The timing of planting pepper seedlings in 2017

16.03.2017 Pepper

When to plant pepper for seedlings in 2017If we consider the specific dates when in 2017 you can plant pepper for seedlings, they will be very different. Someone starts planting seeds in February, while others put it off until the very beginning of April. What are the deadlines to navigate and how to choose the best dates for you?

Pepper is one of the most popular garden crops that is grown in almost any region of our country. But every gardener knows that this culture is quite moody. On the one hand, peppers are not whimsical to the soil composition and will grow even with poor drainage on loams. On the other hand, heat is extremely important for pepper. Plus, the growing season in many varieties is quite long. So to harvest a good crop, you need to try to choose the best planting dates for your particular climate situation.

Important! Even early varieties of pepper cannot be grown without seedlings, especially in the middle lane of our country. So, you need to think about planting pepper seeds for seedlings at the end of winter and the very beginning of spring.

What to look for when choosing dates

It is necessary to take into account many features of the cultivation of this crop, determining the specific timing of planting peppers for seedlings every year. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that peppers sit for a long time in the ground and often the appearance of the first sprouts must be expected within a month. It’s not worth panicking here, this is a feature of this culture, but when choosing specific dates for landing, this feature should be taken into account.

Even early varieties of peppers must necessarily be germinated at home for at least several months. Only mature bushes can be transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground. If we talk about the specific timing of planting this crop, then many gardeners advise to focus on the end of February and the very beginning of March.

pepper seedlings

Important! There are decorative perennials that can be grown at home. You can plant their seeds on seedlings earlier than ordinary bell peppers.

Landmark for the lunar calendar

In open ground, a greenhouse or a greenhouse, peppers will grow well only if the seedlings are previously grown. Once planted, seeds can be transplanted to a permanent place on May holidays, this applies to greenhouses. Still, open ground should be left until the end of spring, so that there are definitely no frosts.

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However, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of each plant - seed planting is carried out somewhere two months before the planned transplantation to a constant place of growth. In the suburbs, gardeners recommend orienting themselves when planting peppers seedlings in early March.

It’s clear that every year, choosing dates, lunar cycles also make their own adjustments. Peppers need to be planted in seedlings with the growing moon. At the same time, pay attention to the satellite of the Earth located in the constellation Taurus, Aries or Cancer. For 2017, this position of the luminaries will be in the period from the last day of February until March 4, then it is already necessary to orientate yourself by landing on dates from March 7-14. Late pepper varieties, as well as mid-season ones, are best planted in the second half of March, on the 20th or 30-31th, if you focus not only on dates, but also on the Lunar calendar.

Important! In no case should you plant pepper seeds on a new moon.Because during this period the plant’s cycles are very weak and seedlings, even if they grow, will be unviable, you should not expect a good harvest from it in the future.

pepper in the garden

How to pre-process the seeds and plant

In order not to worry about seedlings, it is preliminary recommended to check the selected seeds for germination. To do this, place 10% of the selected material on wet gauze and leave in the light for several days. The gauze should be constantly wet when the grains hatch, see how active they are, how quickly they grow.

Then take a common tray, where to fill the earth, moisten it a little. Close the grains half a centimeter, sprinkle with universal soil for seedlings, moisten a little. Cover with glass or polyethylene from above and send to a dark, warm place until sunrise. When the sunrises appear, then remove the film, and transfer the tray to the windowsill. The first sunrises will appear in at least ten, or even more days. Because, the peculiarity of this culture is that it likes to sit in the ground for a long time.

Next is the usual seedling care process. So that it does not stretch out, the room should not be too hot. Periodically, it is worthwhile to carry out ventilation, but make sure not to freeze the plant. To stimulate active development, pay attention to the root system.

These are the main important points on which every year the gardener should pay close attention, choosing the timing of planting seedlings. Peppers are quite demanding on growing conditions, they need a lot of time to grow stronger, bloom and begin to bear fruit. Therefore, the gardener will have to gain patience samurai.

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