High beds pros and cons

16.10.2016 Interesting ideas

Menu for the New Year 2017: what to cook for the year of the RoosterHigh beds of pros and cons, as well as caring for them, are of interest to many gardeners who are only planning to start their construction. After all, as you know, you must first study the nuances, and only then translate it into reality. To analyze the situation and choose the right option for even beginners of gardening, especially since experienced professionals give a lot of important advice from personal experience.


A high bed is a structure that resembles a frame (of any shape) knocked down from boards, where, after fastening, a metal mesh from rodents is laid, and then the necessary soil composition is poured. And you need to consider everything for the convenience of approach and care for these facilities.


The composition of the land, which will be kept on the bed, is prepared in advance and selected in connection with the fact that it depends on which plant will be there. After all, as you know, the nutrition of various types of crops is quite diverse, and in order to grow a full-fledged crop or species, it is necessary to give proper nutrition and ensure the most proper care.


Amenities of high beds for gardeners - amateurs

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High beds are primarily convenient in that placing them on the plant, they require minimal labor. In addition, such structures, as a rule, are warmed up faster by sunlight in the spring time, which means that early germination of seeds or flowering will be ensured.


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Not infrequently, many lovers of suburban areas use high beds for growing strawberries of various varieties. Because care for these crops significantly reduces the amount of work needed, and also allows you to conveniently harvest.


Such beds can be located at any convenient places, for example, on that place where there is clay soil. Digging and fertilizing will also be preserved, because such constructions are usually made so that they do not enter or trample the soil, thereby not disturbing the circulation of airspace. Convenience in weeding.


Cons of high beds on land

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The main disadvantage is, of course, that there is a rapid loss of moisture. But such an incident can be quickly dealt with if, for example, drip irrigation is carried out. It is not uncommon to solve this problem, many summer residents mix earth with sawdust, which in turn retain moisture well. One of the drawbacks of high beds is that cold-resistant crops quickly throw arrows.


Undoubtedly, the solution to this problem is the same obvious, because then you should not plant these plants. Be sure to have these beds, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the soil composition, because there is a risk of the rapid multiplication of various adverse diseases. And if you do not carry out such work, then when planting the next year, the plants may simply die.


To avoid troubles when planning high beds, includingfor strawberries, on their sites, one should not only think over the place where they will be located, but also need to evaluate what material to construct these structures from and what plants will be planted there. Only then can all the unpleasant disadvantages of using high beds be avoided.

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