Overview of self-pollinating peppers for open ground in Siberia

30.03.2018 Pepper

Siberia has a harsh climate, low temperatures and a short summer. But despite all the difficulties, summer residents adapted to grow heat-loving peppers on the beds. Especially for this region of Russia, domestic breeders have bred hybrids that can be grown not only under the film, but also in open soil. They can be maximally adapted to the existing climate of this region.

How to choose a pepper grade for Siberia

Some types of culture are adapted to the Siberian climate and local soils, they are not demanding on cultivation conditions and calmly tolerate cold. At the same time, the fruits have excellent taste and good yields. For Siberia, varieties of peppers with early ripening are selected. This is due to the fact that for a short summer period, vegetables must have time to ripen and give a decent harvest.

To choose the right tasty and juicy vegetable, you must first familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this hybrid. It all depends on where such a plant will grow. There are varieties that are suitable for growing in greenhouses, while others can bear fruit without a film.

When choosing a hybrid for the Siberian region, it is necessary to take into account the features of a particular species, but in general they pay attention to some criteria that will help to choose the desired variety:

  • productivity;
  • growth and compactness of bushes;
  • growing dates;
  • the color of the vegetable;
  • taste and size of pepper, its weight and shape;
  • cold resistance;
  • It is important to know: is it possible to grow bushes without a film.

The best varieties of peppers for open ground Siberia

Green peppers

Green-colored vegetables contain fewer calories than his counterparts in red or yellow. It has antioxidant properties, a rich set of vitamins and minerals contributes to the normal functioning of the whole organism.


Badminton has a yellowish-green color, the fruit weighs 120-140 g, it has a sweetish taste. Thanks to the thick walls (6-7 mm) pepper crunches. The fruits ripen 110-120 days. Sow seeds in mid-March. The variety tolerates prolonged cold. From one square, an average of 5-6 kg of peppers is obtained. The fruits are well stored and transported.


Mid-season variety, can grow painlessly in the shade. The fruit has a dark green color, sweet taste, the weight of one instance is 200 g. Vegetation lasts 115-125 days. The plant is cold-resistant, does not suffer from fungal diseases. With 1 sq. meters get 5 kg of peppers. Eat vegetables in salads and canned in the winter.


The early cold-resistant variety is characterized by high productivity, one bush can contain 40 fruits, the weight of one is 110-140 g. The wall thickness of the fruit is small 4 mm. From one square you can collect 10 kg of vegetables. Peppers ripen in 105-115 days. Triton can tolerate heat with prolonged drought, it can be grown in open soil. An unusual property of the variety is that the green color of the peppers, as they ripen, is replaced by yellow, and then red.

Yellow peppers

Yellow vegetables contain phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine and vitamins. Stuffed yellow vegetables, grilled, eat fresh and canned. They are used in the children's menu and are included in different diets.


This variety has a sweetish taste and juicy fleshy flesh that crunches. Vegetation is 100-120 days. Bushes do not exceed 45-55 cm in height. Peppers are rounded and ribbed, weighing 110-140 g. They are used in first courses, consumed in salads and harvested for the winter.


The fruits are not large, weigh 75-85 g, the vegetable has thick walls of 6 -7 cm and juicy flesh. The shape is elongated. The variety is cold-resistant, ripening time 100 -110 days. Harvest Veselinki with 1 square. meters 6-8 kg.

Golden Pyramid

The height of the plants reaches 45-55 cm. The mass of one vegetable is 100-120 g, the fruit is juicy with a pleasant aroma. The growing season is 80-100 days. Productivity reaches 6-7 kg per square.


Low bushes allow you to rationally place plants in the garden. From one square meter get up to 12-14 kg of peppers. The mass of one yellow specimen is 60-80 g, the ripeness of the fruit occurs on 85-100 days from the moment of planting. Dense pulp allows you to transport vegetables to other cities. Oriole can bear fruit under any conditions.

Red peppers

Beautiful and tasty vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals. Universal in various dishes and preserves.


Mid-season variety, fruits are obtained on 120-150 days after planting. Shrubs 55-60 cm high. Fruit weight 140-170 g. At the initial stage of ripening, the vegetables are green, then they turn red. Harvest 6-7 kg per square. meter.

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Winnie the Pooh

The Moldavian variety produces 5-6 kg of fruits per square meter. The bushes are small, only 20-30 cm, the vegetable weighs up to 55-70 g. Vegetation is 100-105 days. Winnie the Pooh is practically not sick.


Cone-shaped peppers weigh 90-100 g. Vegetation is 100-120 days. The crop is small, 3 kg / m. sq. Juicy peppers took root well in a cold climate.

Gingerbread man

The name indicates the rounded shape of peppers, weighing up to 120-140 g. The vegetable has a wall density of 1 cm. Plants are up to 45 cm tall. There is no bitterness, the taste is sweet. For 1 square. a meter accounts for 3 to 5 kg of fruit.


Fruits weighing up to 80 g ripen 100-120 days. Bushes in height up to 70 cm can grow without a film. Record holder for crops, up to 20 kg / sq.m. On one plant can be both green and red peppers. It is well transported due to the thickness of the walls of the fruit.


Cold resistant hybrid. Fruits weighing about 90 -110 g. Vegetation 110-115 days. Harvest peppers 6-8 kg per meter plot.


Red fruits weigh 90-120 g. Peppers ripen on the 105th day. 4-7 kg of vegetables are collected from one square. The ovaries are not afraid of temperatures of 10-12 degrees. Juicy fruit with thick walls. Plants are up to 60 cm tall.

Firstborn of Siberia

On average, peppers of this variety ripen in 100-115 days. Small fruits weigh 50-60 g, yield up to 4 kg, plants grow up to 45 cm.

Siberian prince

Bushes can grow on open soils. The fruits have the shape of a cone, weigh up to 130-150 g. The average yield per square meter of 5 kg. The growing season is 100-110 days.

The sultan

Peppers are resistant to low temperatures. The weight of one unit is 170-200 g. The vegetation period is 110-120 days. The growth of one bush is 40-60 cm, on a plot of one square. meter collect up to 7 kg of fruit.


One bush gives 10-15 red fruits, this is approximately 2.5 kg. When planting 4-5 bushes per square meter, you can collect 10-12 kg of vegetables. The density of the walls of the pepper is about 5-6 mm, it weighs 120-150 g. The variety is unpretentious to weather conditions, and ripens for 110 days after planting. The average growth of the bushes requires additional garter.


Ekaterina, 57 years old

Cold-resistant varieties of peppers are demanding for additional top dressing. When the foliage began to turn yellow, I added mineral fertilizers in which copper is present. Almost all peppers have a sweet taste. I tried 4 grades: Oriole, Merchant, Sultan and Mustang. She kept them in the greenhouse, she harvested a good one. They were stored for a long time in the basement, she covered vegetables for the winter.

Alexander, 43 years old

Grown without a film a variety of peppers Kolobok. Summer was rainy, I had to cover the bushes, at the ripening stage, the pepper began to rot. Due to the thickness of the walls, vegetables were stored in drawers for quite some time. The crop was about 3-4 kg per square meter. meter, the taste is sweetish.

Elena, 38 years old

I liked the Oriole pepper variety, pleased with a good harvest and fast ripening, about 10 kg of fruits turned out from about one square. But the Cavalier variety failed with the harvest, barely collected 4 kg per square meter. But the taste qualities of both are wonderful, the fruits are tasty, juicy. I want to try new hybrids.

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