How to get rid of an aspen nest in a summer cottage

25.08.2016 Diseases and Pests

How to get rid of an aspen nest in the countryThe main measure is the extermination of their home. To do this, you need to carefully examine all the corners in the attic, balcony, under the roof and throughout the site. The best time for such a fight is in the spring or late autumn at the moment when the nests are empty. All found dwellings immediately need to be burned. Insect control in summer it is simply meaningless, especially in the morning and afternoon. They fly apart and the nests remain empty, and returning and not finding their home, they begin to attack actively. It is advisable to carry out work to destroy the nest in the evening.

To do the prevention, and uninvited guests could not appear, those places where they usually can make nests must be treated with chemicals.

Preparing for the massacre

If you decide to do this work yourself, then you need to know how to get rid of the aspen nest in the country? It is important to wear clothing made of thick material, close all visible parts of the body, and wear gloves. It is also necessary to be sure that there are no children nearby so that the wasps do not bite them. Take a large bag, a high ladder, a spray bottle with a remedy for wasps. There are several ways to destroy a hornet’s dwelling: pour boiling water over it or treat it with oil products.

The first method is less effective than the second, after the application of which the family is destroyed immediately. To process their abode, as well as the surrounding area, you can dichlorvos. The treated nest must immediately be covered with cellophane, tied and taken out of the area, doused with combustible material and burned. You can spray gasoline on the nest, from which most of the aspen family will die, and those that survive will fly away irrevocably.

How to get rid of an aspen nest in the country

The most humane method how to fight with a hornet's nest in the country - this is the use of a bunch of red pepper. It must be suspended next to a hornet's nest. After a short period of time, they will fly away. You can arrange the bait with poison and add new portions until they disappear. It is better to use special solutions for wasp extermination: Cypermethrin and Actellik. Dilute them in equal parts in one liter of water and spray them over the place where the hornet’s nest is. After 20 minutes, the nest needs to be removed in a bag and burned immediately. If the treatment is performed with the Ghetto preparation, then its action will not occur instantly, but gradually. Wasps will begin to die no earlier than in a day.

You can sink wasp nests in water. To do this, you need to take a large container and pour water into it, substitute it from below closer to the aspen nest so that it can be completely immersed there. Wait about 5 minutes until the nest is wet, and the wasps that are there will die.

If wild bees settled on the site and chose a hollow in a tree or built their dwelling in the attic or basement, what should I do? It is important to remember that such insects will not attack for no reason, since they are peace-loving. But if the neighborhood is not pleasant it is possible to get rid of them in several ways: to destroy or try to relocate to another place.

How to get rid of an aspen nest in the country

You can also relocate using several methods: independently conduct fumigation with smoke, then put flaccid insects in a bag and take them out to another territory. This work must be done very quickly, until they wake up and pour out their indignation.

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The second method is similar to the first, only after fumigation it is necessary to spray the insecticide, close the entrance tightly and place them in a bag in order to destroy it later.

Other methods of struggle

After the information appeared on how to get rid of the aspen nest in the country, you must immediately begin to act.But, if suddenly wasps intensively fly out of the nest, it is better to leave this venture at a later time, not earlier than one day later. To correctly etch insects, you need to use special equipment for spraying to process the place where the entrance to the house is using Master 250. In this case, you must try not to damage the nest. In this case, it is necessary to destroy it with a solution and abundantly irrigate the hive.

How to get rid of an aspen nest in the country
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Crawling into their "home" insects will bring on the paws microparticles of the drug from which the entire aspen family is destroyed. If the nests are not observed, but it is noticeable that they penetrate somewhere in the gap under the skin of the house, then you need to treat this place with a solution inside. Wasps will die in about a day. If you do not destroy the nest, then the Master drug will not be perceived as an attack on them, and when they die then you can safely remove the place of the home.

Wasp in the ground

Who are these earthen wasps? And how to get rid of the aspen nest in the country in the ground? These are insects of a small size, which are what distinguishes them from their immediate relatives. The male, of course, is more for the female and therefore it is not difficult to distinguish him. The eyes of insects are located on the sides of the head, there are four wings that are interconnected. Different types of wasps have different colors, but native stripes always remain unchanged. They live in the land, make their home functional and quite complex.

The uterus, which is deep in the ground, is responsible for the offspring. It fertilizes only once in a lifetime and “hatches” about 2,000 eggs. Earth wasps are predators, they eat not only nectar, but also other small insects. The female can feed her offspring with cicadas, and the larvae will never refuse to eat bugs, spiders or flies. Adult wasps also feed on the sap and nectar of plants. You also need to know about how to protect the site from ticks.

How to get rid of an aspen nest in the country

Insects are aggressive, do not forgive insults. The sting in the body is not left, so they can bite several times. A bite can cause an allergic reaction.

Fighting such wasps is not easy, as you can get a lot of bites, besides painful. Therefore, destroying them, it is important to protect your body and to study well the methods of struggle that are most suitable.

Various aerosols containing insecticides, such as Gett, Mosquito and others, can be attributed to chemical agents, but these drugs are also dangerous for others, therefore it is better to use them in an extreme case and with good methods of protection.

Folk methods to fight wasps is not dangerous. You can prepare the bait: cut off the neck on a plastic bottle, turn over and place in the rest. Pour syrup or fermented juice inside. Put it next to the hornet’s nest. You can enhance the effect with a chemical agent, but first you need to limit the treated area to a plastic bag. Spread it on the nest, fix the ends on the nearest surface, spray the drug through a small hole and immediately glue it.

Wasps in the country

Such insects bring both benefit and harm. But how to get rid of the wasp nest in the country, the video clip will tell in more detail. Wasps can kill some small pests in the garden. But, there are situations when it is simply necessary to get rid of them. Especially when they settle down next to utility rooms, in the attic or close to the ways of movement of the owners in the country. Wasp nests can be harmful to human health.

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To start a fight with them, you first need to find out where they came from, whether they can penetrate the premises and where the hornet's family is located. Maybe they just fly to feast on pears or grapes.After all, if you kill several wasps that fly next to the house, it’s fashionable and an ordinary fly swatter. But if there are nests in the country, then the surest way is to destroy them.

How to get rid of an aspen nest in the country

In the country, they often settle in utility rooms: sheds, various buildings or attics. And also under the slate of the country house, on the balconies. Of course, it is simply impossible to check all the places suitable for the settlement of these insects. Therefore, summer residents recommend one proven method for tracking wasps. Put in a place open for wasps a piece of meat or fish, on which wasps readily fly. From the owners only attention is required and of course observation. Insects will often fly from finding a nest to a treat, thereby determining where they settled.

But what needs to be done and how to get rid of the aspen nest on the site? Proponents of drastic measures can use chemistry. In protective equipment at night you must go to the nest and spray the prepared insecticide well. After that, you must immediately leave. Chemicals that are harmful only to wasps: Troapsil, aerosol Reid or Combat, etc.

You can use folk remedies. Everything is also necessary at night to put on a hornet’s nest a prepared bag, tie, remove and drown it in water. You don’t have to rush to remove the bag when the nest gets wet, the wasps die.

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    A bunch of red pepper hung next to a hornet’s nest is a practical and quick way to fight wasps. Moreover, it does not do them any harm, so you can not worry about it. In general, many now call specialists to deal with the hornet’s nest, but this is a bad way, because wasp specialists kill most often. Better here in such a simple way as red pepper, calmly send the wasps to live away.

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