Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care

14.09.2016 Cucumbers

Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care, bush formationSo to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, planting and care, the formation of a bush and watering will play a very important role, for this reason it is worthwhile to understand in more detail how the greenhouse itself is properly prepared. Cucumbers are very fond of a warm environment, and their soil must be sufficiently moistened, then getting a good crop is not at all difficult. But in the northern regions it is not always convenient to plant a plant in open ground, since the temperature regime in the spring is not always stable, for this reason gardeners use greenhouse constructions that will make it possible to grow a large crop, while the plants will feel great in warm and well-lit location.

What methods are grown cucumbers

When planting and leaving, forming a bush and watering, cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse must be planted correctly in the ground, if only seedlings of plants can be planted in the open sky, then the gardener can even plant seeds in the greenhouse soil, you only have to use a well-heated room for growing , and planting is done before germinated plants are planted. It is worth saying that the seedless method will make it possible to get a crop from the greenhouse exclusively by the middle of summer, and this is a rather long period, for this reason it is recommended to use seedling material that has already been sprouted from seeds. When seedlings are planted in early May, by the end of spring the gardener will receive his first fresh cucumbers from the garden.

But before you start growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, planting and care with the formation of a bush will play an important role, for a start, it’s worth choosing the right plant variety. Many summer residents complain that they are not getting the result they were counting on, but the problem may lie not only in the wrong approach to caring for plants, but also in the wrong variety. Such varieties as Courage or Emelya are perfect for planting in a greenhouse.

Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care, bush formation

How to prepare a room for planting plants?

Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse during planting and care, the formation of a bush and watering first need a properly prepared room for planting, especially this rule cannot be avoided when the greenhouse has been used more than once to plant other plants. It is also important to prepare if the plants suffered various diseases last year, since the soil can store bacteria and they will be transmitted to new shoots.

Further, the gardener will have to do the cleaning of the greenhouse, for this all the boxes and walls are treated with a potassium permanganate solution, if the plants are sick, then the top layer of the earth is removed and new fertile soil is laid, when last year the plants grew normally, there is no need to replace it. Now they are starting to test the acidity, because cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, when planting, leaving and forming a bush by all the rules, will not be able to grow fully if the soil has too high a percentage of acid in its composition.

An ideal indicator would be six or six and a half percent, if the figure is significantly exceeded, you will have to work on improving the soil, ordinary lime is suitable for this. Also, additional complementary foods are necessarily added to the soil, but this must be done at least one month before the seedlings are transplanted into the room. Can grow cucumbers in a barrel and get a big crop of vegetables.

Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care, bush formation

As soon as the summer resident decides to start planting, a small amount of mineral-based fertilizer is added to each well, and before that, the soil is necessarily treated with manganese infusion, it is enough to pour such a solution into the hole in hot form.

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How are plants transferred for planting in a greenhouse?

Once the severe cold has already gone, the gardener can start plant transplantation, but it is important to monitor the temperature of the greenhouse, as the soil should not be cold. Most often, plant transplants are done at the end of April. An ideal planting option would be to plant seedlings in rows, but if the plants themselves are quite large in description, then you should make a distance of twenty-five centimeters between each plant, which is quite enough for cucumbers. Well, so that you can take care of your plants, it is recommended to make half-meter passes between each row.

Each seedling is transplanted into harvested holes, and then produced for cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse when planting, care and formation of a bush is an essential part of growing plants. As soon as the small seedlings are moved to the soil, it is enough for the gardener to water the plants and leave them for seven days, after a week the watering is repeated again. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. And after another seven days, it is necessary to feed the plants with mullein. After watering, you will have to ventilate the greenhouse structure, in which case excess moisture will not linger in the soil.

Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care, formation

How to make the formation of bushes?

Bushes of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse require planting and care, and the formation of a bush is an equally important part in caring for this type of plant. The fact is that in the garden the scourges can be scattered on the ground, this will not interfere with the summer resident, but in the greenhouse it will have to be formed, for this all the scourges will have to be tied up, it is best to take a wire or an ordinary rope, it is attached to any supporting column It turns out that each lash will grow up, this will simplify the care of the cucumbers, and will also help to easily harvest in the future. Such a support for the ropes will have to be taken care of before planting the soil.

It is equally important to clip each plant, the formation of the bush and its further fruiting will fully depend on this. Only if the gardener correctly cuts the ends of the lashes, the plants will begin to bear fruit more actively, but it is necessary to make such a clothespin before the formation of the first inflorescences. It is even better to do such a procedure at a very early age of the plant, for example, gardeners recommend starting the procedure immediately after the sixth leaf is formed on the plant, pruning is done to the fourth leaf. When the plant reaches twenty centimeters in growth, there is no point in carrying out the procedure, since it will not show any result on the fruitfulness of the bush. It is also worth taking care of removing the extra antennae from the plant, they take away the strength from the cucumbers, the gardener will have to monitor the condition of the foliage, they break off all old and dry leaves.

Cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care, bush formation

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It is very important to follow the cucumbers in the polycarbonate greenhouse, planting and care when forming the bush (video) are very important, for example, when the gardener noticed that the plants began to give their side shoots, you need to fasten them to the ropes as soon as possible if the earthen part is covered foliage, this can lead to excess moisture in the soil, since water will not evaporate. This situation can lead to the formation of rot on the roots or stems, which will not only reduce the yield, but also completely destroy the plant.At the same time, the tips of new shoots are also recommended to be cut, this procedure will increase the amount of yield.

The greenhouse necessarily needs frequent ventilation, the gardener needs to open the door to the street after each irrigation, but this can only be done in warm weather, so that the temperature of the greenhouse does not fall to a critical point. You will also have to monitor the soil, it should not dry out, if the cucumbers do not have enough moisture, then in the end they will get a bitter taste, which will make them unsuitable for eating. The crop itself must be harvested on time so that the large fruits do not break the thin twigs of the bushes.

To plant such plants in your garden is not at all difficult, the main thing is to monitor their development, water and take care of the cucumbers on time, well, and by the middle of summer or even in an earlier period, the vegetable crop will delight gardeners with its productivity.

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    My cucumbers are always in excellent condition. The main thing is to have time to open the greenhouse in time so that they do not dry out

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