Planting cucumbers in June 2016: auspicious days

31.05.2016 Cucumbers

Favorable days for planting cucumbers in June 2016Favorable days for planting cucumbers in June 2016 were as follows. These days will please the very beginning of the month, pay attention to the 6th and 7th day, and also in the middle of the month a favorable time will begin, from June 10 until June 14 inclusive. Cucumbers have so taken root in our region that not everyone knows about the origin of the vegetable, but it is tropical. That is, the culture loves heat and high humidity.

Favorable days in June for planting cucumbers are needed in order to determine when exactly the already grown seedlings are transplanted into the open ground. It is important that the air temperature at night no longer drops below ten degrees Celsius and so holds for a week. If you believe the national signs, then you should focus on the mass flowering of dandelions. About when to transplant open seedlings of tomatoes.

Mid-Landing Dates

Now we will consider favorable days for planting cucumbers in June 2016 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as for the entire middle lane. In mid-May, seedlings can already be transplanted into film greenhouses, but with planting in open ground, you need to be in time before the tenth of June. During this period, by the way, film shelters are removed from vegetables.

Important! Each year, in the middle zone of our country, spring comes in different ways. The weather can even change dramatically in the summer. So, specific dates of landing should be chosen, independently guided by the weather, so that it is already warm and free of frost.

Sowing for seedlings and in soil

Seedlings of cucumbers at home are growing quite rapidly. It takes her about 25, rarely 30 days, to plant vegetables in open ground or in a film greenhouse. It is still important to ensure that the height of the plant is at least 30 cm, and there are already at least four pieces of leaves.

Favorable days for planting cucumbers in June

You also need to focus on the precocity of the variety:

  • Early ripe cucumbers will bloom on 32-45 days after sowing the seeds.
  • Mid-season cucumbers begin to bloom on the fiftieth day from the moment when the seed is laid in the ground.
  • There are also late-ripening varieties that begin to bloom only after 70 days from planting.

Landing in the middle Urals

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As for the Lunar calendar, the Favorable days for planting cucumbers in June 2016 will be the same. But you always need to focus not only and not so much on the phases of the moon as on the weather. In the Urals, the climate is severe and frosts often occur in early June, and begin in August. For this reason, in the Urals, cucumbers are grown only in greenhouses.

Planting seeds for seedlings should not be earlier than after mid-May. To quickly warm the soil on the beds, it is recommended to pour it with hot water, and then cover with a film. Cucumbers can be planted in film greenhouses in the Urals only at the end of May. In the open ground they are sown in the 20th of June, but, of course, they make sure that the shelter is at hand.

Important! If we are talking about early ripe varieties of cucumbers, then they are planted either after May 20, or in early June or in mid-June. The fruiting period of cucumbers, if planted in three periods, will stretch until the fall.

For the cultivation of cucumbers in the Urals, just like in Siberia, experts advise choosing only hybrid varieties. It is necessary to separately monitor that these varieties are resistant to adverse weather factors, to diseases. In the Far East, mid-early or mid-ripe varieties yield the highest yields.

planting cucumbers in open ground

Southern regions of Russia

In the southern regions of our country already in early May, you can safely sow cucumbers in the open ground. So, seedlings are sown here in March. In the Rostov Region, seedlings are planted in open ground, usually at the end of April. But you need to understand that the cucumbers do not tolerate the transplant, so it is recommended to immediately plant them in peat pots, which they then immediately put in the ground and sprinkle with earth in open ground.

So, favorable days for planting cucumbers in June 2016 according to the Lunar calendar, regardless of the region, are the 6th and 7th day, as well as the period from 10-14th June, inclusive. How is growing cucumbers in the open field in the suburbs.

Favorable days for planting cucumbers

Briefly about leaving the lunar calendar:

  • You need to water the cucumbers constantly, and when they bear fruit, then even once every three days. If there is not enough moisture for the fruits, they will taste bitter and change their shape. Carefully in June, you need to water the cucumbers in the period from the 4th to the 5th, also on June 13th and 14th, on the 25th and 26th.
  • For the entire growing period in the season, cucumbers need to be fed six times. The first top dressing is carried out when only the second true leaf appears. In June, the best time for feeding is the 4th and 5th numbers, 23, 24, and also the 27th and 28th numbers.

Now known favorable days for landing cucumbers in June 2016, based on the lunar calendar, but with a strict reference to the weather. If there is a choice to plant on a warm day or a favorable moonlit day, then you always need to choose the first.

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