The use of whey for the processing of cucumbers: how to spray and feed properly

14.08.2019 Cucumbers

For feeding and processing cucumbers, chemicals and home remedies are used. The whey remaining after the preparation of kefir or cottage cheese is popular. The food product is used as fertilizer to protect against pests, in itself and in multicomponent formulations. It is most appropriate to apply at high humidity.

Useful properties of fermented milk product

When watering cucumbers with whey, it is advisable to use freshly prepared product. Vitamin and mineral composition: with a predominance of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, B vitamins. It additionally contains organic acids, yeast fungi that inhibit the growth of pathogenic spores of various types. In addition, lactic acid bacteria accelerate the decomposition and assimilation of organics, enrich the soil, and saturate with oxygen.

Serum Cucumber Processing:

  • stimulates development, which is useful for the growth and formation of ovaries;
  • increases the availability of nitrogen fertilizers for the plant;
  • inhibits the development of rot;
  • destroys insect pests.
You can not water cucumbers with whey in its pure form, especially in hot sunny weather. Splashes on leaves cause burns. Frequent use is not recommended - the land is deoxidized.

Using a natural fermented milk product for processing seedlings or seedlings in open ground, you need to consider the short-term effect. Precipitation and irrigation wash serum, fertilize and water several times. This can be costly.

Serum solutions and methods of use

When using solutions based on fermented milk product for feeding cucumbers during active growth, the foliar method is more often practiced. During the growing season, alternation with application to the soil is recommended, and during fruiting it is advisable to limit yourself to serum for spraying or when controlling pests.

Watering should only be done in the morning or evening, avoiding the scorching sun. No more than 0.5 l of solution is used per bush to avoid soil acidification. The bed previously needs to be moistened well, the leaves should be sprinkled.

Powdery Mildew

The disease is easy to recognize by the first sign - the appearance of a white coating on the leaves, resembling dust. Serum for cucumbers should be used already at this stage, without waiting until the white coating turns to gray and the leaves begin to wrinkle.

Types of solutions:

  1. With the active stage of the disease and for prevention. Additional action - from pests. Diluted in proportion - 1 liter of dairy product: 13 drops of iodine. To increase efficiency and prolong the growing season, a few drops of Fitosporin are poured (before you dilute a chemical preparation, you need to read the instructions). The course of treatment is 1 time in 2 weeks.
  2. After temperature changes. Processing cucumbers with whey and iodine with high humidity and hypothermia is ineffective. In this case, use a different method: 3 l of fermented milk product: 7 l of water: 1 tsp copper sulfate.
  3. "Ambulance".With the active stage of the disease, it is recommended to use a concentrated solution of serum with iodine for spraying cucumbers. It is better to use fresh residues from the preparation of kefir (with viable sour-milk mushrooms), preheating to 30 ° C. Dilute 0.5 l of serum: 10 drops of iodine. When processing the roots, the solution is not diluted, spraying the foliage, add water in a ratio of 1:10.

It is allowed to use a solution of natural and industrial components. The most effective remedy:

  • whey - 3 l;
  • sugar syrup - 200 g dissolve 1 tbsp. l boiling water;
  • liquid soap - 40 g;
  • herbal infusion, defended for 7 days, 2 l (filtered before use);
  • Healthy Garden - 20 Tablets;
  • Ecoberin - 20 doses;
  • EM - 30 ml.

Spray the whips; at the stage of fruit formation it is no longer suitable. All compositions are used both for seedlings and for flowering plants, but preference should be given to the formed bushes.

Downy mildew

Signs of damage: a white coating appears only on the wrong side of the leaves. With the development of the disease, rust spots appear, the turgor of the stems is lost. At the onset of the disease, it is treated with the composition: 500 ml of fermented milk product: 25 g of urea: 1 ml of green tea: 1 liter of water. Prevention is recommended 3 times - before flowering, at the stage of ovary formation and after the growing season.

To enhance flowering

The active active substance in this case is honey. In 2 l of fermented milk product, 1 cup of ash, 5 tbsp. l honey, 10 drops of iodine. Insist 72 hours. Diluted with water 1:10, used for spraying and soaking seeds.

The sweet smell attracts insects. To avoid the invasion of pests, you need to set traps. You can hang sticky tapes from flies or pieces of cardboard treated with castor oil in the garden.

Against pests

Most often used compositions with laundry soap. For processing cucumbers, 1 l of milk liquid is diluted in 5 l of water and 50 g of grated laundry soap is dissolved. the last ingredient creates a film on the surface, which reduces the number of sprays up to 1 time in 10 days. Multiplicity of application - 3 times a season.

You can make a trap for codling moths, leafworms, caterpillars. The plastic bottle with the cork is turned upside down, the bottom is cut, poured onto 1/4 of the sour-milk product, dug into the ground. Pests fall and die.

All home remedies are preferably fully used immediately after preparation.

They help to fight not only false or powdery mildew, but are also used as a prophylactic against scab, rust, leaf spot and fusarium.

Universal fertilizer

The video shows how the composition is bred and fed cucumbers in the open ground. Water must be defended for at least a day. During this time, she manages to keep warm. 2 l of serum is mixed with iodine, 10 drops, and wood ash, 2 tbsp. l It is better to bring under the root of adult bushes, stepping back 50 cm from the main stem. To water leaves of cucumbers, it is bred in the usual ratio with water - 1:10. This composition is the most aggressive, therefore, dosage recommendations are not recommended to be violated. It can lead to drying of leaves, early “leaf fall” and shorten the growing season.


