Variety of apple cinnamon striped: photo, reviews, description

11.09.2016 Apple tree

Apple-tree Cinnamon Striped: description, photo, reviewsGrade description

It is generally accepted that the brown apple tree belongs to the early autumn varieties. Fruits can be picked and eaten only at the beginning of September. In some hot areas, this process begins even earlier, from mid-August. Apples can be stored for a maximum of 3 months. It is for this reason that the fruits are not left for the winter, but are made from them various preparations for the winter. From apples you can make jam, jam or stewed fruit. Jam from this variety is surprisingly fragrant. But with a great desire, you can still extend the shelf life.

Much depends on the method. harvesting. It is necessary to carefully tear each fruit from the tree. Apples must not be allowed to fall and hit the ground. It is such damage that shortens the shelf life of the fruit.

Picked fruits should be carefully placed in a drawer. It needs to be placed on the balcony. Cold and dryness are two favorite conditions for storing this variety of apples. And excessive moisture and heat will destroy the fruit. If you follow all the rules for the proper storage of fruits, then the period can be increased.

Cinnamon striped apple tree is able to tolerate even the most severe frosts. In areas where severe winters predominate, and a climate with low temperatures is observed, it is better to plant apple trees of this particular variety. Apple tree cross-pollinates. That is, some trees are able to be pollinated by neighboring plants. Bees will help to improve pollination, and, consequently, productivity. Therefore, near the garden, it is advised to install an apiary. Here is a brief but accurate description with a photo of a striped cinnamon apple. Reviews about this variety are extremely positive.

What does an apple tree look like?

Cinnamon striped fruit has a powerful structure. In appearance, this variety can be recognized. Usually young trees have a wide pyramidal and broom-shaped crown. Adult apple trees have a wide-round crown with long branches. Below the branches are almost "bare". Toward the end, many leaves and fruits are stuck on them. The leaves of the plant acquire an elongated shape, narrowed to the ends. The leaves of the cinnamon striped apple tree are dark green in color. When the trees bloom, pale pink flowers of a small size appear, from which a pleasant aroma emanates.

Apple-tree Cinnamon Striped: description, photo, reviews

Externally, cinnamon striped apples are very presentable, like apple tree "Melba". An unripe fruit is easy to recognize, because it has a greenish tint, and should have many stripes on a yellow apple. That is, the fruit, outwardly resembles a watermelon, only with red splashes. Under the influence of sunlight, apples ripen faster and turn red. When biting a fetus, you can highlight its juiciness. By taste, apples resemble cinnamon, most likely the name of the variety came from this. But, in general, the fruits have a sweet taste with sourness. Cinnamon striped apple tree and description with photo have reviews. All of them are positive. For those who love gardening and would like to plant several trees of this variety, you need to know the place where the plant grows.

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Where is the most common cinnamon striped apple variety?

This type of fruit can be found in most cases in our latitudes. They are mainly located in the Center of the country and in the North. The variety is very popular because of its winter hardiness. Cinnamon striped apple tree can take root where other plants do not grow.This variety of fruit tree can adapt to any conditions.

Apple tree Korichnaya Striped: description, photo

True, the apple tree has a special drawback. On the trees you can find few fruits. Cinnamon striped apple will not produce abundant crops. A maximum of trees produce 150 kilograms of fruit, while other varieties yield twice as much yield. Trees begin to bloom and bear fruit only after 6-7 years. Only after 10 years, it will be possible to notice at least some result, since at first the yield will be insignificant. But you can increase its performance if you properly care for the trees.

How is planting and caring for the apple tree?

Cinnamon striped apple tree: description, photos, reviews and planting - all this is indicated in this article. Indeed, a full-fledged plant care and proper planting will help increase productivity.
You must initially choose a good place to plant trees. It is advisable to choose soils rich in humus. There should be installed drainage. Groundwater should not leak near trees. Otherwise, the roots of the plant will rot and perish.

Cinnamon Striped Apple Tree: Description

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It is necessary to regularly fertilize the soil. You need to trim branches from time to time. Due to the fact that the crown is very lowered, and there are few leaves on the branches, the illumination will be excellent. A small number of leaves helps eliminate pests, which contributes to better ripening of fruits. You found out that the apple variety is cinnamon striped: a description with photos and reviews needs regular care. But how to deal with pests? Yes, very simple. It is enough to carry out the processing of trees with special chemical compounds. Timely care will reduce the risk of disease.

This apple variety is gaining more and more popularity every year. Despite its shortcomings, cinnamon striped has a number of advantages. The fruits have a beautiful appearance and are very unusual, because of their stripes. The apple is very juicy and sweet. Trees have amazing winter hardiness. Some scientists have tried to develop new ones from this variety by crossing. For more than a decade, gardeners have praised the striped cinnamon apple. Trees can be planted in your yard, the main thing is to adhere to some rules.

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