The use of boric acid as a top dressing of cucumbers

8.08.2019 Cucumbers

A good harvest when growing any garden crop depends on many factors. Of great importance is the nutrition of the plant. Over the entire development period, several top dressings are necessary. Cucumbers also need useful trace elements. As foliar and root top dressing, a solution of boric acid can be used. It is suitable for seed treatment and parasite prophylaxis.

Properties of boric acid for cucumbers

The substance is involved in the metabolic processes of the plant. With its help, useful trace elements are absorbed faster. Boron is necessary for normal photosynthesis of culture. Under its influence, the root system develops faster and becomes stronger. It is necessary for the formation of inflorescences and ovaries. The rudiments of the fruit become stronger, do not crumble.

Boric Acid Solution suitable for cucumbers in the greenhouse and grown in the open field. Increases plant resistance to diseases and pests, as well as weather changes. Since boron is involved in the transport of carbohydrates and sugar, cucumbers containing it in abundance have a more pleasant taste.

Symptoms of Boron Lack

Deficiency of the substance affects the appearance and fruiting of the culture. Rhizomes are underdeveloped. The culture grows much more slowly and does not give lateral processes. The amount of ovary is reduced. Inflorescences may fall. Fruits also change appearance. They are deformed, their taste is reduced.

The vine becomes fragile, prone to necrosis. The immunity of the culture is significantly reduced, as a result of which it becomes vulnerable to diseases and pests. The plant does not bear fruit, may die. These symptoms indicate the need for feeding cucumbers with boric acid.

Excess boron

It is not worth it to abuse cucumbers by watering boric acid. Its excess is no less harmful than a deficit. A plant containing an increased concentration of a substance changes its appearance. Symptoms are different from a deficiency of boron, so it is easy to recognize its excess.

The culture is characterized by a change in the shape and color of the sheet plate. She dies at the edges, becomes twisted. Leaves change color to bright yellow, take the form of a dome. The plant slows its growth, discards foliage. You can determine the excess by reducing the number of female inflorescences on cucumbers.

Application rules

Feed cucumbers boric acid is needed in several stages: during flowering, during the formation of the ovary, during fruiting. Basal dressing is carried out with a minimum interval of 20 days. For processing the culture, you can use boron powder in 10 g packets or special preparations Mag-Bor, Borofoska, Plantafol. When working with granules, the dosage should be strictly observed.

Spraying cucumbers with boric acid can not be carried out in the heat. Optimal - evening time, without wind. Handle greens carefully, from all sides. It is necessary to take into account weather conditions, since rain will wash off the drug, without allowing it to be absorbed. When spraying 10 square meters, about 1 liter of working solution is consumed. For each liter of water, 1/2 tsp is required. powder.

Boric acid powder should be dissolved only in hot water. Insoluble grains settle on the leaves of the plant, causing burns. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage of the drug.

Spraying and seed treatment

Pre-treatment of seeds accelerates their germination, and also strengthens the immunity of the future plant.To work, you need to prepare a solution. In a liter of hot water, completely dissolve the boron granules in an amount of 0.2 g. Soak for at least 12 hours. Wrap seeds with gauze before placing in liquid.

Before planting seedlings in the garden, you can strengthen it with a solution of boric acid. 0.5 g of the drug is enough for a bucket of water. The first top dressing should be applied as 3-4 leaves grow on the plant. To prepare a classic solution with which you can spray and feed cucumbers, you must:

  • pre-dissolve in a small amount of hot water 5 g of boron powder;
  • add water to a volume of 10 l;
  • working solution should have a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

Application to attract bees and from ants

Bee pollinated varieties require a sufficient number of insects for successful fruiting. As a bait, you can use a sweet solution of boron. 10 g of water requires 10 g of powder, previously dissolved, and 500 g of sugar or 100 g of honey. Such a mixture must be sprayed with cucumbers during the formation of inflorescences to enhance pollination.

Boric acid powder can be used against pests in the garden and in the house. To get rid of ants, you should prepare a bait for them. Mix the crystals of the substance with sugar, then sprinkle the mixture in places of accumulation of insects in the form of tracks. Pure powder can be used, but ants are attracted to sweets. There is a recipe for a liquid trap. In 200 ml of water, dilute 10 g of boron powder, 4 tbsp. sugar and 1 tablespoon preserves. Heat until completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into a tightly closed container, set between the rows of cucumbers.

Other recipes

In addition to the classic recipe, there are various mixtures used to protect against pests and diseases. For the prevention of fungal infections, a solution of boron and manganese is used. To do this, to the standard proportions per bucket of water you need to add a few crystals of the latter, until a pale pink solution is obtained.

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Root dressing is carried out with a mixture of boron and iodine. A bucket of water requires 1 g of the drug and 9 drops of iodine solution. When forming the ovary and fruits, a mixture based on ash is suitable. 2.5 l of water will require 1.5 kg of the main ingredient. Add dissolved 5 g of boric acid powder and half a bottle of iodine to the mixture. Knead and insist for a day. Dilute 10 times before use.

An effective and safe remedy for diseases and pests is a solution with brilliant green. In 5 l of water, add 10 drops of brilliant green and 1 g of boron powder. The recipe using soda has similar properties. To prepare it you will need:

  • 10 l of water;
  • 50 g of soda powder;
  • 1 g of boron;
  • 10 g of hydrogen peroxide.


Tatyana, 35 years old, Rostov:

Due to a sharp cooling, spots appeared on the leaves of cucumbers, probably powdery mildew. After treatment with a solution of boron with zelenka and peroxide, the plant recovered. There were enough 2 sprays.

Anatoly, 53 years old, Samara:

Inflorescences began to form on cucumbers. For some reason, they began to crumble. He prepared a solution with boron, he treated the plant. After the first application, an effect is noticeable.

Irina, 45 years old, Moscow:

I used boric acid on the advice of my mother. The drug is cheap, harmless. I tried different recipes - a clean solution, a mixture with iodine. Cucumbers were not sick. Productivity is much higher.

Boric acid can be used as a top dressing for cucumbers and for their treatment against parasites and diseases.The drug increases the plant's resistance to external harmful influences, increases productivity. In order not to harm the culture, you can not increase the frequency of processing or dosage of the drug. For the season, 3-4 applications are sufficient. Excess boron is harmful to the plant.

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