How to get rid of powdery mildew on cucumbers: control measures

15.08.2019 Cucumbers

A disease of a fungal nature that affects the leaves and stalk of any vegetable is called powdery mildew. Fungi settle in the epithelial cells of the green space. After that, the formation of a whitish plaque begins - this is the mycelium. Incubation of fungal disease occurs about 3-5 days. It can occur if the soil is overdried or excessively waterlogged, due to watering the beds when the top layer of the earth is not dry.

Causes and signs

After infection, the following symptoms appear on the cucumbers: a white fluffy coating is spotted on the surface of the leaves and stems of the vegetable, the leaves begin to fade.

With the disease, the yield decreases, the leaves curl, and then fall off.

You can get rid of powdery mildew on cucumbers with folk remedies, chemicals.

The fungus likes to settle on cucumbers in a humid and warm climate. Summer rains in warm weather, not stopping for several days, contribute to the appearance of white plaque with subsequent yellowing of the mass of leaves. Causes of the disease:

  1. Warm weather with air temperature + 16-22 degrees. Contamination is also aided by sunlight.
  2. Easily affected by powdery mildew with rapid changes in nighttime ambient temperatures. The immunity of the vegetable at this time is sharply reduced.
  3. Cucumbers planted too close together.
  4. The soil is oversaturated with nitrogen.

Chemicals for Cucumbers

Chemical products for the control of powdery mildew on cucumbers are sold in any gardening or hardware store. Application is advisable when the fungus damaged more than half of the stands. The following chemicals are distinguished:

  1. Topaz, which can be applied immediately after signs of yellowing of the foliage. The drug has toxicity to humans. During the treatment of powdery mildew on cucumbers, it is forbidden to touch the treated plantations. The action of the drug is based on penconazole. 1 ampoule of the substance should be diluted in 10 liters of liquid. Spraying should be done with a freshly prepared solution, discard the remains. Repeat treatment every 2 weeks.
  2. Tilt KE, the active substance of which is propiconazole. The substance prevents the further development of mycelium of the fungus. Produced in the form of an emulsion. When the ambient temperature rises, there is an increase in the activation of the drug, penetrating the plant tissue. Prepare a solution: 40 g of emulsion and 10 liters of liquid, mix and stir. Spray sick cucumbers. After a while, a protective film will appear, which will protect for more than 14 days.
  3. You can treat cucumbers Tiovit Jet, Rayok, Skor.
  4. The solution of colloidal sulfur. For processing, a solution with a concentration of 20 percent is used. Use only for open ground in cloudy weather at a temperature of + 20-30 degrees. To prepare a preparation only according to the instructions in non-food containers. To process no more than 3 times a week, no more than 2 for the entire growing season.


Biofungicides - bactericidal substances - are becoming more popular every day. Their advantage is safety, lack of toxicity.

Use can also begin with the formation of ovaries, fruits. Do not affect the state of the human body.Fight in the early stages of the disease.

Biofungicides include:

  1. Phytosporin, which is made on a bacterial basis. It is this factor that slows down the growth and development of the fungus, protects.
  2. Albite, enhancing plant immunity. Also helps stimulate shoot development.
  3. Gamair is a therapeutic and prophylactic medicine. Strengthening immunity in cucumbers, stimulation of soil fertility.
  4. Alirin-B with therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Participates in the restoration of the microbiological structure of the soil.
  5. Baktofit. He is considered the most effective rescue agent against fungal disease. However, after processing, you should thoroughly wash the fruits before using clean running water.

Folk methods

Powdery mildew disease can appear on cucumbers and other crops. When the first signs appear, you should quickly begin to treat the disease in order to prevent further spread. Folk remedies include:

  1. Soap and wood ash. The solution should be prepared as follows: grate the household, grate it with ash in an amount of 200 g. Pour the mixture with heated water, mix until the soap dissolves. Process cucumbers in 3 sets per week.
  2. Soda. Prepare a solution based on 10 liters of liquid: soda - 100 g, vitriol - 75 g. Mix thoroughly, and it is advisable to process the solution only with a sheet mass.
  3. Garlic. Grind garlic cloves with their herbs, pour liquid. Insist the remedy for half a day. Water the cucumber growing areas with a solution. Spray cucumbers for 14 days.
  4. Mullein. Dissolve in water in a ratio of 1: 3. Infuse the solution for 3 days. Processing is carried out among cucumbers in ordinary beds and in greenhouses.
  5. Kefir. Kefir is suitable and expired. Water the leaves every 3 days.
  6. Potassium permanganate. Prepare a solution: 2 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of heated water. Spray with a tool all cucumber plantings for 2 weeks or more (depends on the disappearance of signs of the disease).

It is recommended to purchase cucumber hybrids marked F1. Resistant to disease types:

  1. Princess Hybrid with enhanced palatability.
  2. Early ripe variety Arctic, fruiting begins a month after planting.
  3. Hybrid Amurchonok removed from Avantgrad.
  4. The variegated indeterminate variety Thumbelina does not need pollination.
  5. Grandfather’s granddaughter, whose fruits are covered with a white fluff.
  6. Chinese disease-resistant - has long fruits.
  7. The baby, quickly ripening, has large fruits.
  8. Lenara resistant to various weather conditions.
  9. Pasadena, crops appear 1.5 months after planting seeds.

How to deal with downy mildew

There is such a thing as downy mildew on cucumbers. As well as usual, it usually damages foliage. But white plaque with such a disease does not exist. Leaves look yellow. False disease is more difficult to cope with. When the first yellowed parts appear, start an immediate fight.

The disease appears in those cases when they are watered with ice water, they are improperly taken care of, and the air is notable for a fair amount of humidity and warmth.

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You can prevent the appearance of the disease like this:

  1. Ventilate the greenhouse only in the part where the cucumbers are located.
  2. In no case do not use ice water for irrigation.
  3. Harvest in time.

In the treatment of downy mildew, as usual, use the same drugs and folk remedies.You can spray on sites with Ridomil, Kuproskat, Oksikhom.


Prevention of powdery mildew on cucumbers will allow you to quickly cope, prevent the onset of the disease. Observe the rules for growing and caring for cucumbers:

  1. Acquire exclusively proven and high-quality seed material for planting. Before disembarking, disinfect the seeds.
  2. It is better to choose seeds indicating disease resistance.
  3. Before planting seeds or seedlings in the ridge, make sure that the soil is already sufficiently warmed up. Its temperature should be at least + 12-16 degrees.
  4. The land should be dug up before planting, weed should be removed from it, and potassium permanganate solution should be watered. Then you can make manure.
  5. Feed cucumbers several times a season.
  6. Periodically weed ridges. Because weeds interfere with growth, they are carriers of the disease.
  7. If there are several diseased leaves, remove them immediately. So the fungus will not be able to develop further.
  8. The remains of the lashes and foliage after the final harvest should be burned away from the site.

Change the place of cultivation annually. So there will be no possible secondary infection. It is better to plant vegetables with high immunity to powdery mildew on once-infected areas.

If you properly care for your garden, you will not have to fight powdery mildew on cucumbers. When the disaster did happen, immediately begin to use folk, biofungicidal or chemical agents. Closely monitor the level of development of the disease, because in the early stages you should not resort to chemicals. It is recommended to observe control and prevention measures to leave the crop unscathed, to cure, save or save cucumbers from powdery mildew. Simple rules for care will ensure the health and fertility of any garden.

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