How to get rid of a cabbage butterfly on cabbage by simple means

21.09.2018 Diseases and Pests

butterfly cabbage pest

Among the parasites attacking cabbage, a butterfly is a serious danger. It is found throughout Russia and causes great harm to cabbage plantations. If an insect appeared in the garden, then it must be immediately destroyed.

Folk remedies are very effective against pests - they will always be found in the house and are cheap. How to deal with butterflies on cabbage folk remedies will tell the advice of experienced gardeners.

Pest Description

The main difference from other butterflies is white wings. Females grow with a wingspan of 5-6 centimeters, so a butterfly is easy to spot on a green crop. Insects activate with warming, usually in late spring or summer. They feed on the sweet nectar of flowers.

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Life expectancy is 20 days. During this time, one female lays from 80 to 100 eggs on the back of the leaves. During the invasion of the butterfly colony, the number of eggs for the entire season exceeds thousands. In 20 days, such a number of insects will easily destroy the entire crop.

Caterpillars appearing on the leaves are painted yellow-green with black stripes. There is a small fluff on the body, the length of the body is 3-4 centimeters. Caterpillars feed on leaves, eat all the flesh and leave veins.


A sure sign of an attack on butterfly cabbage is the appearance of holes on heads of cabbage.

Pupae tolerate winter well. They take refuge in the bark of trees, attach to the trunks of shrubs. With the advent of spring, pests attack the cabbage crop and destroy it.


A caterpillar after eating cabbage leaves leaves its waste products on them. The remains of heads of cabbage quickly rot and die. Infection spreads to neighboring cultures, and soon rot appears on them. Butterflies themselves are considered carriers of fungal diseases and viral infections.

Reasons for the appearance

There is no clear reason why cabbage shawls appear. Their invasion occurs suddenly and continues in three stages: at the beginning of summer, mid and end. Cabbage flies spread well in dry, warm weather; heat and rain are harmful to them. Butterflies migrate from plantation to plantation, so it is impossible to determine their location in advance.

How to get rid forever

Folk remedies show a high result in the fight against caterpillars and cabbage. Unlike chemicals, they quickly decompose in the soil, do not leave decay by-products and do not poison the crop.

Laundry soap and ash

The simplest and most common insect recipe consists of the following ingredients:

  • 100 g of grated soap;
  • ½ cup ash;
  • 5 liters of water.

Dissolve the soap with ash in warm water and insist the mixture for 1 hour. Pour the solution into the spray bottle and treat the cabbage from top to bottom, especially paying attention to the back of the leaves. You need to spray vegetables in the morning, so that by the evening the crop has time to dry. Processing is carried out 1 time in 3-4 days for 2 weeks.

Mustard infusion

Mustard will immediately scare away the butterflies, and already with the second treatment their number will noticeably decrease, and soon completely will be reduced to zero. You need to dissolve 100 grams of mustard powder in a bucket of hot water. The mixture is allowed to cool, and then diluted with clean water in a 1: 1 ratio. Irrigate cabbage over the entire height 1 time in 3 days.Repeat the procedure for 2 weeks.


Bitter wormwood grows in the garden everywhere. An excellent pest control preparation is made from it. Young plants are bared when they bloom, and dried a little in the sun (during the day). The branches of the plant are crushed and thrown into a bucket. Water is poured into the bucket and boiled for 10-15 minutes.

After boiling, the resulting broth is cooled and diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. Spray the culture 1 time in 3-4 days for 2 weeks in a row.

On a note!

Instead of wormwood, take tomato or potato tops - they give the same effect.


Some gardeners advise to breed vinegar mixture:

  • 3 tbsp any vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp ground black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp table salt.

These ingredients are dissolved in a bucket of water and the vegetable is sprayed every other day for 2-3 weeks. Vinegar is also effective against larvae - they die.


The appearance of caterpillars and butterfly cabbage on the site can be prevented. The following methods help in this:

  • Before planting, the soil is well dug up and spilled with any insecticide - after the winter, pupae can remain in it;
  • near the cabbage ridge they clear the place of debris, wash the fence with a stream of water to wash off insects;
  • after planting cabbage for the third week, it is irrigated with onion infusion (for 5 liters of water - husk from 5-6 onions). Repeat irrigation after a week. Onion husks can be replaced with 200 g of cones from needles;
  • in early summer, you can close the cabbage with a mosquito net to hide it from pests;
  • planted next to cabbage herbs with bright aromas: dill, calendula, thyme. The smell repels insects.

To prevent the pest from taking by surprise, the growth of cabbage is monitored daily. As soon as white wings were noticed in the garden, and holes appeared on the leaves, they began to take more radical measures to control insects.


It is not so difficult to remove the cabbage from the cabbage bed. Several tips will help you do this several times faster:

  • caterpillars or larvae can be removed by hand, after wearing gloves;
  • butterflies love sugar, so they prepare the bait: dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in a glass of water and put next to the cabbage. When the butterflies accumulate next to the bait, they are caught and destroyed;
  • poured ash paths near cabbage beds. Wood ash is a faithful helper in the fight against butterflies.

Insect control will be won if the treatment is carried out regularly and in the indicated proportions. In the initial stages of infection of butterflies, it is easy to defeat in just a couple of days, in advanced cases it can take weeks to destroy. Folk remedies always help, so there is no need for chemicals. The crop will be saved and preserved, and pests will leave the site forever.

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