Diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse and their treatment, photo

21.08.2015 Cucumbers

cucumber diseases in the greenhouseIf you decide to start growing greenhouse plants for the first time, you need to know a lot of nuances in order to preserve and grow a good crop. Therefore, we will talk about what await the diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse and their treatment, we will provide a photo and consider the means of combating diseases.

In greenhouses, most often cucumbers are exposed to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, most of which can be prevented by preventive measures, observing the temperature regime, planting rules, disinfecting both the seeds themselves and the soil and greenhouses, giving the plants the necessary lighting, watering and necessary top dressing. More details: cucumber care in the greenhouse.

Also, preventive measures are the timely destruction of the affected plants and the obligatory disinfection of the soil after this, so as not to spread the infection to the rest of the plants. Another important factor is crop rotation. Observing these conditions, you will already be half with a good harvest. And if diseases have become attached to your pets, we will show you how to get rid of them with the least loss.

Greenhouse Whitefly


When the whitefly attacks greenhouse cucumbers or tomatoes, it sucks the juice from the plants, whitish sugary discharge forms on the leaves, then the leaves turn black and die.

Control measures: to prevent the attack of pests, you need to put traps in the greenhouse, doors and windows to protect with a gauze obstacle. Helps spraying with water and rinsing leaves. Then, after these actions, the soil is loosened, and fertilizing in the form of peat and humus is introduced into it.

Powdery mildew

powdery mildew

The leaves of the affected plants become as if sprinkled with flour, white plaque begins to spread more and more along the leaves, they become brittle and prickly, dry out and the plant dies.

Preventive measures: Do not plant plants closely, do not water them with cold water, make sure that there are no sudden changes in temperature and there are no drafts.

Control measures: as soon as you notice the appearance of this scourge, you should immediately take action. Treating plants with mullein may help. In a bucket of ten-liter water, dissolve a liter of mullein, mix and spray the cucumbers both on top and on the bottom of the leaves. Perform the procedure in warm weather. You can also pollinate plants with sulfur, while closing the doors and windows, or treat with a pale solution of potassium permanganate or a weak soda solution. From store preparations you can use "Topaz". It is also advisable to use “Topaz” for prophylaxis before the onset of the disease, the “Zaslon” preparation will help the same goal.
More details: feeding cucumbers at different periods of growth.

Downy mildew

If you notice oily green spots like burns on the leaves, the leaves turn brown and begin to dry out - they were attacked by downy mildew.

Preventive measures: warm watering, make sure that condensation does not collect on the greenhouse walls, and protect it from temperature differences.

Control measures: as soon as you notice signs of a dangerous disease, stop watering immediately, remove moisture in the greenhouse and spray with “Topaz”, then ventilate the greenhouse.

Root rot

root rot

With a strong drop in temperature or a completely undesirable pouring of cold water on your cucumbers, an attack such as root rot can lie in wait. The leaves fade, yellowing and cracks are visible at the root.

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Control measures: add 2 tsp.vitriol, instead of it you can pour copper chloroxide 6 tablespoons, or the same amount of wood ash. Having mixed everything, we scoop up the ground from the stem at the bottom at the root, and process the stem from the bottom up to 10 centimeters. Also, the affected area can be sprinkled with ash and dried. Do not sprinkle the affected areas with earth, let them be in the air, water for irrigation is certainly only warm. If any plants have already died, they must be removed together with a lump of earth, the plants burned, the soil disinfected. To do this, a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate will fit.

Black mold


A dangerous fungal disease that affects all the aerial parts of a cucumber plant. First, small brownish spots appear on the leaves, gradually they increase, grow, the sheets become covered with a black spider web and dry out.

Prevention and control measures: disinfection of the greenhouse, protection against temperature differences, getting rid of weeds.



The leaves become covered with yellow-brown spots, begin to crumble, dry and crumble, become as if covered with ulcers. This is a fungal disease. Both leaves and stems are covered with pink plaque containing fungal spores.

Preventive measures: sowing healthy seeds, soil preparation - heating, disinfection, proper plant change.

Control measures: treatment with Bordeaux liquid, bleach. Harvest at the same time can not be eaten for 20 days.

Olive spotting

olive spotting

Appears with drafts in the greenhouse, severe temperature changes, cold water, high humidity, olive-colored spots appear on leaves and fruits with the release of fluid, the plant becomes covered with unpleasant ulcers, and without taking measures, you can lose the crop in a week.

Control measures: Stop watering for a week, urgently ventilate (without creating drafts) the greenhouse, adjust the temperature.

Gourd aphids

gourd aphids

Covering the bottom of the leaves with solid colonies, the aphids suck out the juices, as a result of which the plants wither, dry, cucumbers grow poorly, slows down growth and gradually the plant dies.

Control measures: as soon as small aphid points are noticed on the underside of the leaves, you must immediately remove the too affected leaves, those where the aphids are slightly treated with horseradish infusion and scatter the leaves at the roots. Treatment with red pepper infusion, Strela and Inta-vir preparations also helps.

As you can see, many diseases of cucumbers arise from:

  • High humidity.
  • Drafts.
  • Temperature difference.

By eliminating these shortcomings from the very beginning, by disinfecting the greenhouse, soil and seeds in time, you will practically protect your cucumbers from diseases and pests. Good luck

Read also: growing potatoes wisely without weeding and hilling.

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