Sweet pepper for Moscow region, the best varieties, reviews

1.02.2016 Pepper

the best varieties of pepper for Moscow regionSo, according to the advice of leading agricultural companies and reviews of gardeners, it is better to plant hybrids of peppers rather than varieties in the Moscow Region, let's see why and which ones showed themselves better.

Hybrids or varieties?

A certain variety is obtained as a result of selection, from it you can get seeds that are planted next year, and they are absolutely similar in quality to their parents. Hybrids are obtained by crossing, they are stronger and more powerful than their parents, more productive and more resistant to disease. But - do not plant their seeds, do not grow pepper from them. Their advantage is today and now to get a more resilient and high-quality crop, and varietal pepper can be collected and grown from year to year. Hybrids are easy to distinguish - F1 is always added to the name on the package. That is - more viable hybrids, but only varietal seeds can be harvested.

The problem of gardeners near Moscow

Some experienced gardeners are surprised that our summer residents often complain - we cannot, say, grow pepper in the country, and at the same time choose weak varieties for our region such as the Gift of Moldova, which, in fact, were created for the Kuban and Crimea, but for us at all inappropriate. The California miracle also enters into the same mistake, we do not recommend it for the Moscow region, there are much better varieties with a practically guaranteed harvest.

Proven varieties for Moscow region

gift of Moldova

In order to get a good crop of sweet aromatic pepper in the Moscow Region, you need to choose early ripening varieties - this is the first condition so that they have time to ripen and pamper with the crop. The leaders who never let gardeners have long been hit by wonderful varieties of Health, Pinocchio, Winnie the Pooh, Chardash, Funtik, Jung and Eroshka - we recommend that you pay attention to them first. They are specially designed for the middle strip, after germination in 98-100 days they already yield a crop, low bushes with growth give the opportunity to use film shelter, give about 2 kg from the bush - not much, but stable.
We also recommend using special plant activatorwhich will improve your crop.
See also: tomatoes raspberry miracle - reviews.

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We also recommend that you go to to this site, there is a large selection of varieties of pepper and most are perfect for you.

The best of the precocious


Judging by numerous reviews, Chardosh and Pinocchio showed themselves the best for the Moscow region. Behind them are the breeder’s peppers Boriskina, zoned specifically for our strip. They give 3-4 kg from one bush, the fruits are thick-walled and large, of different colors, shapes and sizes, tasty, resistant to disease, super early.

According to the reviews of summer residents, Bagration, Lycedei, Cupid showed themselves excellently in the suburbs, good productivity indicators in Barguzin and Country, Zaznayki and Cornet. Alyonushka is very good in greenhouses, but because of the high growth of bushes (up to 1.5 meters), it is not suitable for open ground, the same with the hybrid Nochka.

So, for the Moscow Region, some excellent early ripe peppers were determined by summer residents by experiment, and the first of them was Agapovsky, created by our research institute located in the Moscow region, that is, parents live in the place, as it should, and know best about it. A hybrid from the Netherlands called Aries (up to 100 days), Pinocchio (90-100 days, a bush of only 30 cm in height with small fruits for preservation as a whole) ripen with it, the same will be the fruits of Winnie the Pooh.

The variety of our research institute Dobrynya, early ripe, up to 92 days, our hybrid Mercury, up to 100 days, perfectly suits greenhouses, showed itself perfectly. Tenderness (up to 85 days) and our own hybrid Ruza (82-104) are suitable for them (it is possible for film).
Helpful information: Tomathouse.com.


Sweet pepper
  • Natalya: nevertheless, so as not to say, I prefer the California miracle and I think that it fits the middle band exactly. Yes, the ripening period is long - up to 130 days, but it bears fruit for a long time, the fruits are fragrant, thick-skinned, they are very chilly, sweet and fragrant. Grown under a film and even in the open field managed to ripen, and the crop was excellent. True, if the summer is cold, thin-walled fruits are obtained.
  • Maksim: I am a supporter of the Cow's Ear, after planting seedlings, bear fruit in 70 days, planted both in the greenhouse and in the open ground, the fruits are large, up to 150 g, thick-walled, tasty.
  • Sophia: The best for me is Gemini F1 yellow, Dutch. The bushes are not tall, up to half a meter, grow well under the film, early ripe, and in the open ground it can easily be grown in a good summer.
  • Ivan: my favorite is Gemini F1, I’ve been growing it for the third year, it’s sweet, tasty, when it turns yellow already, although the green is quite edible, it also has more vitamins.
  • Maria: Claudio F1 pepper is sweet, tasty, the fruits are large, even come across up to 200g, it rises well, grows, you can already eat after 80 days. I also love hybrids of the East Star - all fleshy, bright, early and tasty.

By the way, look - eggshell as fertilizer - how to apply.

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