Hot red pepper - health benefits

28.04.2019 Pepper

A person’s love for spicy foods is difficult to scientifically explain, but a quarter of the people on the planet consume a burning vegetable of the Pepper family daily. It is generally accepted that the sharpest part is the seeds, however, in fact, the most part of capsaicin is the white partitions inside. Connecting with receptors in the tongue, this alkaloid causes a burning sensation on the mucosa, and the higher the level of capsaicin, the more painful this feeling will be.

In nature, birds are seed carriers and, surprisingly, they lack those receptors that prevent mammals from eating a vegetable. However, a person was able to “tame” red hot peppers, and having studied its composition, he was able to minimize the harm when it is used, because the benefits of burning seasoning are very great for the body.

75% of pathogenic bacteria that cause intestinal poisoning are neutralized by the action of the active substances of the seasoning. Moderate use helps to heal and rejuvenate the body, while uncontrolled - will cause significant damage to health.

The chemical composition and health benefits of hot red pepper

Hot pepper has a very rich chemical composition, and the amount of some elements covers the daily intake of the body. The vegetable is saturated with such substances:

  • Vitamins:
    • group B - it is difficult to name the daily dose of this vitamin, since it is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, occupation, season, etc. An increased level of anxiety in modern society indicates that this group is shown all, since it affects the normal functioning of the nervous system. Cell growth and division also depends on the availability of these substances in sufficient quantities;

      B vitamins
      B vitamins
    • ascorbic acid (C) is an antioxidant that triggers immune processes and is indispensable in protecting against infections. Also involved in hematopoiesis, tissue growth and metabolic processes of the body. The average daily intake is 70-90 mg, but depends on many factors, so it can vary. Higher dosages are needed during lactation, during pregnancy, and the elderly. Smokers also belong to this category, regardless of age, since 1 cigarette destroys 25 mg of vitamin.
      The amount of this vitamin in 100 grams of hot pepper exceeds the daily norm by 2.5 times;
    • tocopherol (E) - an antioxidant that slows down the aging of cells and provides them with more intense nutrition. Responsible for cell regeneration, blood circulation, muscle functioning and much more. Of particular importance at the stage of pregnancy planning and bearing a child. The daily norm for an adult is 8 mg in women and 10 in men;
    • PP - is important for the proper functioning of many systems in the body. Reduces the risk of heart disease, including the development of a heart attack. It takes part in hormone synthesis, enzyme production and protein assimilation;

      Vitamin PP Properties
      Vitamin PP Properties
    • K - supports healthy indicators of blood coagulability, prevents the deposition of calcium in blood vessels, serves as a prevention of oncology of the liver and prostate gland;
    • alpha, beta-carotenes - prevention of ophthalmic diseases;
    • lutein and zeaxanthin - improve cognitive function and vision. Also, in combination with other vitamins, they improve lung and heart function and lower cholesterol.
  • Macronutrients:
    • potassium - has a beneficial effect on the heart, brain, soft tissues, reduces edema by regulating the content of salts and acids in the body;
    • silicon - affects the health of bones, hair, nails, skin, blood vessels. Helps to be absorbed by a large number of salts and vitamins;
    • magnesium - responsible for the cardiovascular system, thyroid function, helps cleanse the body of heavy metals and toxins;

      The benefits of magnesium for the body
      The benefits of magnesium for the body
    • sulfur is an indispensable macroelement, participates in the most important processes of the body: the synthesis of hemoglobin, collagen, keratin, insulin. Enough 20 grams of product to make up for the required amount of this element;
    • calcium, sodium, phosphorus are contained in small quantities.
  • Trace elements:
    • Boron - participates in the metabolism. Increases estrogen levels in the blood, holds the necessary level of calcium;
    • cobalt is a vital element. Participates in hematopoiesis, metabolic processes, the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
    • lithium - has psychotropic properties, immunomodulating, removes radioactive elements, ethyl alcohol and salts of heavy metals from the body;
    • Manganese - is involved in cell division, the pancreas, brain, nervous system;
    • pepper also contains aluminum, iron, iodine, copper, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, fluorine, chromium, and zinc in small amounts.

Also, the chemical composition includes 9 essential amino acids and 9 non-essential, 18 types of fatty acids, as well as purines and sterols.

