Why cucumbers grow crooked: reasons, how and what to feed

11.08.2019 Cucumbers

When growing cucumbers, vegetable growers sometimes encounter deformation of the fruit. Most often, cucumbers grow crocheted in a greenhouse. But on open beds, irregularly shaped greens are also sometimes found. The curvature does not affect the taste of the fruit. But when grown for sale, they do not attract buyers. There are several reasons for curling cucumbers. Among them are errors of care, cultivation of unsuitable varieties, improper harvesting.

Causes of the irregular shape of cucumbers in the greenhouse

It is impossible to say unequivocally why greenhouses twist when grown in greenhouse conditions. The provoking factor of such a deviation may be improper care, inappropriate neighborhood or cultivation of a variety not intended for a greenhouse or greenhouse. You can find out the cause of the deviation after a careful examination of the plant.

Nutrient imbalance

The rapidly growing young bushes of cucumbers take many nutrients of their soil for their development. Therefore, the soil is depleted in a short time. Deficiency of nutrients leads to deformation of the fruit and early yellowing of the foliage. On the other hand, uncontrolled fertilization inhibits fruiting.

Top dressing of cucumbers must be carried out on a schedule taking into account the method of application, the composition of the fertilizer and the concentration of nutrients in it.

Potassium deficiency

Potassium is one of the most important trace elements for all vegetable crops. It regulates sap flow, necessary for the proper development of the plant. With the participation of potassium, the formation of fruits occurs. With a deficiency of the element, the fruits grow pear-shaped, as in the photo, and are bitter.

To increase the potassium content in the soil, the following fertilizers are applied:

  1. Calimagnesia in the form of a dry powder for each 1 m² of 20 g of substance.
  2. Wood ash in the form of infusion. It is prepared by mixing 15 liters of water and 2 liters of combustion products. The mixture is left for 3 days. Then 10 l of pure water is added to the concentrate. The finished solution is made at the rate of 500 ml per plant.

Fertilizers with potassium are applied under the root. They are most effective when applied during flowering bushes and at the stage of fruit formation.

Nitrogen deficiency

Substances with nitrogen content are important for the full development of cucumbers at all stages of development. The lack of this element inhibits the growth of leaf mass, delays flowering and fruiting. But an excessive nitrogen content in the soil causes deformed fruits. Cucumbers twist, acquire a hook-like shape.

To saturate the soil with nitrogen, folk recipes with chicken manure are often used. It is introduced into the soil in liquid form. First, a concentrate is prepared by mixing organic matter with water in equal amounts. Then the mixture is left to infuse for three days. Then make a working solution, diluting the concentrated composition with pure water in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting solution is watered with cucumber bushes at the root.

Failure to comply with crop rotation rules

Crooked cucumbers grow in greenhouse conditions if there is no proper crop rotation.Illiterate plant substitution causes soil depletion and an imbalance in minerals. To obtain the fruits of the correct form and with good taste, the plants alternate according to the principle of “root-roots”. This means that cucumbers will feel good if they are planted in the place where carrots, onions, garlic, and beets used to grow. This approach to growing vegetables relieves the fruits of a bitter aftertaste.

Growing unsuitable varieties

For growing vegetables in the greenhouse, usually self-pollinating or parthenocarpic varieties are chosen. In the first plants on the bush are both male and female flowers. In this case, pollination is carried out independently. Parthenocarpic pollination is not necessary at all. In these varieties, ovaries form without pollen. But to place these varieties in one greenhouse is not worth it. Pollination may occur. Then, on a self-pollinating variety, the fruits grow crooked.

Another example of an unsuccessful neighborhood is the co-location of cultures that provoke specific secretions on the roots and leaves and cause curvature of the fruit. Cucumbers grow poorly, and the fruits are bent if they grow next to them:

  • Tomatoes
  • potatoes;
  • green salad;
  • herbs.
No need to plant cucumbers in the neighborhood of crops that obscure them. If cucumbers do not have enough sunlight, the sugar concentration in greens decreases and their taste deteriorates.

Improper care

Cucumbers are heat-loving crops. If it is cold in the greenhouse or the air temperature changes dramatically, the cucumbers curl up. To improve the product characteristics of greenhouses in the room, it is necessary to maintain the temperature during the day from +25 to +30 degrees. At night, it is permissible to lower the temperature indicators to +15 .. + 20 degrees. When it is not possible to maintain the temperature at the right level, the plants are covered with a film for additional warming at night. If the air warms up above the desired level, organize ventilation.

