Variety of apples "Bogatyr": characteristics, photos and reviews

3.12.2016 Apple tree

yablonya-bogatyrApple tree Bogatyr, with a description of the variety, photos and reviews about which we will share in this material, refers to winter varieties of apples, and therefore is in great demand among many gardeners. It is easy to determine this, because winter varieties provide a harvest that can be satisfied until the onset of cold weather. For an easier choice among the abundance of apple varieties, we have prepared not only a description of the Bogatyr apple tree, but also compiled a list of the disadvantage and advantages of the variety, but obol everything in order.

Description of the variety Bogatyr

The apple variety Bogatyr was born thanks to the crossing of the notorious Antonovka and the less notorious Renet Landsbergsky variety.

For starters, let's go through the description of the tree itself of this variety. Young trees stretch up rapidly and, of course, eventually grow to a mark of no more than 5 meters. The crown of the tree is round, a bit like a cone, this is due to the fact that the lower branches grow at right angles, and those closer to the top - at an angle of 45 degrees. The foliage is oval, thick and dark green in color. yablonya-sorta-bogatyrThe edges of the foliage look up a bit, a little jagged. During the flowering period, the whole tree dresses in medium-sized flowers of a snow-white color with pinkish tints. As for the quick side of the issue, the trees of the described variety begin to produce as early as 4-5 years of their life.

Fruit Description

It is worth paying attention to the fruits of the apple tree Bogatyr. One fruit grows of medium size, not more than 150 grams, but if you are lucky, you can grow a real giant - 200 grams. The fruits are round in shape, slightly beveled to the calyx, the base is wide. On this form, you can clearly see the ribs, which gives these apples a visual versatility.

When the apples ripen, their color becomes yellow-green, but if the apples, after picking them from the tree, lie down a little on the windowsill, they will turn completely yellow. During hot summers, red spots sometimes appear on the apples, in particular on the sides, and therefore, such fruits are very similar to kolobok.


The peel of the fruits of the described variety is smooth, with a glossy sheen, and inside is a dense and crispy flesh. Apples themselves are not very juicy, but have a pronounced aroma, so if you make charlotte from them, then the smell will stand on the whole house. The apples taste sweet, but a slight acidity is felt.

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Pros and cons of the variety

It is impossible to single out any specific and obvious disadvantages of this variety, because its productivity is at its best, and they are easy to care for, and unpretentious to weather changes. To the distinctive characteristics that can be entered in the column of merits of the variety, good transport tolerance is added, and the fact that after the horses are ripped from the tree, they can lie for a very long time and not rot. This is another plus, in principle, of all varieties that are listed in winter varieties of apples. As many reviews say, apples can easily lie for about 200 days, without losing their taste and healthy qualities.

yabloko-sorta-bogatyr-v-razrezeSeparately, I want to praise the yield of the apple tree Bogatyr, from a tree that is 10 years old, it is possible to get from 50 kilograms of tasty and ripe fruits. If the tree is older, for example, 15 years old, then the yield increases to 75-90 kilograms.Such wealth is enough to enjoy plenty of fresh apples, and to make selections for the winter, and to treat friends.

Other advantages of the variety include resistance to scab. Experienced gardeners note that, in principle, they rarely encounter diseases and pests on trees of this variety.

Reviews of gardeners

You can make sure that the description of the Bogatyr apple tree coincides with reality, if you read the reviews of those who happened to try and grow these apples.

Lyudmila, a resident of the Moscow region: “I like apples Bogatyr, of course, I will not say that the variety is the most delicious. Nevertheless, Antonovka remains a leader on my list. But the harvest is always stable and good, the apples are stored for a long time, I finish fruiting only in October, there are no problems either, I’ve grown Bogatyr for 7 years now, and all that is required of me is spring care. ”

Try apple tree variety Welsey.

Galina, amateur summer resident: “I really love the apple variety Bogatyr! The fruits are tasty, the pulp is dense, there is an aftertaste and sourness, I really love when all the richness of taste is revealed gradually. The yield is so great that sometimes I don’t even know where to put all these apples. In general, if you plant the Bogatyr apple tree, the supply of vitamins for the whole year will be provided! ”

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