Based on the chemical composition, hot pepper has the following health benefits:

  • lowers cholesterol;
  • It has antibacterial, antiviral, immunostimulating and analgesic effects;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels, bones, cartilage and soft tissues;
  • serves as the prevention of many cardiovascular diseases;
  • prolongs youth due to antioxidant action;
  • has anti-cancer properties;
  • improves blood circulation in the brain.

The main contraindications and the harm of hot pepper to the body

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Chili pepper is a very burning spice, therefore, it has a number of contraindications in which you can not use seasoning on a regular basis:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract even in remission. Product components irritate the mucous membranes, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, or nausea;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • exacerbated liver disease;
  • renal disease;
  • individual intolerance to the components, which can be expressed in an allergic reaction of varying severity;
  • childhood.
It is worth noting that the spice can do harm not only in cases where it is contraindicated. Regular use in large doses can adversely affect the body, for example, disrupt the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

With pathologies of the mucous membrane in the mouth, pepper in the composition of dishes can cause severe burning and aggravate the course of the disease. The degree of pain will depend on the type of vegetable. To reduce burning sensation, it is recommended to keep ice in your mouth or drink cold milk, kefir, yogurt.

Excessive hot peppers in the diet can be harmful:

  • gastrointestinal mucosa burn;
  • increased load on the heart;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • the development of stomach diseases (even oncological) with a constant inflammatory process.
You must be very careful when slicing the product.

It is best carried out with gloves so that there is no risk of damaging the mucous membranes of the eye and nose with insufficient handling of the hands after contact with a burning seasoning. Especially sharp varieties can cause skin burns and severe pain.

During pregnancy, hot peppers in the diet will help to cope with vomiting during toxicosis, as well as normalize hormonal levels. But all the positive points of use occur only at small doses.

When breastfeeding, spice should be completely eliminated, as it will affect the quality of milk. In childhood, the vegetable is also completely excluded so as not to injure the forming intestines.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has long used hot pepper as a treatment, and since antiquity this spice has been endowed with almost magical properties. This is not surprising, because its scope is very wide, from anesthesia to the treatment of serious disorders of the internal organs.

Proponents of alternative medicine advise to keep a powder and tincture of chili in a home medicine cabinet, because an open wound, sprinkled with dry powder, is simultaneously disinfected, anesthetized and healed, the tincture can soothe nerves, support the heart and cope with the virus.

How to prepare a medicine for pepper for external use

Pepper-based products for hair are widely used - against loss, for growth, strengthening. When manufacturing at home, it is important to comply with the dosage and choose the minimum for the first procedures.

Mask tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is very easy to prepare it yourself.

To do this, 2 pods, the approximate total weight of which is 100 grams, are poured with a glass of vodka and sent for a week to a dark, cool place. After this, tincture can be used: water, tincture and burdock oil are taken in proportions of 1: 1: 1 and applied to dry hair roots. It is better to do on unwashed hair so that alcohol does not dry them. A plastic cap is put on the head and after an hour the whole mixture is washed off with warm water using shampoo.

For massage in diseases such as paralysis or muscle dystrophy, you can prepare the following oil tincture: warm one part of the flaxseed herb and three parts of vegetable oil in a water bath for 30 minutes under a tightly closed lid. Day defend. This procedure must be repeated three times. Then strain and add red hot pepper. The amount of spice is calculated as follows: a quarter of the pod is laid per 500 ml of the plant mixture. Tincture is rubbed into the skin in the affected area twice a day.

Therapeutic recipes for oral administration

Spicy spice is actively used in alternative medicine, however, the medicine and dosage are selected depending on the symptoms.

Disease or symptom Homemade Recipe Mode of application
Digestion improvement Mix spice and vodka 1 to 10, insist a week in a dark place, strain (tincture). Dilute 10 drops in a glass of water and drink half an hour before meals, three times a day
With a cold to lower the temperature Mix honey and ground pepper in equal parts. To wash down with water. 1 tsp take during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Fainting, vomiting A teaspoon of dry powder is diluted with hot water. The solution is drunk if necessary.
Heartache Alcohol tincture according to the above recipe. 1 full dropper at the first symptoms.
To extend youth 1 tsp spices, 0.5 l of vegetable oil, 200 g of liquid honey. Use up to 5 times a day for 1 tbsp. l until the end of the funds. Repeat no earlier than 3 months.
Inflammatory diseases of the throat 4 teaspoons of honey and water, half a tsp. ground dry pepper. Mix the product thoroughly. Drink 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening.

