Bell pepper "Blot": description of the variety

4.01.2018 Pepper

Pepper is one of the most common and beloved vegetable cults, which is appreciated not only for its taste, but also for its high content of vitamins and minerals. It contains: magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, vitamins A, P, K, E, and the content of vitamin C, this vegetable is not inferior to lemon.


Useful properties of sweet pepper

  • boosts immunity;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • positive effect on vision;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • helps to cope with chronic fatigue;
  • indicated for diabetes.

Bright "Blot"

The variety of colors and shapes of bell pepper will please even the most demanding esthete, among all the variety “Blot”, an unusual purple color, stands out.

Interesting! It owes its unusual color to the increased content of the anthocyanin pigment. This pigment allows the plant to tolerate cold weather well and capture the maximum amount of sunlight, so that the fruits ripen even in adverse conditions. The average yield of 10 - 12 peppers from the bush.

Grade description

Blot is a mid-season, large-fruited variety of bell pepper with high productivity. It is good both for cultivation in the open ground, and for cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses. Well established in the middle zone of Russia. From seedlings to technical maturity passes 125 - 135 days. The plant is semi-spreading, it can reach 1 meter in height; therefore, to form the correct shape of the bush, when it reaches a height of 25 - 30 cm, you need to pinch the tops.

Fruit Characteristics

"Blot" is a high-yielding variety, with fruits weighing 130-200 grams, aromatic fruits, pleasant taste. Cone-shaped, drooping with a glossy skin. With technical maturity, the fruits are purple in color, at the complete stage - crimson-golden. Universal peppers, good for use in raw form, for preservation and freezing. The fruits are very juicy, have walls of 5 - 6 mm.

During the growing season, the plant is fed at least 3-4 times.

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Attention! Despite its versatility, it is better to use this variety without applying heat treatment, otherwise its wonderful color loses its beauty.

Agricultural technology

Peppers are a rather capricious culture, so they are grown only in seedlings. Sowing seedlings in February. It is preferable to treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate with a lilac color; Plant nutrition begins when the first pair of leaves is opened.

After processing, the seeds are slightly dried, then planted in a pre-moistened substrate. After emergence, the peppers are mulched with peat or a mixture of earth with humus.

At least 50 days after germination, seedlings can be planted in open ground. Landing pattern 60x40 cm. Bell pepper favorably reacts to watering, but does not tolerate excess moisture, so watering should not be too plentiful, but often.

Important! Timely forming of bushes helps to significantly increase productivity!


Alexandra, Stavropol Territory

I am a gardener with experience, I like peppers very much, I grow them for a long time and have tried many different types. Klyaksu first tried two years ago. I really liked the variety because of its unpretentiousness.And home fell in love for an unusual color. Salads with him look very elegant.

Gennady, Voronezh

Engaged in growing seedlings for sale. Variety for an amateur. Germination is good, seedlings are strong. Some are repelled by the color of future fruits, and those who are familiar with the variety are eager to buy. It is loved by his summer residents, who do not have time to scrupulously care for plants.

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