Favorable boarding days in July 2019

19.04.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

The real plant grower in July 2019 already plans planting days, compiles a planting table, compares favorable days with the Lunar calendar and works in accordance with it.

What to do to the gardener and gardener in July

In July 2019, this is the time when plant care reaches its peak, hot weather requires constant watering and loosening. At the same time, the plants are developing wildly, and they need to be limited, otherwise the yield will not be the one that was expected.

During this period, the most unpleasant pests and plant diseases begin to appear, many decorative flowers stop flowering and need to be stocked with seeds, and at the same time remove the pedicels with the dried-up remnants of once beautiful cups. All the July work organically continues the intensive work begun at the end of April, but one cannot do without it.

If you abandon the garden, the riot of nature will captivate the once ordered fruits of the work of human hands. Weeds will grow, the earth will dry out and become covered with crust, diseases and pests will multiply. Even if some fruit can be harvested from fruit trees, it is substandard, meager and small. If you do not use planting days, there will be no harvest of autumn and spring crops, which are usually planted.

In July 2019, the situation is no different from the standard July of each year. General principles remain unchanged in mid-summer. Corrections are made according to weather conditions.

It is clear that much depends on what the second summer month will be - hot, rainy, arid or cool. But the gardener and the gardener with experience already know what to do in each particular case, and those who are just starting their fruitful activity can focus on their rich experience.

There are several climatic zones in Russia, you need to take into account the characteristics of the region of residence. Even planting days may vary slightly due to weather conditions, but the basic principles and the Lunar calendar will be common to all garden workers in July 2019.

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Before starting the boarding days, you will have to do many other manipulations on the arrangement, refinement and procedures, which can not be done in the hottest summer month.

In July 2019, work will be found for each category of farmers and plant growers, so you can carefully study the July table of agricultural work, compiled from many years of experience.

Table of the main necessary processes for the middle of summer:

Category of workers Urgently needed Additional work

Vaccination Care

Pruning apricot trees (cut a third of the growth) and gum on all stone fruits

Mulching around the trunks and foliar top dressing (superphosphate and urea)

Pruning young raspberry shoots and removing dried stems

Similar work with gooseberries and currants

Spraying from garden pests and clipping tops from young twigs


Green vaccinations

Spraying against pests (certainly according to the weather calendar)

Garter and loosening of soil around the roots

Moderate watering

Flower growers

Weed removal

Trimming heavily overgrown perennials

Instillation of rhizomes in some plants

Digging bulbs that have already bloomed

Watering, replanting and garter tall flowers

Top dressing, nipping and dividing bushes

Decoration of flowerbeds - rockeries, multi-stage terraces, Japanese gardens

Careful and consistent watering of the alpine hill

Ennoble roses - remove shoots so that they do not degenerate


Watering and harvesting

Pest spraying

Feeding and hilling, pinching legumes, loosening

Solanaceae garter, pinching pumpkin and zucchini

Planting new vegetables

Harvesting and storing greens

Collection and preservation of fruit

Cooking sauces and tomatoes, spin juices

Common processes Improvement, watering, pest control, removal of excess, and stopping vegetation in favor of flowering or harvest

Preparations for August and the autumn work

New crops

For reference!
In the middle of summer, the collection of many vegetables begins - for example, legumes, pumpkin, nightshade, cucumbers, early cabbage, onions and garlic. For those who plant cauliflower, it is not only time to care for it, but also to collect large heads that have already matured. You can dig up young potatoes to enjoy its unique taste.

Landing days in July 2019 will depend not only on the Lunar and sowing calendar. In order to make planting in time, you need to take care of the release of the beds.

To do this, even in the spring, time is calculated so that after the fruiting of some plants and their collection is completed, it is possible to plant compatible crops, in anticipation of the autumn harvest this year or already a spring crop. This rule works for all categories of growers.

Lunar sowing calendar for July 2019

Only those who have never worked in the garden are sure that no landings are made in July. Properly planned beds allow you to make good supplies for the winter, plant seedlings for greenhouse cultivation, get a second crop of greens and stock up on vitamins for at least some time. Zealous housewives manage to dry the greens in July.

