Apple tree Melba: description of the variety, reviews

9.09.2016 Apple tree

Apple-tree Melba: description, photo, reviewsIt is this variety of apple trees that is quite popular all over the world, if you look at some reviews of gardeners, you can see that these apple trees are called very positively. If a summer resident wants to plant such fruit trees, he should learn a little more about this particular apple tree variety and how to properly care for such plants in the first months of their life.

A detailed description of this variety, a few words about the origin

This variety is quite young, especially if you compare this fruit tree with other species of apple trees, yet this particular plant has a rather long and interesting history, which will be written in more detail in this article. It is worth saying that the Melba apple tree, according to the description (photo) and reviews, has a rather rich history, the first seeds were created as early as one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, then the variety was bred accidentally during independent pollination of one of the apple tree varieties.

The first tree was grown from the seed, on which sweet and incredibly tasty apples began to grow, the tree was grown in Canada, and later the seeds of this plant migrated to more southern countries, and later our gardeners living in the Moscow Region began to grow such apple trees as well in colder areas. All the same, it is worth saying that such apple trees can grow and bear fruit only in warm regions of the country, for example, many grow such fruits in Ukraine, since in this country the climate is perfect for this variety of apples.

Apple-tree Melba: description, photo, reviews

According to descriptions with photos and reviews (video), the Melba apple trees themselves do not have a high trunk, after the final growth completion, the crown as a result has an almost even rounded shape, and there is no need to help create a crown for this type of tree. It is this variety of apple trees that has incredibly beautiful and large flower buds, most often they have delicate shades of white with a dilution of purple, in some cases the flowers themselves are painted in delicate pink shades.

How does the plant behave during the ripening of apple fruits?

Ripening occurs at the very end of summer, most often it is the period from late August to mid-September. Each fruit can have a fairly large size, but most often there are apples of medium size, the fruits should have a slightly flattened shape, with each apple weighing one hundred and fifty grams or more. If you touch the fruits, they will be very gentle and smooth to the touch, while a thin coating of wax should cover the surface. The taste of each ripe fruit is very sweet, and the very pulp of medium density, which has a lot of juice, the smell is very reminiscent of sweet caramel sweets. Need to know apple planting schemes in autumnto get a big crop of these fruits.

Apple tree Melba: description, photo,

Does the apple tree have advantages and disadvantages?

Although this variety is very popular, still the apple tree has some advantages and disadvantages, which will have to pay special attention. It is worth starting with the fact that each of the apple trees has its own strengths, if we talk about the Melba apple tree according to the description with photos and reviews, the early or late apple tree will be planted is not so important, but most often you can find the late variety of this tree. The indisputable advantage of this fruit tree is its fertility, as well as the ability to bring crops at the earliest possible time after planting in the ground.

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For example, if a gardener plant a small tree in his country house, then with proper care it will give the first crop in just four years, which is a great advantage over other varieties of apple trees. The ripening of the fruits occurs quite early, as already at the end of summer the summer resident can collect the first crop of ripe apples, and enjoy their wonderful rich juicy taste.

The next advantage of this variety over other apple trees is a large yield, of course, while the apple tree grows and develops slowly, the gardener should not hope for a large yield, but as soon as the tree grows enough, you can get a really excellent yield in one year of fruiting.

Apple tree Melba: description,

The tree fully ripens, approximately in eleven years of growth, if you take proper care every year, then to the peak of its growth, the tree can produce from thirty to eighty kilograms of apples per season, all the same the amount of harvest will also depend on the weather conditions of a certain region . If the apple trees are quite old, then they bear fruit periodically, that is, they can produce crops every two or three years, which will be the first signal to update the fruit tree.

What attracts ripe fruits?

Ripe apples are ideal for trading them in the markets, the fruits have a very beautiful appearance, as well as very impressive sizes. In addition, these apples will have excellent taste and special juiciness, which is a great indicator when selling. Trees can grow in different conditions, but the main factor will be the presence of a long summer period, which is why apple trees feel better in the southern regions of our country.

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Even ripened fruits after harvest can lie for a long time, which is why these varieties of fruits are often transported to the markets of different cities throughout the country. Sellers do not have to worry about the quality of the arrived goods, as large fruits will perfectly transport the goods and retain their attractive marketable appearance. Even if the gardener collects the fruits personally for himself and his family, apples can be stored in a convenient place, they will remain fresh and tasty for at least two months. Many people know about the apple tree variety of the daughter of Melba, the description (photo) and reviews about this tree speak only positively, for this reason many gardeners prefer to plant this type of fruit tree on their site.

Apple tree Melba

If we consider not only the taste qualities of this type of fruit, but also their beneficial qualities, then we can understand that it is these apples that are considered the most useful. Each fruit contains a large amount of sugar, fiber, a little important vitamin C, pectin substances, which are so important for the normal functioning of the body, but fats in this product are completely absent, which cannot be considered a plus.

How else to use the fruits of this variety

Summer residents can cook delicious compotes from such sweet and juicy apples, and jam or jam is not bad either. Since apple trees do not bring a small crop, the fruits can be processed into juice, or dried. It is worth saying that dried apples will be able to retain the largest number of useful components, and in winter they are used for cooking compotes, as a filling for a pie or fragrant pies.

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