Do-it-yourself nest for laying hens with an egg collector (step by step)

23.09.2017 Construction

The topic regarding the proper keeping of chickens with the aim of breeding them or increasing the production of eggs has recently become increasingly relevant. In order to make do-it-yourself nests for laying hens with an egg collector, you need step-by-step photos and sizes of the future model. Remember, the number of eggs, the state of health and the appearance of laying hens is influenced by many external factors: food, living conditions and even in what place and in what form perches are made.

If before, many people used a regular box full of hay, but today, owners who are professionally engaged in poultry breeding are more attentive to this issue, thereby making the life of a laying hen comfortable, and her own life easier. So, we are talking about the so-called egg collectors, which many are afraid to do on their own. But, do not doubt your abilities, everything is quite simple.

Do it yourself

[sc name = "info-dashed" text = "The difficulty in keeping the bird lies in the fact that they can destroy all the brought-down products in case of lack of vitamins or feed. In order to exclude such facts, it is necessary to start manufacturing special chicken coops in suitable sizes, the eggs will go directly to the store. The presented technology is indispensable for keeping birds. ”]

Photo: hen nest sizes

The design is, in fact, the usual perches for laying hens, but placed on the floor, made at an angle of at least 15 degrees, so that the egg rolls along the made path to a storage place inaccessible to the birds themselves.

Preparation of materials for the chicken nest
Collecting a rectangle from planks
Fixing plywood to the bottom of the rectangle
Fixing linoleum and lintels
Cut the side walls
We fasten the side walls as in the photo
Cut and fasten the back wall
We fasten the construction cover as in the photo


  1. This design will significantly save time, because now, you do not need to check each nest for eggs in it, just pick them all from one place.
  2. There are laying hens with genetic characteristics, after demolition, peck the shell. The egg collector does not allow this, they roll down from the nest to the destination - the so-called repository.
  3. The sizes of nests for laying hens with an egg collector made by yourself are selected independently, you can use visual photos. There are ready-made devices for poultry farms, but they are not suitable for household use. These are unprofitable constructions that are expensive and are necessary only for keeping a large number of birds. Do-it-yourself manufacturing has many nuances, but the simplicity of actions will allow you to do everything you need in 5-6 hours (see photo above).

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Step-by-step instruction

Undoubtedly, before starting such work, it would be worthwhile to draw the design on paper approximately, so that after nothing is forgotten, doing everything by example. So, now, it’s worth going directly to the step-by-step step to create the aforementioned design:

  1. Initially, you should pretty much work on the flooring of the chicken coop, which should be done at an angle of 15 degrees to one side.
  2. The next step is the creation of perches on the elevated side of the floor, which should be very modestly laid with hay, without blocking the road to the storehouse.
  3. The storage should be located on the opposite side of the barn, on the so-called descent.Soft flooring made of sawdust, or, preferably, foam rubber, is laid in it.
  4. The last moment is a good cover for the storage in order to protect it from birds. It is desirable to beat it with linoleum, and make the entrance into it from an oilcloth, which would open under the pressure of a rolling egg.

[sc name = "info" text = "At this stage, the production ends, after a while you can see the collection in work. There is no ideal or example of an egg collector, it always turns out to be individual, therefore, you don’t need to worry about what happened differently from “on the photo on the Internet.”]

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You can use a step-by-step video on making your own nests for laying hens with an egg collector, where you can see a photo of the future product and its dimensions. Such a manual helps beginners at the initial stage, then it will be much easier to engage in the manufacture of these devices. In the household, the presence of poultry nests is the basis of care.

As the main materials, it is recommended to use wood. It is soft, easy to process and inexpensive.

Therefore, if you are thinking about engaging in the production of such nests, then take care in advance of acquiring the required materials. Each stage of production must be performed strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Storage facilities for eggs must have a special design, which will be located in a suitable place. In fact, the manufacture of the collection is not always important, as domestic hens rush perfectly in simple nests, made in the form of a box. It all depends on the presence of extra time and the desire to create nests for laying hens with an egg collector with their own hands.


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