.
  • Belarus. Winter on the territory of this state is quite mild, so it is best to plant apple trees in the fall. In this case, the work must be completed before the twentieth of September.


To avoid the death of trees, it is necessary to consider in detail step by step how to plant an apple tree in autumn. Only the right actions will avoid the worst fears and in a few years to collect a good harvest.

Buying seedlings

The acquisition of seedlings is considered a difficult task, as it requires appropriate experience. Young apple trees should be bought in special nurseries that monitor their health and living conditions.

The most important action for a gardener is to choose the optimal variety that will take root well in a particular climate. Besides, the following rules should be considered:

Important conditions for planting an apple tree

  • It is recommended to buy only mature seedlings, the root system of which has not yet had time to develop. On the roots there should not be any damage, as well as mold.
  • The optimal height of young trees is from 1.2 to 2 m.Higher apple trees have already begun to grow and will not be able to survive the cold season normally.
  • Too low seedlings should not be bought, as they are sick or did not receive necessary feeding. Such trees are weak and will not be able to survive the winter.
  • Once a seedling has been purchased, it must be immediately placed in moist ground or water. Otherwise, the roots will dry out and kill the tree.
  • The stems of the apple tree should be completely lignified, without green leaves and shoots.
  • The seedling bark should be painted dark brown and not have any dents or scratches.
  • In a young apple tree, four branches are allowed. In this case, the vaccination site should be at least 5 cm from the roots.

Seat selection

When planting apple seedlings, you should properly prepare the place. It is best to use the area where fruit trees have already grown. Special attention should be paid to the landing pit. If you make it too deep, then the roots of the tree will suffer from a lack of oxygen.

In the case of digging a shallow hole, the root system will not be completely in the ground, which will lead to freezing of the tree.

Stages of preparing a landing site:

The procedure for planting an apple tree

  1. The first thing they remove is turf.
  2. Then remove the topsoil and stack it in a separate pile.
  3. After that, the landing site is further deepened by about 25 cm. As a result, a pit about one meter wide and 50 cm deep should form.
  4. An inverted layer of turf is placed at the bottom. This is done so that the grass decomposes and becomes a natural fertilizer for the apple tree.
  5. All components of the soil are mixed in a large capacity (rotted manure, wood ash, compost).
  6. The resulting composition is laid in a pit and thoroughly mixed with the ground.
  7. Since this procedure is being performed in spring, then wooden marks are put on the tree planting site. In autumn, it will be easy to find a prepared hole along them.

Planting apple trees in open ground

Before planting an apple tree with an open root system, it is placed in water for a day. This will help the tree get the necessary moisture, which will be used in the first hours after the completion of the process. After that, perform the following actions:

Purchase of apple tree seedlings

  1. A pit is dug in a place prepared in the spring.
  2. Then it is properly watered with tap water.
  3. As soon as the moisture is absorbed, an apple tree seedling is placed in the hole. At the same time, its roots are pre-inspected and the damaged parts are removed.
  4. The roots of a young tree are covered with soil.
  5. The soil mixture is tamped and a wooden peg is inserted into it.
  6. An apple tree is tied to it. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the bark.
  7. The seedling is abundantly watered with water (at least 20 l).
  8. The area around the plant is mulched with humus.

Closed Root Trees

Such apple trees grow in special containers, so they need special care. The process of planting them is slightly different from trees with an open root system.


Planting apple trees in open ground

  1. In a prepared place, dig a hole in standard sizes.
  2. Its bottom is filled with a soil mixture consisting of wood ash, earth from the upper layers and various fertilizers.
  3. The deepening is completely buried and left for a day.
  4. The next day, they dig a hole, the dimensions of which correspond to the size of the container where the seedling is located.
  5. The soil in the tank is poured with water, and then the pot is removed.
  6. An apple tree with an earthen lump is lowered into a depression. Do this so that the soil levels in the pit and pot are approximately the same.
  7. A wooden stake is inserted into the fresh mixture, which will be used to garter the tree.
  8. The remaining mixture is filled with the soil mixture, and then the plant is watered.
  9. The earth is carefully tamped and leveled.

Possible mistakes

Most novice gardeners make simple mistakes that prevent the young tree from rooting well and starting to grow.To avoid them, you need to listen to the advice of professionals and the recommendations of more experienced colleagues.

Common mistakes:

Possible errors when planting an apple tree

  • Purchase seedlings a few weeks before planting. This will lead to the fact that the trees begin to leave the state of rest before the onset of the first cold weather.
  • Landing at a recently dug up place. In this case, the root neck will be too deep, which will lead to a slow growth of the apple tree.
  • Using fresh manure. If such a mistake is made, the gas released during the decomposition of the mixture will have a negative effect on the seedling and slow down its development.
  • Adding a large amount of fertilizer. Such actions will lead to the emergence of an aggressive environment that will destroy the beneficial microflora.
  • Use of three year old seedlings. Such trees can already be considered old, so it will be quite difficult for them to survive the landing in a new place.
Autumn planting of an apple tree is a difficult event, requiring the gardener to be extremely careful and attentive to details.

If you follow all the rules, as well as take into account the advice of experienced people, then you can not be afraid for the safety of trees and wait for a quick harvest.

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