Red hot pepper for hypertension

Red pepper has a pronounced hypotensive effect, in this it surpasses many other herbal remedies. Alternative medicine advocates advise drinking freshly squeezed vegetable juice after diluting it with water. You need to start with one drop and monitor the body's response and blood pressure. A more gentle remedy is “fiery” tea. In this health-improving drink, capsaicinoids spice is enhanced by tea leaf bioflavonoids, which also have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Green tea with red pepper
Green tea with red pepper

To prepare antihypertensive tea, 2 grams of green tea leaf and a pinch of spices are poured with hot water. Lemon and honey are added to taste. Insist 15-20 minutes.

Benefits for men

Hot red pepper is a favorite spice of many men. And not in vain, because it is for them that it is most useful:

  • improves the quality of sex life. Beneficial effect on potency;
  • regulates the amount of testosterone, which is responsible for decisiveness, activity and enterprise;
  • reduces the load on the liver due to the presence of lithium, which helps to remove toxins and ethyl alcohol;
  • scientifically proven that men are more prone to baldness. Spice helps to suspend this process and preserve the hair follicles.

Culinary Hot Peppers

Chili pepper is used in many countries and their national dishes. The taste is spicy, burning. Hotness depends on the variety and is measured by the Scolville scale. Bell pepper on this scale has a mark of 0, and the variety Habanero 350 000 units.

Scolville Hot Pepper
Scolville Hot Pepper

Spice is used both in dry and in fresh form:

  1. Dry ground type of vegetable is often used as a seasoning in soups, mixes, marinades, sauces and other dishes.
  2. Dried fruits can also be used in soups and sauces, as well as for flavoring vegetable oils, which are then used in salads.
  3. Small quantities of fresh pods are used in salads, fish marinades, and sauces. The most popular hot sauce is adjika.

Particular care should be taken when preparing the vegetable for cooking:

  1. Be sure to use gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after removing them.
  2. Do not touch gloves on the face and especially the eyes.
  3. Extract all seeds before laying in the dish and do not forget to wash the knife after cutting.

It is also important to know that after cooking the pepper still gives off its bitterness, therefore, when the severity of the dish reaches the necessary, the spice needs to be extracted, especially for the most burning varieties.
When seasoning a dish, one should know the measure, because excessive consumption can cause serious harm and cause burns or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Common questions

How is hot pepper allergy manifested?
An allergic reaction to the use of acute seasoning can be expressed in swelling of the mucous membranes, skin rashes and irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms may also include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and sharp stomach pains. For any such reactions, you should immediately consult a doctor.
How to quickly help if pepper gets in your eyes?
The first reaction of every person when capsaicin is ingested is to rinse the eye with water, which is not true, since caustic essential oil does not dissolve in water. For first aid, you need to use compresses of milk, olive oil or strong tea leaves. You can’t rub it, it will increase the pain, you just need to make it so that the liquid envelops the eyeball. When the burning subsides, you can instill the drug Albucid.
How often can I eat pepper?
An absolutely healthy person can eat a fresh vegetable daily if the daily norm of 15 grams is not exceeded.
What is the most hot pepper variety?
The Habanero variety (350 000 units) is considered to be the hottest, the second place is occupied by Rokoto. However, on the Scoville scale, the Trinidad scorpion variety exceeds this record milestone and amounts to 1.5 million units.In 2013, the Caroline reaper was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, which, according to the ECU, is 1.57 million.

Spicy, hot seasoning is very popular in the world: Tabasco sauce, adjika, Naga Viper are cooked with this pepper. But few people know that a burning vegetable not only gives the dish piquancy and special taste, but also produces a hormone of pleasure, prolongs youth and heals the body.

All of the two ingredients, knowing the basic rules, you can prepare a universal medicine, which is used both internally and externally. But if chili has become a frequent product in the kitchen, it is important to know the technique of working with it, put on gloves and keep a glass of milk on hand in case of a “fire” in your mouth.

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