Grapes Amur breakthrough One: characterization and description of the variety, care and planting

28.09.2018 Grape

Variety Amur

For cultivation in areas of risky farming suitable varieties of frost-resistant grapes. One of these is the Amur breakthrough, which gardeners loved for their unpretentiousness and high productivity.

Appearance story

The Amur breakthrough is otherwise called Odin or Potapenko-7, its ancestor is wild grapes growing in China and the Far East. Thanks to the experience of the breeder A.I. Potapenko gave birth to an improved version of wild-growing culture, giving rise to other types of frost-resistant vines.

Since 2018, the Amur breakthrough has been registered in the State Register, although it has been grown for a long time in the regions of Siberia, the Urals, and the Northwest. According to the main characteristics, One is similar to other varieties of Far Eastern breeders.

Grade description

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Bushes are vigorous, with powerful shoots. Young branches are green, from the second year they acquire a dark brown hue. The bark is thin; peeling is observed as the bushes grow older.

Bushes grow quickly, over the summer the vine gives an increase of up to 2.3-2.5 meters. The trunk in diameter is 18-20 cm, the length of the vine is 30-35 meters.

It forms a large number of shoots, weaves well. Leaves slightly elongated or rounded, large, with a serrated edge. The length of the plate is 20-25 cm. On the underside of the sheet is a slight pubescence. In summer, the color is dark green, with the approach of autumn days, the foliage becomes crimson.

On a note!
Variety Odin is widely used for registration of territories in landscape design.

It is distinguished by early vegetation, high rates of resistance to diseases, increased need for moisture.

Fruit Characteristics

Unlike wild species, the Amursky breach has larger berries. Color - purple, dark pink, deep blue.

Up to 400 grams comes the weight of the brush. The size and quality of the berries depends on the cultivation conditions. Berries weighing 3-4 grams, length - 12-15 mm. The pigmentation is pale, the pulp is visible through the dense skin. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, with barely noticeable sourness. Sugar level - 21-23%. The indicator is high, not every southern variety is so sweet. Acidity indicators are in the range of 6-7%.

The use of berries is universal. Compotes, juices, wines are tasty from the Amur breakthrough. They practice processing for jams, jam, bones serve as raw materials for the manufacture of essential oils. Berries are suitable for transportation over long distances; they are not deformed.


On average, 8-10 kg of fruits are harvested from the bush. The variety is characterized by rapid growth, when grown as an arbor form, a perennial bush gives up to 80-100 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages

Grapes One grown in the middle lane, in the European North, in Primorye. It grows best in native places for itself - in the Far East.

Of the advantages, we highlight:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to traditional infections of grapes (especially when grown in climatic conditions similar to Primorye);
  • frost resistance;
  • the versatility of berries;
  • the possibility of growing without shelter for the winter;
  • suitability for transportation;
  • good taste;
  • high ability to recover after spring freezing shoots

In late summer and autumn, during the ripening period, the berries do not attack the wasp.Gardeners note that the Amur breakthrough is good in decorative planting on the site. The original result is a vineyard entwined with arches, arches, green walls.

The variety is growing everywhere, requires minimal maintenance. Even a beginner gardener will grow such grapes.


  • requires abundant watering;
  • does not tolerate drought;
  • in the middle lane, bushes are affected by mildew (mandatory prevention is required).

Not all summer residents like the late ripening of berries. But then the bushes and fruits are not afraid of the first frosts, the berries are only sweeter.

Features of agricultural technology

An ambitious Amur breakthrough is planted in various ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • cuttings.

The simplest options are with cuttings and seedlings, while fruiting will begin in 2-3 years. At breeding seeds do not preserve the taste of berries, acidity increases. The first harvest of fruits - not earlier than after 4-5 years.

Seat selection

A sunny, closed from the winds section is selected. The vine is not afraid of frost, but for the best ripening of berries, heat, good lighting and protection from strong winds are required.