Self-prepared organic fertilizers are safe for children and animals. Even if a child eats a cucumber from the garden without washing, after making home compost, there will be no harm.

Cooking Methods:

  1. A 20-liter tank is filled with 2-3 liters of chicken manure, 1 pack (200 g) of fresh yeast, 1 cup of sugar are added and the whey is poured, filling the container by 2/3. Insist 2-3 weeks.The lid is not needed, but it is better to cover it with a net so that it does not turn sour after fermentation.
  2. A tank of milk liquid is filled with grass. You can use it after 14 days.
  3. Breeders have developed an effective recipe. For manufacturing, a capacity of at least 50 liters is used. 0.7 kg of live yeast fermented 30-35 g of sugar and incubated for 72 hours. After that, they put it in a barrel, add 1-2 kg of chicken manure, 1 kg of sand, 300 g of wood ash, 0.5 l of whey, 1 kg of turf and 1/3 bucket of ready-made compost made according to the recipe No. 1. Pour to the brim with water, shake for a week.
  4. Another compost recipe for the same amount. The tank is filled with: 0.25 buckets of grass or straw, 1 liter of turf and mullein, 0.75 liters of soured jam, 100 g of brown bread, stale, 250 ml of whey. Insist 1.5 weeks.

Before feeding, it must be diluted 1:10.

Greenhouse processing

In greenhouses you can use the same compositions as in open ground, however, you must take into account the peculiarities of cultivation. Indoors, a constant microclimate is maintained, the land is not completely updated, therefore, if you violate the recommendations for the preparation of therapeutic agents, acidification is possible. To avoid this, pre-irrigation is recommended before applying top dressing.

The concentration of the solution, compared with open ground, is reduced by 50%. That is, if when watering on a garden bed in the garden, it is recommended to dilute all compositions in a ratio of 1:10, then in the greenhouse - 1; 20. Before root treatment, they are watered from the hose, allowed to stand for 3-5 minutes, and then fed using a watering can with a long nose. Processing cucumbers in the greenhouse is carried out in the morning to conduct high-quality ventilation. In the evening, the air temperature decreases, so it is undesirable to open the frames for a long time.

Caution - Serum!

The above methods of processing and treating cucumbers are safe for people and pets - eating cucumbers with peel can be done 1 day after preventive and therapeutic measures, it is enough to rinse. But it must be borne in mind that an overdose can adversely affect the development of cucumbers. Consideration should be given not only to possible acidification of the soil, and the likelihood of damage to leaves or stems when sprayed in the sun.

cucumber whey

If soapy film remains on the fruit, rub the surface with a brush. But to process with a solution with agents that enhance adhesion and reduce the frequency of processing, when fruiting is not recommended.

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The water that is used to dilute the compositions, it is desirable to defend. It is better in the sun so that it has time to warm up, but it is possible in the greenhouse. Do not wash your hands in the prepared liquid after gardening. So you can bring fungal spores. Since all products are used after preparation, the processing efficiency will decrease. The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms on the plant is supported by the additional introduction of pathogenic flora.

Serum is better to cook yourself. The store was pasteurized before the sale, live sour-milk bacteria were almost destroyed. In addition, preservatives are often added to store products. The benefit of such a product is minimal.

For the preparation of fertilizer, other lactic acid products are also suitable - reverse, homemade kefir, yogurt. The latter should be diluted 1: 4 with water. You can use sour milk - but in this case, the likelihood of pest invasion increases.

When spraying, the sprayer should be set so that “water mist” stands out from the nozzle. In order not to clog the atomizer, the liquid is filtered. This will help to process all parts of the plant evenly, preventing leakage or the accumulation of moisture in the internodes.The leaves are cultivated on both sides, the soil is 50 cm around the bush. With additional feeding with compost, it is applied using a shovel or regular watering, retreating from the stem by 50 cm. The treatment rate for prevention is 3 times a season, with treatment 1 time in 10-14 days.


Elena, 21 years old, Yaroslavl:

I am an inexperienced gardener, and I had to take care of the cucumbers unexpectedly, my mother went to rest. When the leaves began to turn white, the neighbor advised to spray. I did, I didn’t dilute the serum. Miracle! The bushes did not die, the parents were satisfied.

Olga Valentinovna, 56 years old, Kaliningrad:

I did not like a single method that the neighbors advised. Somehow I already used milk plant health improvement, as a result of a cloud of insects instead of a white coating on the leaves. I had to resort to chemicals.

Vitaliy Vladimirovich, 72 years old, p. Kalinovka:

In the conversation, the neighbors said that I spend a lot of money on fertilizers. Pour the beds with cucumbers with serum with iodine and honey, it will grow much better and collect a large crop. I obeyed, very satisfied.

Irina, 32 years old, Eagle:

I'm a lazy gardener. I see that the neighbors are all digging the beds from the table, and decided to try making compost with whey. The results were amazing, although they didn’t do it once every 2 weeks, as advised, but only 2 times during the summer. Next year I’ll prepare more of my fertilizer.

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