Crassula (money tree) - medicinal properties and contraindications

28.01.2019 Flowers

The fat woman, she is also a cruscula, is extremely popular and lives in almost every house and office. This is directly related to the growing belief that the plant brings financial success and contributes to profit. In addition, the fat woman, or as it is also called - money tree, is known for its healing properties. It has an antiviral, antifungal and healing effect.

In folk medicine, they use leaves and juice from them for the preparation of ointments, infusions. It is safer to use the plant externally due to the presence in its composition of such a component as arsenic, which carries a certain danger to humans. In addition, contraindications to such treatment should be taken into account.

Money Tree Characteristic

The birthplace of this flower is Africa, where the plant can be found in different regions, and the area of ​​its growth is very wide. In our latitudes, you can find several types of houseplants that differ in their external data:

  • Oval - a tree with a dense trunk, growing up to 1 m in height and having red veins on the leaves;

    Crassula oval
    Crassula oval
  • Purslane - the hallmark is the presence of aerial roots;

    Crassula Purslane
    Crassula Purslane
  • Tricolor - the color corresponds to the name, consists of green leaves with a red edging and white stripes;

  • Plaudiform - creeping representative of the species, not differing in large sizes;

  • Dot - the presence of dark and light points on the leaves of the plant, curly shoots;

  • Column-shaped is a small ornamental plant with leaves in the form of a rhombus with yellow stripes.

Characteristic of all varieties of the Crassula is their pickiness in care and rather rapid growth. The flower does not like plentiful watering, and it is not necessary to fill it, it is enough to supply the grass with water moderately once a week in the warm season and twice a month in winter.

The flower does not like solid soil, because from time to time you need to loosen the top layer. The flower prefers to live in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight, which causes leaf burns and wilting.

The healing properties of a fat woman for a person

For many owners of this plant, it remains a mystery that it has many medicinal properties and can be fully used for various diseases, as a proven folk remedy. It has long been noticed that in the house where a sick person lives, the plant decays, but quickly regenerates in the event of recovery of the owner. Useful properties of Crassula are:

  • use for external skin lesions with a view to their quick healing;
  • treating corns;
  • relief of joint pain;
  • removal of irritations and swelling arising from insect bites;
  • antiviral action;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • treatment of varicose veins;
  • healing of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • relief of symptoms in kidney disease.
The healing properties of the fat woman
The healing properties of the fat woman

For treatment, the leaves of the plant, as well as its juice, are mainly used.

It should be noted that detailed scientific research on the benefits of the use of any components of the crassula and their positive effect and harm to the human body has not been conducted.Information on the use of a decorative flower for medicinal purposes should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Contraindications and possible harm to the body from the fat woman

The use of Crassula for medicinal purposes still has some contraindications, you can not use it both externally and internally to the following groups of patients:

  • women during the period of bearing a child, as well as lactation;
  • small children;
  • people with individual intolerance to the components and with the slightest suspicion of an allergy.

In general, the fact that the composition of the flower contains a small dose of a substance such as arsenic is reliably known. Previously, it was used in medicine and it was not considered harmful, but studies in recent years have shown that the substance can accumulate in the human body and cause intoxication.

In this regard, the use of medicinal infusions, syrups made from a thick fat should be controlled, and only in a low dosage, so as not to cause poisoning of the body. In the case of the use of alternative recipes, it is not worthwhile to independently increase the dose and you should immediately abandon treatment if you suspect poisoning.

Recipes and rules for the use of a fat woman

Thanks to its medicinal properties, Crassula is part of many unconventional recipes that can cope with various ailments.

From a runny nose and sore throat

The anti-inflammatory effect of the flower on the body makes it possible to use it in the presence of pain in the throat, provoked by various viruses and bacteria. Such a recipe is suitable:

  • the juice of ten leaves of the fatty;
  • 300 ml of warm boiled water.
Fat woman
Dilute the ingredients and gargle after eating 3 times a day until the symptoms go away completely.

You can also use a freshly cut and washed leaf of a plant to get rid of pain. To do this, just chew it until the juice is released. The procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before a meal. It can be repeated several times a day.

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To cure nasal congestion will help the juice of the rassul, diluted with boiled water. It is necessary to prepare drops for the nose in a ratio of 1: 2, respectively, and use them, like a normal nasal solution, several times a day, 1 drop in each nostril.