On a note!
On shaded areas, the number of berries decreases. Taste worsens, sweetness disappears.

Soils are preferable to chernozem, loam and sandstone. Acidity indicators - acidic or slightly acidic pH. This grape does not like alkaline soils, so peat is added to such areas.


Saplings or cuttings are planted in the spring, after warming the soil. Dig holes in advance, trenches, arrange drainage. As a drainage layer suitable:

  • expanded clay;
  • pebbles;
  • shards of brick.

At the same time put supports for trellis, pull the wire in 2-3 rows. The pitch of the stakes is 4 meters, the extreme supports are supported by supports for stability. When cultivating a vigorous Amur grape, gardeners install trellises on both sides of the bushes. It facilitates care, picking berries.

Also, at the same time as planting, a crop is installed in the soil, a piece of pipe. One edge of it rises above the surface of the earth by 15-20 cm, the other end is buried in the soil. The device will help with watering the plantings, the water will not evaporate, the roots will receive the desired amount of moisture.

After planting, the seedlings are mulched with hay or straw. For variety One, mulching is an important agricultural technique that allows you to save moisture, protect the bushes from the rapid growth of weeds. When loosening the soil, the mulch is removed, then returned to its place.

Grape Care Amur Breakthrough

Variety agricultural technology does not cause difficulties, traditional techniques:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • the formation of bushes;
  • disease prevention;
  • preparation for winter.

Some recommendations for annual care:

  1. Grapes Amur breakthrough loves moist soils, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Watering the vine regularly, given the weather and soil conditions. For adult bushes, the usual norm is 3-4 buckets. Washing of roots is not allowed. About 8-10 days before flowering, watering is temporarily stopped. After flowering resume.
  2. Pruned bushes according to standard formation schemes. Autumn shoots pruned when removing from trellises, in the spring - before the swelling of the kidneys.
  3. Grade One is often grown without pruning. In the spring, deformed, weak or frozen shoots are removed, in the fall - weak, sick shoots that interfere with growth.
  4. Watering grapes on leaves is not allowed. It is better to pour water into the dug pipes or special grooves. Moisture on the leaves provokes the appearance of diseases.Watering grapes
  5. The vines of the first year must be prepared for the winter, sheltered. Adult bushes can withstand temperatures down to minus 40ºC, but it’s not worth the risk. In areas where in winter the air temperature is below minus 20ºC, it is recommended to cover the shoots.
  6. As top dressing, diluted slurry (1: 5), complex fertilizers are suitable. Top dressing with nitrogen additives is shown only in spring and until mid-summer, then watered with solutions, containing potassiumphosphorus.
  7. To stimulate the ripening of the vine, stepchildren break out.
  8. The formation of the bush is carried out for four years, then cost pruning.
  9. When grown in the middle lane, there is a risk of downy mildew on the vine. For the prevention of the disease they process bushes, aisles, soil surface with solutions of Bordeaux mixture, the drug Oksikhom. Bordeaux liquid is used only in early spring, at the stage of the appearance of 5-6 leaves and before flowering, Polykhom, Topaz preparations are suitable. It is advisable to alternate means to avoid the occurrence of resistance (addiction).

With proper care, Odin's seedlings already in the third year begin to produce berries.


Grape variety Amur breakthrough (One) - promising for cultivation in all climatic zones of Russia. Bushes give good harvests, delighting gardeners with delicious juicy berries.


Tatyana, Podolsk

We are growing the Amur breakthrough of 7-8 years, there are few complaints. He loves moist soils, does not require shelter for the winter. Berries grow juicy, large brushes. The only problem is more mildew, so I do a few treatments over the season.


Elizabeth, Vologda

Amursky is also growing in me, although I was very skeptical about growing grapes in our regions. But this one pleases: both berries and the beauty of the bushes. In the autumn, near the fence, the bushes are like flames, very beautiful and bright. The berries are dark blue, little acid. If summer is sunny and warm, then it cannot be distinguished from southern berries.

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