Why the ovaries of cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow and dry

1.08.2016 Cucumbers

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse, what should I do?What is this happening for?

There are many related videos why the cucumber embryos turn yellow in the greenhouse and what to do. Every beginner gardener needs to know what can contribute to plant disease and how to cope with it.

Incorrect pollination of a plant

You must always remember that cucumbers will grow well if they receive intensive pollination. Insects are needed for pollen transfer, and greenhouses are enclosed spaces. That is, it will not be easy for bees and other insects to get there. And without them, the plant will not receive proper pollination.

It is necessary to regularly ventilate the greenhouse so that the bees can make their way inside. In greenhouses, they cannot survive, and without pollination, cucumbers can turn yellow. Those ovaries that appear on pollinated fruits are capable of rapidly developing.


This situation can be solved by various methods. Firstly, it is advised to ventilate the greenhouse daily during the daytime for insect access. Secondly, only self-pollinated varieties can be used for growing in greenhouses. Thirdly, you need to pollinate the ovaries themselves. All this will lead to a good harvest.


It is important to remember that cucumbers are a thermophilic plant. But in some areas there is a risk of bushes dying due to recent frosts. Usually they come in May. From such actions, the plant may turn yellow and stop developing.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse, what should I do?


Fighting frosts is easy. It is enough to cover the cucumbers with a film. The temperature should not be lower than 14 degrees. The norm is 25 degrees.

Inadequate intake of minerals

The reason for this lack of useful components in the soil. In order for the fruits to be formed correctly, it is necessary to saturate the earth with potassium. With a lack of this element, cucumbers may turn yellow. Why ovaries turn yellow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse and what to do? Below will be presented the answer to this question with a photo. For proper fruit development, nitrogen is required. Without it, cucumbers will not grow.


Now, knowing the problem, you need to understand how to deal with it. For the proper development of cucumbers, it is necessary to deal with soil fertility. The plant must be regularly fed. When ovaries are yellowed, wood resin helps perfectly. Many people prefer to feed the bushes with urea. But the most effective means is special plant growth activator, which is often advised by our readers.

Inexperienced gardeners notice the problem too late. In this case, fertilizers must be carried out in an emergency. To do this, you can prepare a dressing. You need to combine 10 liters of water and a large spoon of urea. Here you can add resin and mix everything. With this tool, you can spray the leaves of the bushes. But why even with such care the ovaries of cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow and what to do about it? And because when spraying the bushes lose moisture even faster. Such a treatment of the plant is best done in the morning and evening hours, when the sun is not able to affect the ovaries. After a few days, the problem of yellowing will disappear.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse, what should I do?
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Wrong watering

In greenhouses, you must regularly maintain a high level of watering. If you do it wrong, the plants will die. Watering is an important factor in the appearance of yellow leaves. In hotbeds, the temperature is very high, so you need to water the cucumbers about 5 times for 7 days. Watering should be carried out in the morning and in the evening when there is no sun.Indeed, in the afternoon the sun is able to evaporate moisture from cucumbers, which will lead to their yellowing.

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Ovaries more than expected

It may happen that more than 25 ovaries appear on one plant. It can also cause yellowing. It is important to remember that extra shoots must be cleaned on time. Indeed, with an increase in the number of ovaries, the consumption of useful components increases. But why do the germs of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse and what to do? The fruits turn yellow, since they do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients for proper development. Something needs to be addressed with the yellowed ovaries, so they will use the nutrients for nothing.


In this case, you have to do stepsoning. That is, some of the sprouts can be simply transplanted. Or you just need to remove the extra ovaries. This will help grow healthy fruits.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse, what should I do?

Various diseases

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse and what to do? The cause of this may be the bacteriosis of the plant. He also appears for many reasons. Ovaries may turn yellow due to dense planting. Cucumbers recommend planting at a certain distance from each other. Bacteriosis of the plant may occur due to increased humidity. You can prevent this situation if you regularly ventilate the greenhouses.

The plant may turn yellow due to a fungal infection. Powdery mildew is considered the most common disease. White plaque appears on the leaves. Gradually they fade. This disease develops due to irrigation with cold water or in the presence of low air temperature. At the first symptoms of the disease, the plant must be sprayed with a mullein solution. It is also necessary to carry out soil treatment every year with potassium permanganate.

During growing cucumbers You can meet downy mildew. This disease can be recognized by greenish spots, darkening over time. Urgent measures must be taken, otherwise the plant will die.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse, what should I do?

Watering with cold water, improper planting and a sharp drop in temperature - all this can lead to rot of the roots. With this phenomenon, the leaves begin to turn yellow. It is possible and necessary to deal with this. For this, it is necessary to add chalk and ash to the soil. Dead plants should be removed so that the disease does not pass to other bushes.

Parasites are to blame

Some parasites can also lead to yellowing of cucumbers. The aphid is considered the most famous. Small yellow spots form on the leaves. Over time, they become larger and change color to a dark green hue. Gourd aphid passes from weeds, so it is very important to get rid of them in time.

A spider mite may appear on the back of the sheet. Yellow spots spread from it throughout the sheet, which leads to its withering. The drug Akarin copes well with this pest.

All these reasons can provoke yellowing of the ovaries. You can cope with this problem, the most important thing is to find out the cause of this phenomenon. With proper cultivation and compliance with all norms, you can get a good harvest.

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