For a good harvest, cucumbers need proper watering. Errors in irrigation often lead to the development of diseases that cause deformation of the fruit. In a greenhouse, cucumbers are watered in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Plants are watered under the root, without eroding the soil, maintaining the integrity of the stems. For watering use a watering can, not a hose.
  2. For irrigation take warm water with a temperature of +18 to +23 degrees. Insufficiently heated fluid inhibits the development of cucumber bushes and can lead to disease.
  3. If the greenhouse is too humid, and the soil retains moisture well, the frequency of irrigation is reduced, but makes them more plentiful.
  4. On light soil and with high dryness in the room, greenhouses reduce the intervals between irrigation.
  5. Bushes are watered in the morning or evening, so that there are no burns from the sun and drops of water falling on the leaves.
  6. Ventilate the greenhouse before irrigation. If a strong cooling at night is expected, the procedure is postponed to the morning time.
  7. From 5 to 10 liters of water is enough for young plants to moisten the soil per 1 m² of plantings. For adult bushes, the norm is increased to 20 liters.

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For some varieties of vegetables, the need for water does not coincide with general recommendations. It is more or less than the standard norm. Then use at the time the amount of water recommended on the package with seeds.

If all the rules of care are observed, and cucumbers still grow irregularly shaped, you need to pay attention to harvesting. If the fruits are rarely picked, there are many overgrown plants. Such yellowed cucumbers take away nutrients for their development. As a result, young cucumbers lack useful elements and they twist. This can be avoided by timely harvesting every 2-3 days.

Reasons for curling cucumbers in the open ground

Zelentsy, grown on unprotected beds, can also become crooked. In general, the reasons are the same as for indoor plants. The fruits turn yellow and curl due to intense heat, improper watering, and lack of nutrition. Also to blame for the high density of planting failure to comply with crop rotation.

Watering errors

The root system of cucumbers needs a constant supply of water. Moisture deficiency causes darkening and fragility of leaves. Its excess worsens the aeration of the roots, inhibits the growth of the stem, worsens fruiting. Watering with cold water is harmful.

When growing cucumbers on unprotected beds, the main cause of deformation of greenhouses is improper watering. Irrigation errors provoke curvature and bitterness of the fruit.

Excess nitrogen in the soil

Less often, twisting provokes an imbalance of nutrients in the soil. Many gardeners, trying to feed cucumber bushes, add too much nitrogen fertilizer and forget about potassium. It is necessary for the vegetable abundant flowering and fruiting. Therefore, you need to feed cucumbers according to the scheme, observing the balance of necessary nutrients.

Lack of heat

With the onset of autumn, the fruiting of cucumbers does not end. Many varieties continue to produce crops until October. But because of nighttime cooling and temperature changes, Zelentsy grows curved, because the absorption of nutrients from the soil is deteriorating. To correct the situation, it is necessary to cover the cucumber bushes in the autumn at night.

Prevention of fruit strain

To prevent deformation of the fruit, comprehensive care is required, including the following measures:

  • accounting for crop rotation rules;
  • the location of parthenocarpics, self-pollinated and bee pollinated varieties in a distance from each other;
  • balanced enrichment of the soil with useful elements;
  • proper watering vegetables with warm water;
  • taking into account the neighborhood with other vegetables;
  • the proper organization of lighting and compliance with the temperature regime when growing in a greenhouse.

The number of fruits and their shape depend on the exact observance of the rules of agricultural technology and soil composition. With a nutrient deficiency, it is necessary to top dress, introducing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil. When infected with pathogenic bacteria or fungal spores, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. For disinfection, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate.


Svetlana, Lipetsk region:

I regularly fertilize clearly on schedule, without getting carried away with nitrogen fertilizing, and do not forget about potassium during flowering. Therefore, my cucumbers are always smooth and beautiful. There have never been warped.

Elena, Samara:

During the summer, cucumbers usually grow normal, regular in shape. But when the cold starts, the curves often come across. Here you have to put up with a disadvantage. I use these cucumbers only in salads.

Subject to all the rules of agricultural technology and the creation of favorable conditions, the shape of the cucumbers will be correct. Caring for a vegetable is not difficult, but a good result can only be achieved with regular and timely completion of all procedures.

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