Furor grapes: characteristics and description of the variety, planting and care

2.10.2018 Grape

grape variety furor

Fans of sweet grapes will definitely like the Furor variety. In addition to the unique taste, the appearance of the culture is so attracting attention that you really want to try it as soon as possible. The variety is considered a hybrid, so it incorporated only the best qualities from its predecessors.

You can appreciate the taste features if you plant grapes in the country garden. Before planting, you need to get to know the plant better, learn about its features from the description of the variety, read reviews from gardeners.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The variety was bred in the twentieth century as a table grape variety. His homeland is Russia. The selection was carried out by the famous Russian amateur agronomist Kapelyushny V.U. For breeding, the popular Laura variety was used among winegrowers. The ripening period begins 110 days after the buds open on the branches. Fruiting occurs 2-3 years after the start of cultivation. The variety is absolutely unpretentious to cultivation and the environment, it is not afraid of frost and easily tolerates low temperatures, even at -20 degrees. The variety is suitable for breeding throughout Russia, including the northern regions.

Since about mid-summer, almost black berries have ripened on the branches. The weight of one fruit is 20-30 g, length is about 40 mm. The grapes are large and bulk, on top of the skin there is a thin wax coating. It protects the crop from surface damage. The pulp is almost transparent, there is a bone inside. When bitten, a delicate pleasant aroma of nutmeg is felt. The sugar content in the pulp reaches about 21-23%, acids - 5-6 g-l. Grow Furor for yourself. It just refers to those varieties whose crop is a pity to sell, the berries are very beautiful and sweet. Ideal for fresh consumption. You can make wine, tinctures from excess grapes, boil stewed fruit or harvest raisins.

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The full growth of the plant is about 5-5.5 m. The main stem actively forms new shoots and inflorescences, but they need to be cut off on time (in the spring before bud swelling). Pollination is not required, Furor is a hermaphrodite. If you do not remove the shoots, then the grapes do not have enough strength to contain them, therefore, fruiting is sluggish or occurs much later than the deadline. The branches are powerful, therefore the clusters poured with juice hang for a long time and do not crumble. The weight of one adult bunch is 1-1.5 kg. Garter branches required (trellis or support).

On a note!
The number of eyes on one plant should not be more than 40 pieces.

Furor is highly resistant to viral diseases and fungal diseases. Cases of infection of culture by rot, oidium, mildew are rare.

Gardeners choose Furor for planting because of the following advantages:

  • beautiful berries with a sweet taste;
  • thin skin;
  • high yield;
  • breeding ability;
  • good frost resistance;
  • powerful bushes;
  • transportability.

Of the negative aspects, gardeners sometimes complain that the berries outgrow and crack. Juice stands out from the crack, attracting the attention of bees and wasps. As a way out, the berries need to be removed on time, and the grapes themselves should be watered more often, then there will be no problem.

Features of cultivation and care

Growing Furora is similar to most grape varieties, but still has a number of features.Since the bushes are large and prone to thickening, this should be taken into account during planting and care.


You need to plant Furor in spring. Before landing, choose a suitable place. It should be well lit, protected from the winds. If possible, choose the southern part of the garden. Seedlings are pre-treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to kill bacteria. They do not choose a rainy day for planting; they dig a 1x1 hole in the ground. A bucket of rubble is poured into the hole, and then along a bucket of compost and humus. The roots of the seedling are immersed in the soil mixture, the plant is dug up with soil and immediately tied to the trellis. 2-3 meters recede from the previous plant and plant another seedling.


Immediately after planting the grapes, only 2 lower buds should be left on the trunk. They serve as the origin of the remaining shoots. In autumn, when the leaves fly around, one of the shoots needs to be shortened by about two-thirds. On the remainder of the branch there should be kidneys (about 2-3). Do not touch the other shoot, it remains long. In spring, a long shoot is cut, the branches will come out flush. The remaining vertical shoots serve as fruit arrows - a bunch of flowers will grow on them. Autumn pruning is done at the discretion, spring is the same procedure.


Special watering should be done no more than 1 time per month. One plant takes up to 5 liters of water. The drip irrigation system is great for keeping vineyards - it is economical and easy to use. Refrain from watering if it is cloudy or rainy on the street. After watering near the trunk, the soil is loosened with a chopper or hand. To preserve moisture in the soil, a layer of sawdust or straw is laid.

Water temperature for irrigation should not be colder than 20 degrees.

Shelter for the winter

If Furor is grown in the south of the country, his shelter is not required. Starting from the age of three, grapes can not be covered in the central part of Russia - for the winter the land is only mulched. Young plants need to be hidden from frost, otherwise they may not survive the winter. You can put agrofibre on top. Another way of sheltering is to hammer boards into the ground near plants to make a large ridge. The bushes are bent to the ground, and on top of the boards they put slate or pull the film. So the grapes calmly lay until spring.

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Gardeners love Furor for early ripeness, marketable appearance of berries. He is considered a favorite and is very spread in Russia.

Tamara from the Krasnodar Territory says:

“Noteworthy variety. I have known him for a long time, I have been growing on the site since 2013. For all the time, the harvest was stable, fruiting has been occurring annually since the beginning of July. I cut grapes only in spring. It is important to carry out pruning while the plant is still sleeping. Then the movement of juices is not active. ”

Alexander says:

“The name Furor speaks for itself. I have not yet found the best variety, although I have been fond of growing vineyards for 10 years. My mistake was that at first I cut the bush a little. Fruiting proceeded sluggishly. The following year I cut almost all branches, but in the spring the grapes went into the growth phase, and in the summer I got a good harvest. ”

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