At this time, it is cut and laid out for drying in well-ventilated places, and then ground into powder and stored in tightly sealed glass jars. So you can prepare not only parsley and dill, but also herbs. And all winter you can use your own spices without buying expensive seasonings in the store.

Planting days can be done in the neutral period, if the time limits for planting seeds in the soil are tightened. The only thing to watch out for is the full moon and the new moon.

In any case, the work performed will not be successful, therefore, experienced gardeners always focus on a table that indicates favorable and unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar.

Favorable and unfavorable landing days in July 2019

Plant category Suitable for planting seeds and seedlings Bad days
Cucumbers 8-12, 15-16 1, 2, 3, 17
Tomatoes 11-12, 20-22 1, 2, 3, 17
Pepper - Sweet and Bitter 11-12, 20-22 1, 2, 3, 17
Onion 11-12, 15-16, 20-22, 25-26 1, 2, 3, 17
Garlic 11-12, 15-16 1, 2, 3, 17
Cabbage, any late appearance 11-12, 15-16, 20-22 1, 2, 3, 17
Spicy and culinary greens 15-16, 20-22, 25-26, 30-31 1, 2, 3, 17
carrot 15-16, 20-22, 25-26, 30-31 1, 2, 3, 17
Radish, radish, daikon 15-16, 20-22, 25-26, 30-31 1, 2, 3, 17
eggplant 11-12, 20-22 1, 2, 3, 17
potatoes 8-10, 15-16, 20-22, 25-26, 30-31 1, 2, 3, 17
Annuals (flowers) 6-12, 30-31 1, 2, 3, 17
Biennials and perennials 6-12, 15-16, 20-22 1, 2, 3, 17
Bulb and tuber ornamental plants 20-22, 25-26, 30-31 1, 2, 3, 17

On July 2 and 3, the Moon is in Cancer, which is considered a favorable sign for landings. But it is on these days in July 2019 - the New Moon. This is an extremely negative period not only for planting, but also for any work with plants and trees. Even in horoscopes from astrologers, it is recommended not to disturb the beds, flower beds and gardens, so as not to achieve the opposite result.

On July 4 and 5, the action of the New Moon passes, but the Moon is in the infertile sign - Leo. July 6th is the time to work only with annual flowers, but you can plant any kind of salad, basil and fennel.

But on such days, you can do other work on the site:

  • Harvest and freeze some fruits and vegetables if the refrigerator allows or there is a freezer;
  • dry loosening can be carried out, but watering and top dressing will be ineffective;
  • any preparations are welcome - jam, jam, jams and jellies, drying and salting;
  • You can make juices and wine;
  • sow lawn grass, if there is space for this;
  • carry out sanitary pruning of trees or rooting strawberries and wild strawberries.

From July 6, the period begins, allowing you to do all the work necessary for plant growers and gardeners. First comes 2 days of Virgo and 5 days of Libra (they are considered signs of medium fertility), so you can safely begin planting work. Then Scorpio, which is located in the Growing Moon, takes over the rights.

These days should be used with maximum efficiency, since Sagittarius follows Scorpio, and he belongs to the unproductive signs of the Zodiac.

The full moon in July 2019 falls on the 17th, but it is better to hedge and exclude from the plans also the days closest to it - July 16 and 28. In addition, the period of Capricorn begins on July 16 and 17, and this is a clearly infertile sign, like the Aquarius following it.

A good time comes after the moon passes into Pisces. This three-day period should be used with maximum activity, because immediately after it comes the time of action of Aries - unfavorable for planting and definitely infertile.

In this period, no work with plant refinement is recommended - even picking, pruning, top dressing and watering should be excluded. The only plants with which you can work are raspberries and strawberries, and even then only with budding shoots and mustaches.

Visible activity should be planned for July 25 and 26, when the Moon is in Taurus, one of the best signs for gardening. If it was not possible to do everything planned, you can wait for the next Cancer. The Moon will go there on July 30 and 31, and you can finally finish all the landing work in the middle of summer.

Next comes August, in which there is even more work for workers who work with plants, and you need to look carefully again when to engage in their fruitful work.

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