How to plant cabbage according to the method of Yulia Minyaeva under bottles

15.10.2018 Cabbage

Using the method of Yulia Minyaeva, you can grow cabbage without seedlings. Under the bottle, she plants any varieties of this culture (white, colored, kohlrabi). A good result is guaranteed, many summer residents tested its method. Neither wind nor insects are afraid of cabbage under the bottles.

What is necessary for landing

During the winter, you need to accumulate plastic bottles. Plastic should be transparent so that the sun's rays better illuminate the seedlings. The optimal volume of 1.5 liters. The bottom will have to be cut, and the cork must be preserved, it is needed to preserve moisture.

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Basic when planting seeds. Julia recommends sowing proven cabbage varieties:

  • Belorussian 455;
  • Glory;
  • Golden Hectare;
  • Bear F1;
  • Sat 3 F1;
  • Guarantee;
  • Sugar
  • Aggressor F1.

A woman uses a glass bottle to form holes for repelling pests two options for mixtures. Mix No. 1: baking soda, burning red pepper. Mixture No. 2: tabazole (1 part), dolomite flour (1 part).

On a note!
Wells with seeds Julia never sleeps with garden soil. She uses humus or coconut.

How to make ridges

Empirically Minyaeva came to the conclusion that vegetables grow better in narrow ridges. The land is cultivated before planting by a cultivator, after which it forms not wide and low ridges.

The paths between them are left so that it is convenient to walk on them. Tillage and preparation of ridges engaged in advance. If the weather is dry, thoroughly water the soil with cold water the day before planting.

Landing time

Exact landing times vary by region. In the Moscow region, where the author of the method lives, cabbage can be planted under bottles at the end of April. The soil is warming well by this time. For winter storage and for harvesting, medium late, late varieties are grown. They can be sown in May.

Each seed bag has an exact recommendation for planting dates. It is worth sticking with them to grow strong heads of cabbage and not to lose part of the crop due to cracking of the heads.

Landing technology

In moist soil, bottoms are formed using bottoms. In order for the growing heads of cabbage not to be crowded, the distance is maintained at 40 cm. A mixture of insects is poured onto the bottom of each hole. If you use a mixture of No. 1, then sprinkle a little and only around the perimeter. The consumption of the mixture No. 2 - 1 tbsp. spoon per well.

Both options repel insects and deoxidize the soil. Cabbage does not like sour soil. Seeds are laid out in prepared wells, in one of 2-3 pieces. This is for guaranteed shoots.

The seeds are sprinkled with a handful of humus or coconut. Planting cabbage ends with the installation of plastic bottles over each well. Watering the ridge is not necessary, the earth is wet. Corks need to be twisted, all bottles around a circle to sprinkle a little with the earth that they were not blown away by a wind.

Vlog Blog Care Tips

Do not remove bottles when watering. With good watering of the ridge of moisture, seedlings will be enough. In hot weather, the covers for the day can be unscrewed. Remove the bottles themselves after the cabbage is under them closely. Grown up feed seedlings after the next watering with a yeast talker.

On a note!
Dill and salad scare away a cabbage fly.

To keep the place on the ridge empty, sow seals between the holes:

  • dill;
  • marigold;
  • coriander;
  • early carrots;
  • beets;
  • leaf lettuce.


Valentina, Ust-Ilimsk

I planted cabbage according to the Yulin method on April 26. I liked the method, the cabbage rose well, the extra seedlings, as she recommended, I cut. During the season 2 times fed a yeast talker, the whole season loosened the earth and a little spud cabbage. Heads of cabbage have grown excellent.

Natalia, Moscow Region

Soot under the bottle is not only cabbage. I take not 1.5 liters, but large ones - 5 liters. They well protect seedlings from the cold, it grows faster and does not get sick.

Elena, Moscow region

I ate part of the cabbage under a bottle of caterpillar. I did not look under them, but I had to check. That cabbage that survived grew actively, ahead of the one that was planted in seedling. I’ll apply the method of Julia for the next season.


A successful method of planting cabbage. It greatly facilitates the work of the summer resident, saves his time. Seedlings under the bottles do not suffer from insects and birds, the wind does not shake it, it is not afraid of night-time cooling. You can apply the method of Julia Minyaeva to other vegetable crops.

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