Preparing for the winter and the features of apple care in the fall in the suburbs

16.11.2018 Apple tree

Before the onset of autumn frosts, many gardeners rush to prepare trees and shrubs for winter. In order for the trees to perfectly survive the winter, proper care should be taken for the apple tree in the fall. Preparing for the winter consists of several stages, including cropping, top dressing, whitewashing and other activities. This integrated approach is designed to provide resistance to harmful factors in the cold period of time.

The relevance of autumn care

Some gardeners transfer all work in the garden to the spring, considering the autumn period unimportant. This common mistake can lead to the defeat of plants by harmful insects and their death in the winter period for a number of reasons. The autumn apple care is as follows:

How to whiten an apple tree in autumn

  1. Carrying out preventive work to protect trees from the penetration of parasites and their larvae.
  2. Development protection diseases.
  3. Protection against damage by small rodents.
  4. Protecting the cortex from exposure to sunlight. Direct and prolonged exposure to sunlight on a tree trunk can cause sunburn.
  5. Increased resistance to frost.
  6. Improving the quality and quantity of yield.
Based on this list, it becomes clear that even in the fall a gardener has a lot of work. If you do not take care of the bushes after harvesting, then it will be much more difficult for them to survive in the winter.

Dates of winter work

In the autumn period, gardeners do not become less concerned. At this time, you have to collect the crop, put it for long-term storage in the cellar or process the fruits into blanks for the winter. Before the onset of the first frosts, it is recommended to carry out such events:

Loosening the earth around the apple tree

  1. Remove fallen leaves from the garden.
  2. Feed and water the bushes.
  3. Loosen the soil under the trees.
  4. Clear the trunks and trim old branches.
  5. To treat pests, treat the trees with disinfectants.
  6. Whitewash the apple trees before the cold.
  7. Mulch the soil under the trunks of plants.
  8. Cover the base of the trunks from frost and the effects of rodents.

Each of these stages does not take a lot of work and time. If you plan all the work in several stages and pre-study the sequence of their implementation, then the apple trees will please more than one season with plentiful harvests.

How to care for an apple tree

In each region, work begins at a specific time. From mid-October, they begin to prepare apple trees for winter in the suburbs. They begin to cover the trees when the thermometer is set to -10 degrees for several days.

In the Urals, they begin preparations for winter from September. Siberians also shelter fruit varieties plants with the onset of autumn. And in the Leningrad region, these works are carried out after the first frosts.

Removing Fallen Leaves

Work in the autumn in the garden

After harvesting the fruits, gardeners begin to clean their possessions of fallen leaves. Some gardeners prefer to exclude this item and use dry leaves to mulch pericarp circles. In fact, at this step, the owners of the cottages leave a shelter for harmful insects. Ticks often house at home in leaves, litter, or dry grass.

To prevent the propagation of pests, not only foliage, weeds dropped by trees, but also broken branches should be removed from the garden. All garbage collected is burned.

Top dressing and watering of apple trees in autumn

Fertilizing in the fall

After harvesting, you can begin to irrigate and feed garden trees. In order for the earth to absorb moisture and nutrients, it is recommended to carry out this stage of apple care in August-September.

In order to save time and effort, the combination of these two types of work is allowed. For this purpose, one bucket of water is poured under each barrel and fertilizer is applied. Top dressing is made twice in September - at the beginning of the month and at the end. Watering is carried out two to three times a week. With frequent and heavy autumn rains, the amount of watering is reduced to avoid excess moisture and rotting of the root system.

After abundant fruiting, trees need potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Substances must be applied in the quantities indicated on the packaging. It is also important to combine the sequence of procedures - watering first, then feeding. Every gardener should understand how important autumn care for an apple tree is. Preparing for the winter, carried out in compliance with the rules, will save all the trees and get a plentiful harvest.

Loosening the earth under the trees

Watering the apple tree

To fully supply the roots with moisture and nutrients, as well as enrich the bushes with oxygen, it is necessary to loosen the soil in a timely manner. The root system is given one month to restore the natural balance and supply of nutrients.

It is advisable to start loosening after repeated fertilizing. Experienced gardeners recommend using a pitchfork for this procedure. They should be worked very carefully, so as not to harm the root system. Abundantly watered plants a day before loosening. Gently dig the soil in a radius of 1-1.5 meters, trying not to touch the root system.

Trimming and cleaning the bush

How to prune an apple tree

In addition to watering and top dressing before freezing, it is necessary to carry out the bulk of the work to care for the apple tree in the fall. Pruning applies to the old number of branches. In addition to pruning, tree trunks should be cleaned thoroughly of mosses, lichens, growths and cracked bark. Open sections and damaged areas must be sealed with special substances that should be available for each summer resident.

