Maximum yield of cucumbers due to super top dressing in August

19.08.2018 Cucumbers


The days in August are still warm, but at night the temperature can drop to 8-10 ° C. The dew and fog in the morning do their job, the leaves on the cucumbers begin to turn yellow, although there are still enough ovaries and flowers on the lashes. There are fertilizing recipes with which you can extend the period of fruiting of cucumbers in the open ground and in the greenhouse.

Why you need to feed cucumbers in August

Cold nights, high humidity create favorable conditions for fungal infection. To avoid an outbreak of powdery mildew, cucumbers in the open ground and in the greenhouse need to be fed. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the microclimate in the root zone - to reduce humidity.


At low daytime temperatures of 8-10 ° C, root dressing is not carried out, the roots poorly absorb nutrients.

Mulch helps to normalize humidity (hay, straw, mowed grass), the mulch layer is used in a greenhouse, in open ground.

Effective help to cucumbers in August will be provided by a nutrient layer prepared from onion peel. First, it is steamed in a bucket with boiling water, then it is insisted for 24 hours. Cucumbers are watered with slurry, and husks are laid in holes around the stem.

Recipes for feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse and in the open ground

In August, the quality of agricultural technology is especially important. The slightest violation leads to disease and death of the plant. There are many recipes for maintaining health and prolonging fruiting. It’s easy to apply.

To strengthen the root system

The stronger the root system, the more nutrients the plant consumes. In August, for cucumbers make:

  • ashes in the form of a solution;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate.

The ash contains all the macro- and microelements necessary for cucumbers in August (potassium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium). To get it, you can burn firewood, grass, tops, sunflower stalks.

Under greenhouse plants, ash is applied in dry form before watering - dust the soil under the bushes, and for the cucumbers growing in the open ground, an infusion is prepared:

  • in a 10 liter bucket pour 200 g (glass) of ash;
  • pour hot water to the top;
  • insist 5-7 days.

Pour each bush under the root with this solution.

Superphosphate boosts immunity, so it is used in August. Plants treated with phosphate fertilizer better resist fungal infections. In the working solution, you can add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer - for 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon each. It is better to pour superphosphate on the eve of a liter of boiling water, it differs poorly in cool water.

What to feed if it gets colder

During the August cold snap, cucumbers are saved by serum and urea. Both remedies help prolong fruiting only for healthy plants, if downy mildew or root rot struck the bushes, then the recipe will not come in handy.

Means amount Water (L)
urea 15 g 10
serum 1 liter 9

In cool weather, it is better to spray the bushes, and if warm days are established, water them under the root. A few days after top dressing, the leaves turn green with renewed vigor.


Cucumbers in open ground at night and during the August rains need to be covered with PVC film.

In August, an excellent remedy from Japan, HB-101, will help maintain immunity to plants. The drug does not pose a threat to humans, pets. For 1 liter of water, 1-2 drops of the stimulant are consumed, whips are sprayed every 10 days.

Foliar Recipes

Complex rastvorin and Kemira-Lux fertilizers deserve excellent reviews from gardeners. With their help increase the yield of cucumbers in August. The solution is prepared according to one scheme: water 1 l, fertilizer ½ tsp. Spray the whips from 17 to 19 hours.

For the prevention of diseases (anthracnose, powdery mildew), mullein infusion is prepared: water 1 l, manure 1 kg. It is infused for 7 days, filtered before use. Cucumbers can be sprayed with this fertilizer once every 10 days. The recipe is suitable for both greenhouse cucumbers and those that grow in open ground.

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Foliar top dressing with mineral fertilizers is very effective. They resort to their help if irregularly shaped fruits form on the bushes. The ugliness of Zelentsy suggests a lack of several trace elements in the soil at once. Nitroammophosk helps to fill them. A solution is prepared from it:

  • water 1 l;
  • fertilizer 2 tbsp

Sheet processing can be done 2 times at weekly intervals.

From diseases of cucumbers

In August, planting can suffer from bacteriosis, anthracnose, peronosporosis, powdery mildew. You can stop the disease with fungicide drugs.

Name Consumption per 10 liters of water Processing method Disease
Alirin-B plus Gamair 10 tablets plus 10 tablets spraying root rot
Previkur in 5 days Fitolavin 15-20 ml, 15-20 ml spraying withering of stems, root rot
Epin 2 ml spraying prophylaxis of ascochitosis
Gates 15-20 ml spraying with symptoms of fungal infection
Quadris 5 ml spraying with symptoms of fungal infection

Conduct treatment immediately after the first symptoms of the disease are detected.

Prepare the solution exactly according to the instructions, use personal protective equipment during operation.

Treatment with powdery mildew helps processing the Chinese mixture:

  • urea 100 g;
  • copper sulfate 3 g;
  • potassium permanganate 1 g;
  • boric acid 5 g.

All is dissolved in 10 l of water, the leaves are sprayed with the mixture once a week. Zelentsy can be collected 2 days after the procedure.


Bushes of cucumbers growing on a trellis can be reanimated in August not only by foliar and root top dressing. Stems that are healthy without signs of disease can be rejuvenated. Lower the lower part of the central stem to the ground and sprinkle with a mixture of humus, garden soil and peat. The roots that have formed along the entire length of the scourge buried in the ground will improve the nutrition of the bush, this will prolong fruiting.


Collect greens regularly, this will extend the fruiting period.

If cucumbers are not tied to a support, rejuvenation of the bushes is carried out in another way. Take well rotted humus and sprinkle over the ridge. ½ bucket per square meter of humus. The soil around the bushes is slightly loosened. Additional roots appear on the buried stem, cucumbers receive additional organic nutrition.

In August, you can rejuvenate cucumber lashes with the help of fresh hay. An infusion is prepared from it:

  • water 1 part;
  • Hay hay 1 part;
  • infusion time 48 hours.

The lashes are sprayed with hay infusion at least 3 times, the interval between treatments is 10 days. This top dress lengthens the growing season, protects against powdery mildew.

foliar top dressing


Michael, Saratov

In August, the fruiting of cucumbers decreases, to invigorate them, I spray the leaves and water the bushes under the root with a solution of serum. I take 2 liters per 10 liter bucket, add sugar ½ cup.

Tatyana, Rostov Region

So that the leaves of the cucumbers do not turn yellow, I spray them with Kemira Lux. I take 20 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. I spray on the bottom of the leaf plate, where nutrients are absorbed faster. So that the plants do not suffer from root rot, I water them at least 2 times a month with a solution of potassium permanganate.


Cucumbers respond well to care.Using different types of fertilizers, it is possible to extend fruiting until the fall. August cucumbers are especially good at pickling. Using various recipes, fruiting in open ground in the south can be extended until October 10-15, in temperate latitudes - until September.

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