Long-awaited grapes: characteristics and description of the variety

11.10.2018 Grape

Grape Long-awaited

When choosing a new variety for their site, each gardener should study well all the characteristics of the grapes and take into account all its pros and cons. Long-awaited grapes are recommended for cultivation in the south and in the middle zone of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova.

Variety Characteristics

“Long-awaited” grapes belong to early ripening varieties, berries ripen after 95-120 days, you can eat them from the beginning of August. He appeared by selection, the work was carried out in the Rostov region, the city of Novocherkassk, the notorious breeder amateur Kraynov. During the work, he crossed two varieties "Kishmish Luchisty" and "Talisman" and received wonderful hybrid fourth class seedlessness.

Variety "Long-awaited" is recommended for cultivation in the middle lane and in the southern regions of the country. It tolerates dry summers, but does not respond well to increased soil moisture. Winter hardiness of the variety is at an average level, the vine is able to withstand frosts to -23 degrees Celsius. Shoots ripen even under the condition of a short summer, and does not need a lot of sunlight. The first berries can be tasted 3 years after planting.

Vine growth is active, inflorescences are large, flowers are bisexual, therefore, pollinator planting is not required. Bunches of cone-shaped, loose and medium loose, quite large weighing from 500 to 900 grams. With proper care brushes can grow up to 1500 grams. The berries are large, yellow-green, have an oval shape, elongated, approximately 3.5-4 cm, weighing 8-15 grams. The peel is thin, it is not felt when eating. The pulp is fleshy, with a lot of juice. A small amount of seeds in fruits, berries with rudiments can come across. The sugar content in fruits is up to 22%, acidity indicators usually do not exceed 8 grams per liter.

Large grapes

In warm, dry weather, the clusters keep perfectly on the branches, the berries do not crumble. However, torrential rains can harm the fruit; with high humidity, the berries can rot and crack. Some gardeners note a slight peeling of berries, but even small fruits ripen perfectly. The yield indicators are excellent, from one adult bush they harvest 6-10 kg of grapes.

Many winegrowers process soft-seeded varieties of gibberellin to reduce the number of berries with seeds, but such procedures are dangerous for the Long-awaited variety, as the ovaries can simply crumble.

"Long-awaited" belongs to table grape varieties. It is eaten fresh in food. The berries are also suitable for making wine drinks and preserving. Bunches are stored in a cool, dry place. Long-awaited grapes are suitable for transportation, but a small amount of berries can crumble.

Advantages and disadvantages

Growing grapes is painstaking work, despite the unpretentiousness of care. Each variety has both positive and negative qualities, but proper care will help to avoid many problems.


You may be interested in:
  • unrivaled taste of berries;
  • excellent presentation;
  • universal application;
  • a small number of seeds in the berries;
  • early ripening;
  • excellent transportability;
  • the possibility of long-term storage;
  • excellent survival of seedlings.


  • high humidity provokes spoilage of berries;
  • medium resistance to fungal infections;
  • Yields directly depend on care.

Diseases and Pests

Resistance to diseases and pests at an average level, mildew variety is rarely affected. However, powdery mildew in grapes is not so high, in order to protect the plants, it is necessary to begin preventive treatments from the beginning of spring. For this, specialized preparations that can be purchased at a gardening store or folk remedies are suitable. Wasps berries are rarely damaged.

Growing Features

For planting seedlings loose soil is best suited. Sand can be added to clay soil; gardeners recommend adding a small amount of organic matter to sandy soil. A planting pit is dug quite deep, about a meter, it should be at least 60 cm wide. A broken brick is laid at the bottom, the pit itself is covered with fertile soil mixture. Seedlings are characterized by excellent survival rate, up to 90%.

After planting, it is necessary to provide the plant with full care, it consists in watering, loosening the soil and removing weed grass. In the fall, sanitary and forming trim. In the spring, the vine is also cut, leaving no more than 10 eyes, preventive disease treatment and pests. Some gardeners also recommend watering the bushes with a solution of wood ash, which makes the berries more sweet.

Grapes contain a huge amount of glucose and fructose, they positively affect brain activity.
Grape bushes

Annually soil needs to be fertilized in spring, for this, both mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable. If the summer was rainy it’s better to cover the vineyardotherwise the berries may go bad. Pollination usually does not cause problems, since the flowers are bisexual. For the winter it is necessary to cover the vine, it is removed from the support, cut, attached to the soil and sprinkled with earth. The soil is covered with fir branches and a film from above.



I bought a seedling from private owners, I was afraid that it would not take root, since this is not a nursery. But my fears turned out to be in vain, the vine grew very actively, and already in the third year several clusters of grapes were formed. The berries are very sweet and delicious, seeds rarely come across. Grade care is standard, the only thing is to control the soil moisture.



The "long-awaited" wonderful variety, the taste of berries fell in love with our whole family. Problems arose in the first few years after landing, but experience shows that with proper care they can be avoided. After all, many diseases are associated with high humidity. Berries were not attracted to wasps, and grapes were not attacked by other pests.


Long-awaited grapes are one of the popular varieties of amateur selection. In a short time he managed to win the recognition of winegrowers both in Ukraine and in Russia. Variety yields are high, and the taste of berries is simply delicious. You can grow it both for yourself and for sale.

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