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Before starting work, you must prepare all the necessary tools and material. To clean the trunks you will need a spatula made of plastic and a large piece of rags or film. As protection, it is recommended to use cloth gloves and glasses made of plastic.

It is advisable to start work immediately after the rain, when the bark is still wet. In dry weather, tree trunks need to be moistened abundantly to make the bark supple and soft. The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Spread oilcloth under a tree trunk.
  2. With a plastic tool, they clean off everything unnecessary: ​​moss, lichen, old and cracked bark.
  3. Proceed to delete old branches.
Eliminate mosses and lichens, as well as the old bark with cracks, gardeners prevent diseases in plants. Many insects often settle in the winter under the bark of trees, and in spring they hatch larvae. Apple bark is an ideal place for them.

Cleansing the trunk of an apple tree

Unlike old trees, young ones do not need such careful care.Care for young apple trees in autumn is limited to a little pruning. Thus, only diseased, damaged, or dry branches are removed from the plant.

Heavily twisted shoots must also be removed. In addition to using sanitary pruning in young trees, it is recommended to form a crown. Formative pruning is carried out during the first five years of bush growth annually in the autumn.

In adults, apple trees carry out anti-aging pruning along the way in order to increase productivity. In addition to deformed branches, about a third of the crown is cut out. To fully illuminate the branches with sunlight, thin out the top of the trees.

To prevent the spread of spores to healthy parts of plants, all removed garbage is immediately burned. All open areas after removal of the affected branches are treated with garden varieties, clay mashrooms or any other means intended for these purposes.

It is important to complete these activities a month before the first frost. During this time, all wounds should heal, and sections should dry. In October, they carry out final work in the garden.

Disinfection Activities

How to disinfect

Inexperience, some gardeners begin to spray from pests only in the spring. But spraying apple trees in the fall is equally important. Numerous harmful insects lay their larvae in small cracks or under the bark of trees. Adult individuals take refuge from the cold there.

To prevent infection, trees are treated in the fall. Spraying is carried out a week after trimming. During this period, the movement of juice is slowed down and concentrated and potent agents can be safely used.

In most cases, urea or a solution of copper sulfate is used to treat bushes. Means are prepared according to the instructions on the packaging. First you need to prepare personal protective equipment.

Many substances offered by specialty stores may have a high degree of toxicity. The use of such substances can cause irreparable harm to plants and soil. For this reason, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the composition of the product prior to purchase.

Before spraying, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the weather forecast. Spraying should be carried out in calm and dry weather. It is advisable that precipitation does not fall over the next two days.

Whitewash stem

Rules for caring for a young apple tree

After disinfection, it is recommended to withstand a ten-day interval before whitewashing. Autumn whitewashing will not only protect trees from insects, but also protect them from sunburn. Minor damage from sun exposure is not immediately apparent. But over time, productivity decreases, the tree becomes weak and can die if the gardener does not take appropriate measures.

To prevent the sad consequences, it is necessary to whitewash the apple trees. The solution can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made mixture in the store. The product must be lime based for old trees. For young bushes, it is recommended to purchase products based on chalk. Whitewashing should be carried out in dry weather. It is advisable that there is no rainfall throughout the week.

When special substances “Creolin” or “Knockdown” are added to whitewash, protection against rodents will be provided. It is recommended to choose a brush for work according to the width of the barrel. Branches should be whitened to a height of 30 centimeters from the base. A few days after whitewashing, it is allowed to proceed to mulching the soil.

Mulching around the trunk

How to care for an apple orchard

Mulching the soil, not all gardeners consider mandatory care for trees. But this method of care allows not only to save moisture in the root system, but also protects it from freezing in cold weather. To use for this it is recommended lapnik, sawdust or peat.

When mulching with fresh manure, the gardener risks burning the trunk of the plant. Wet and beautiful leaves will become a haven for numerous pests and will become a source of infection of the apple tree. Mice can be found in the straw, which will bite the bark in winter.

Pruning apple trees in autumn

For adult apple trees, the height of the mulching layer should be at least 15 centimeters. For young plants - 25 centimeters. In the northern regions, these figures increase to 35 centimeters. Protection from a strong winter wind or the assassination of rodents, you can use the net-netting. She wraps the lower part of the trunk, on top of the mulch.

With all the stages of work in strict sequence, preparing for the winter will not seem difficult. It is important to draw up an approximate schedule of work in advance and adhere strictly to it. The vitality and productivity of the garden depends on these measures.

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