You can also rinse your nose with a solution of squeezed 10 leaves of a flower and 150 ml of water. It is enough to carry out such washing 2-3 times a day.

With fungus

Crassula also helps to cope with such a nuisance as a fungal infection of the nails of the extremities. If there is a fungus on the hands or feet, the following options for using a fat woman will help:

  1. Steam the nail plate in hot water with soda, soap or celandine.
  2. Cut off a damaged nail as much as possible without damaging the area of ​​skin near it.
  3. Peel the leaf of the plant from the superficial skin and apply to the affected area.
  4. Leave such a compress overnight, securing it with a bandage or band-aid.

Repeat the procedure daily until complete recovery, on average it takes 10-14 days.

Fungus treatment
Fungus treatment

Similar to the above application will be the preparation of slurry from leafs for compress. The treatment scheme for the sore spot is the same, but the effectiveness of the slurry is usually higher than that of the leaves.

It should be noted that in severe forms of damage to the nail plate, it is appropriate to use pharmacy therapeutic ointments together with the medicine from Crassula to achieve a quick effect.

From burns, wounds, insect bites

The juice of the flower will help get rid of itching and swelling caused by bites of various insects, if you lubricate the affected area 3-4 times a day.

Porridge made from pure leaves of a flower can be used to alleviate the symptoms of burns, applying it to a sore spot and covering it with a bandage. Change the compress every 5 hours.

On a note!
The healing effect of Crassula is used for minor wounds: you just need to attach a leaf to the site of the cut.

With cystitis

Pi bladder inflammation will help decoction based on this flower, for its preparation you need:

  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 3-4 medium leaves of the money tree.

Finely chop the leaves and pour boiling water, let stand for several minutes, then boil over low heat for 7-10 minutes and insist for an hour until completely cooled. Strain the resulting broth through gauze or a fine sieve. Keep refrigerated.

Fat woman
Take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals, the course of treatment is two weeks.

With arthrosis

Crassula juice is also effective in treating joint inflammation. With arthrosis, it is recommended to use it for rubbing sick joints at night. To do this, simply squeeze the juice from the plant and rub it. The number of necessary procedures directly depends on the severity of the disease, but an overdose with this use of the fat will not occur anyway.

From corns

The people even call the flower "corns" because of its ability to remove obsolete and roughened skin. It is necessary to clean the leaf of the plant from the surface layer so that it begins to secrete juice, and apply it to the corns.

To improve the effect of such a lotion, corn should be steamed first, and the lotion should be left overnight with a bandage. Repeat the procedure until the corns disappear.

Cold sores on lips

Due to the anti-inflammatory effect, the fatty woman is used to treat such an unpleasant manifestation as cold sores on the lips. Freshly squeezed flower juice should be applied to the lips at the site of herpes. You can use this option up to 6 times a day, it is advisable to maintain equal time intervals between the use of juice.

Common Growing Questions

Does the fat woman bloom?
Crassula has the ability to bloom in suitable conditions for it, but this phenomenon is not very common and there is currently no explanation for the rarity of flowering. If you believe the national signs, then the flower blooms only before making big profits in the house where it grows. Crassula flowers are usually pink in color and small in size.
What happens if a child eats a piece of money tree?
Nothing terrible will happen. Although folk recipes based on leaves of krassula are not recommended for children, one leaf is not able to harm the baby's health. Move the plant to another place to avoid a repetition of the situation, after all, an ornamental plant is not food for children.
Is it true that a fat woman absorbs negative energy?
Adherents of Feng Shui practice claim that the flower in question absorbs the negative energy of people and premises, helping to clean the house and improve the atmosphere in it. Helps to relax and neutralizes physical stress. Also, in Feng Shui, a fat woman will help to cope with a serious and protracted disease if you put it next to the bed where the sick person is sleeping.
Will the juice of the pulp help in stretching the muscles?
Yes, tincture of Crassula is an effective remedy for muscle strain. To prepare it, you need to fill the flower leaves with 40% alcohol, placing them in a glass container, and soak for 3-4 weeks in a dark and cool place. After this, rub the muscles with tincture, it is better to do it at night.

Crassula has a whole range of useful properties that allow it to be used to treat diseases of the kidneys, bladder, arthritis and arthrosis, burns, hemorrhoids and other diseases. It is important to adhere to existing recipes and dosages in the use of plant-based drugs so as not to harm your body.

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