What is hydroponics for greens and how to do it yourself at home

18.02.2016 garden tools

Hydroponics at home, do-it-yourself greensIn order to grow plants it is not necessary to use soil. After all, plant roots can receive all the nutrients necessary for proper growth without being in the ground. Thanks to modern technologies, it has become possible to use hydroponics at home: do-it-yourself greens can be grown regardless of the time of year outside the window.

You can pamper yourself with fresh dill, parsley, basil and other herbs all year round, using hydroponics at home. Hydroponics at home: with your own hands you can grow not only greens, but even tomatoes (video).

What is hydroponics

From the name of the method of growing plants, it becomes clear that the key component here is water. That is, instead of the usual soil, the plants will dwell in water saturated with various beneficial substances. Thanks to this technology, we can safely forget about weeding beds, weeds, and various pests, which strive to reinforce the roots of plants.

A solution for hydroponics allows you to saturate the water with the maximum amount of nutrients and trace elements that help form a strong root system, which is no worse than the one that is formed in the soil. To grow greens with your own hands on hydroponics at home, you need to carefully study the solutions that are best suited, their proportions, and also use either a special apparatus for hydroponics, or make it yourself.

How to grow greens in hydroponics at home

To grow greens with your own hands on hydroponics at home, follow the instructions. This process will not seem so complicated if you carefully study everything and figure it out.

self-organizing hydroponics

So, for growing greenery it is not at all necessary to buy a special plant. It is enough to take plastic pots with holes at the bottom, with a diameter of not more than 5 cm. Plastic cups are also good. It is in such a prepared container that seeds should be planted. Then, cups or pennies should be placed in a pallet with high sides, where the compressor will be located. The compressor prevents the precipitation of salts, and also saturates the solution with oxygen and its uniform distribution between the roots of the plant. Pots are placed in a foam lid, where it is tedious to make holes of the desired diameter. If hydroponics at home is done correctly, then do-it-yourself greens can be grown very quickly.

One of the most important rules to get the first fruits faster is to remember to add nutrient solution and turn on the compressor. It's time to decide on dates, When to sow petunias for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar .

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The algorithm for growing plants on hydroponics can be identified step by step:

  • Choose the desired plant
  • Make a choice in favor of one of the solutions suitable for hydroponics: expanded clay, perlite and others.
  • Prepare plastic cups or special plastic pots
  • Plant seeds in them
  • Choose the necessary fertilizers that are suitable for the selected plant
  • Install compressor
  • Submerged pots in water
  • Make sure that there is always enough water
  • Cut off overgrown leaves of greens in time so that new leaves grow faster

Hydroponics at home and growing greens with your own hands with it helps to forget about back pain, as it happens after a couple of hours of work on the land, keeps hands clean, and around. Using this technique, you can grow parsley, dill, basil, lettuce, sorrel, coriander, mint, thyme. The assortment is very large. All these crops can be obtained without leaving your home, and even without having your own land.

what is hydroponics

Nutrient solution

As it has already become clear, the key role in plant growth is played by the nutrient solution, which is added to the water.

For the substrate, you can use materials in granules: gravel, perlite, pumice, slag, coarse sand. Before using such granules, they should be cleaned from various impurities. To do this, you just need to sift the granules through a sieve. The sifted substrate should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate to get rid of germs.

Further, the substrate should be washed with purified water and used when planting plants. pay attention to tomatoes raspberry miracle: reviews about the variety are just wonderful.

It is better to buy a ready-made nutrient solution, since the proportions are precisely calculated in it. You can make a nutrient solution yourself, but you should carefully monitor the proportions. To make a nutrient solution with your own hands, you need to buy all the necessary solutions and mix them in the right amount.

how hydroponics works

Important: reagents for the nutrient solution must be mixed in exact proportions, without errors!

Hydroponics gives environmentally friendly products that can be enjoyed at any time of the year. What could be tastier than greenery grown by yourself?

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