When to plant strawberries with seeds for seedlings in 2019

17.02.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Today, breeders offer amateur gardeners a huge number of varieties of garden strawberries and strawberries, which are cheaper in seeds than in seedlings. Traditionally, these berries are considered the most popular and favorite among summer residents and gardeners, but it is often difficult to replace old bushes with new ones that are already prepared for planting in open ground, because not all Russian regions can buy seedlings. Detailed instructions for growing sweet and fragrant berries from seeds will tell you when to plant strawberries seeds for seedlings in the spring of 2019 to get good material, and how to care for the plant then.

Why use the lunar calendar when planting seeds

Experienced amateur gardeners know that garden strawberries and strawberries are not just grown by seeds. To increase germination and to obtain high-quality material for planting, experts recommend using a lunar calendar, which will tell you favorable days when you can plant strawberries with seeds for seedlings in 2019, without fear that they will not sprout.

Even scientists confirm that the moon actively affects all life on Earth. Ancient cultures knew about this property of the earth's satellite, and they learned how to make a lunar calendar. Experts advise growing this cultivated plant according to the lunar calendar, if seeds are used.

The phases of the moon affect the date of planting.

Depending on the lunar cycle, this or that work should be carried out with sowing and seedling material:

  • at the beginning of the growth of the moon, the development of the upper parts of the plant is more active and seed germination is increased;
  • it is impossible to transplant seedlings during the young moon, to feed and make a pick, since the roots of the young plant in this period are most exposed to aggressive factors;
  • Dive and transplant seedlings should be on the lunar calendar to the waning moon.

For the convenience of conducting earthwork and planting, amateur gardeners can use a special table from which it will be clear when it is necessary to plant strawberries with seeds for seedlings in 2019.

Features of working with strawberry and strawberry seeds depending on the moon phase

When planting on the lunar calendar, gardeners and gardeners can minimize the likelihood that the seeds will not sprout. Following the recommendations of the calendar, which indicates the unfavorable and favorable days when it is better to sow strawberries with varietal seeds for seedlings in 2019, not only poor germination, but also the subsequent death of the seedlings before planting it in the open ground and after can be avoided.

Having drawn up an individual plan of their work in the garden according to the lunar calendar, amateur gardeners will be able to plan their work with seeds and seedlings for the entire planting season.When scheduling work, you should take into account the climatic features of your region.

Schedule of seed planting for seedlings and subsequent picking of seedlings by the phases of the moon in 2019

Months 2019 Favorable days for work Not favorable days for sowing, transplanting and feeding
February 6-8, 11-13, 15-18, 22-23 4, 5
March 8-12, 15-19, 23-26 6, 7, 21
April 1-4, 6-9, 11-13, 15-17, 20, 21, 24-26 5, 19
May 3, 4, 8-14, 17-18, 21-23, 26-28, 31 5, 20
June 5, 6, 13-15 3, 4, 17

Landing work on the lunar calendar with strawberries and strawberries is completed in all Russian regions by early July. After that, they begin to care for flowering and fruiting plants. In August, after harvesting, you can do the propagation of strawberries overgrown tendrils, on which there are aerial roots. By October, pruning of bushes should be completed and strawberries prepared for winter.

Sowing seeds depending on the variety and climatic characteristics of the region

Before planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings in the spring in 2019, you need to determine the type of variety according to the degree of ripening. Each type of variety requires a specific growing season. A special table will help to understand the sowing time of early, medium and late varieties.

Sowing table of garden strawberries and strawberries by type of ripeness

Before planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings at the end of winter or in spring in 2019, you need to take into account the type of variety and climatic characteristics of the region in which the plantings will be carried out. Based on these data, the most suitable dates for planting the variety and according to the lunar calendar are selected.

Type of ripeness Seeding time Plant Dive Time
Early March 7 to 30 From April 25 to May 15
Average From March 15 to April 15 From May 10 to June 5
Late From April 15 to the first of May Beginning - the second half of June

The beginning of spring in different climatic zones of Russia occurs at different times and is characterized by different temperature values.

In the central and northwestern parts of Russia in spring, the average daily temperature is not stable, therefore, planting in the ground begins in early May. In the southern regions, seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-April. In the Urals and Siberia, where the possibility of frost remains, planting is carried out at the end of the first decade and until the end of May, covering it with a special film or non-woven material for the night.

Sowing time of seeds of garden strawberries and strawberries for seedlings

Breeders offer different varieties that are planted in the form of seedlings either in spring or in autumn in the soil. Typically, the packaging indicates the time for sowing and subsequent planting of seedlings in open beds or in prepared greenhouses. The volume and timing of the harvest depend on the time of the agricultural work.

Seedlings planted in autumn grown from seeds will yield a plentiful crop in late spring or early summer. Seedlings that are planted in the spring will bear fruit well only in the second year.

You can combine different varieties and in one year carry out spring and autumn planting of planting material in the beds.

If spring seeds are planted, then they are sown in late January, or in February. To increase germination, you should choose the right days according to the lunar calendar, falling out for these months.

For autumn planting on beds, seed is sown at the end of May and beginning of June, since they will need to be planted in the ground in mid-August in the fall, so that they can take root in the ground. In this case, suitable days for planting are also selected on the basis of the lunar calendar.

Seed planting technology

Having specified when to plant strawberries with seeds for seedlings in 2019, you should immediately study the technology of sowing.

Due to the small size of the seeds, special agricultural technology is required:

  1. Evenly distribute the seed over the surface of the loosened soil in the tank and pour. Seeds simply crumble to the surface of the soil without deepening.
  2. When using peat tablets, two seeds are placed in small ones, three or four in large ones.
    Then boxes or peat tablets are sprayed with water from a spray bottle so that the water does not clog them deep into the ground.
  3. The containers are closed with a transparent film to create optimal conditions for germination. Land or tablets with sowing put in a warm, bright place. Seeds germinate three to four weeks. After the third leaf appears on the sprouts, you can remove the film and put the plants in a cooler but brighter place.

A gardener can sow varieties different in terms of ripening in this way, providing himself with a good harvest of berries from late spring to late summer.

The benefits of growing garden strawberries and strawberries from seeds

Large garden centers offer a large selection of strawberry varieties with seeds. When buying, they are cheaper than finished seedlings, in addition, fewer varieties are sold by seedlings. The gardener will just need to learn how to grow seedlings from seeds. If the experiment is successful, and the seedlings are well received, then plants can then be propagated with a mustache.

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To purchase high-quality seeds, you need to contact only large shopping centers and online stores. In this way, you can update your garden bed in order to regularly receive large crops. You can store seeds for up to 4 years. The proposed varietal plant species are resistant to disease and good yield.

To prepare house seeds, they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after pouring the powder into a dense linen bag. Sachets with seeds should be kept in an aqueous solution for 30 minutes. Then the seeds are washed in a bag and put in a warm place for two hours. After this is placed in the cold. You can put them down the refrigerator for two weeks. All this time they need to be sprayed with moisture, making sure that they do not dry out. Such preparation will provide quick shoots.

Fulfillment of all recommendations and the construction of a schedule of landings on the lunar phase will allow to obtain high-quality seedlings. Using seed material, you can create in your garden or garden, as well as in the greenhouse, beds with different types of delicious and fragrant berries that will grow throughout the warm season.

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