Bazhen grapes: characteristics and description of the variety, planting and care

7.10.2018 Grape

Bazhen grapes

A successful hybrid selection of grapes was the Bazhena variety. Gardeners who like to grow large berries with a sweet taste will definitely like it. The bushes grow lush and become a real decoration of the garden. You can easily get a good harvest from a variety if you study the description with a photo and reviews about it.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Bazhenu was brought out of 2 grape varieties: Gift of Zaporozhye and Arcadia. Grade adopted early ripeness and sweetness from parents. The full ripening of berries takes up to 115 days. The term may be less than days, if the grapes are properly looked after. The first crop is harvested no earlier than the third year after the start of cultivation. Productivity is increasing every year. The maximum number of fruits appears when the age of the culture is in the prime of life - 7-8 years. At this time, you can collect from one plant under 100 kg of fresh grapes.

On a note!
The flowering of grapes begins at the height of summer, and after about a month the bushes bear fruit.
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The shape of the berries is round, regular. The tip is slightly extended. The fruits are green-yellow in color and covered with a thin layer of wax. The weight of the fruit is quite large and is 18-20 g. The pulp of the berries is dense, with lots of juice. Sugar content is high, acidity is low - about 5-6 g. Berries are picked in a dense, weighty vine. One vine reaches a mass of up to 2 kg, while the berries do not crumble. Not all large varieties can boast of such sizes. The application of grapes is universal. It is well suited for fresh consumption, for winemaking and preservation. Beautiful stewed whole berries are made from Bazhena. When canning, you do not need to put a lot of sugar (reduce the amount by 1.5-2 times) due to the sweetness of the fruit.

The vine grows rapidly and reaches a height of 5-6 m in 2-3 years. When planting and later on, the vine is tied to a trellis or other support, so that the grapes ripen, and the branches are not intertwined. Bazhena is prone to shoot formation, therefore pruning is carried out at least once a year, 2 times a year is possible.

Bazhena has good frost resistance, is able to tolerate frosts up to -20 degrees. However, for safety, grapes are sheltered for the winter, especially in the first two years after the start of cultivation. It is possible to grow a variety throughout the country, including the northern regions and the central part.

The species has a high resistance to fungal infections such as oidium, mildew. With age, immunity decreases slightly, prevention from diseases is needed. Of the insects, Bazhen is afraid of wasps: in conditions of high humidity or excessive watering, the berries crack and attract the attention of pests. In order not to encounter a problem, they use special bait for insects, and in the spring they destroy wasp nests.

The positive qualities of grapes include:

Large grapes
  • large berries of a beautiful color;
  • sweet taste;
  • short fruiting;
  • early ripening;
  • universal purpose.

The variety has no pronounced shortcomings. It is often grown in Russia and Ukraine and is considered a proven variety.


New seedlings take root in loamy soil and on a flat area. Can grow grapes on the hillocks, there he gets more sun.The time for planting Bazheni is selected so that the earth remains at a temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius. Spring and autumn planting is allowed. If plants are planted in the fall, then they are covered, otherwise the shoots will freeze. After wintering, the seedlings will sooner spring up and will already develop immunity to climate and soil.

Before landing grape seedlings are soaked in a growth stimulator for several minutes. Only the root system is lowered into a deep pit (at least 80 cm) and covered with nutritious soil mixture. The ground is crushed a little and immediately watered with 2 buckets of water. Bazhena loves moist soil, then its roots harden faster.

Further care

At the first stage of cultivation, preventive treatment is carried out against diseases and pests. For prevention, various fungicides or folk remedies are used. Grape growers process plants with Bordeaux liquid, Topaz, potassium permanganate, and copper sulfate. Processing is carried out until the beginning of May, then the procedure is repeated after 1-2 weeks.

The second stage in care is watering. It is carried out 3 times for the entire growing period: before flowering and after it, and then after fruiting. Grapes are watered with slightly warm water of low hardness. For the third and subsequent years, nutrients are added to the water - mineral fertilizers, organic additives. Bazhena responds well to ash irrigation. A glass of ash is taken on a bucket of water, the mixture is insisted for a couple of hours and watered with a solution under the bush.

Another important step in care - cropping. After landing, it is undesirable to carry it out. This is dangerous for the plant, as it will cause it additional stress. In autumn and spring, weak shoots that are lagging behind in development are pruned. Each vine is cut into 6-8 eyes. After pruning, the activity of plant development increases, fruiting increases.

Shelter for the winter

Preparation for shelter begins at positive temperature, but in anticipation of frost. The optimal time is November or the end of October. Soil where grow grapesmust be dry. It is abundantly watered 2-3 weeks before the expected date of shelter and wait for complete drying. Sawdust or dry foliage is thrown onto the ground. The mulch layer should be a few centimeters. The shoots are dug in sawdust, leaves, and on top they cover with a non-blown insulating material with a waterproof coating. Moisture is destructive for covered grapes. It will lead to the fact that the culture begins to churn and rot.

In the southern regions, Bazhen grapes do not need to be covered for winter.


Anna, Leningrad Region, writes:

“Bazhena did not disappoint the crop at all. Fruiting began in the third year, the berries grow large, it is noteworthy that with age they do not grow smaller and do not lose sweets. My fruits did not crack, there were no wasps. After watering, to keep moisture, I always put mulch from sawdust. ”


Gennady tells:

“Last year, I bought Bazhene seedlings at the exhibition. The variety is considered a novelty, I was interested in the description. The vine has not yet bore fruit, this year I look forward to the harvest. The variety survives the winter steadily, covering the bushes with agrofibre and a layer of film. ”

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