Varieties of hot peppers for outdoor cultivation

21.02.2018 Pepper

Everyone knows that peppers can be sweet, and can be hot. Even without going into the intricacies of breeding affairs, externally, and even more so, on the taste, you can determine the burning of fruits or its absence.

But science has its own rules, and there is a scale by which the severity of peppers is measured in certain units. Capsaicin gives spice to the peppers, and the greater the quantity, the higher the rate of burning. Scoville heat units - this is the way the unit is written that shows the sharpness of pepper, and its name is scoville, it owes to the scientist W. Scoville (USA).

Capsaicin is absent in sweet peppers, in the most hot - varieties Carolina, Devil's Breath, indicators exceed 1,570,000 scoville. Fruits with average indicators occupy an intermediate place and are usually referred to as peninsular varieties. They are very diverse and are used in cooking, various marinades, pickles, preservation. Many varieties of this group have fruits with thick walls, differ in unusual aromas, and various skin colors.

Fresh vitamin salads, all kinds of slices, as components for sauces and seasonings, pastas - semi-sharp fruits of red, yellow, orange color give all dishes piquancy, aroma, pleasant taste. The fruits are suitable for pickling, preservation, salting, dried on an industrial scale. At home, it is quite difficult to qualitatively dry thick-walled fleshy peppers, so other methods of harvesting fruits for future use are used.

The agricultural technology of such peppers is common, but the ripening dates of the variety or hybrid must be taken into account in order to get a good crop. For regions with a short summer season, early ripe peppers are recommended, which when grown in seedlings can yield the first fruits already in late June or early July. It is advisable to grow a crop in protected ground using greenhouses, as well as greenhouses, tunnels, arcs. The line of hot peppers includes many varieties, among which there are indices - high peppers, small determinant varieties, and this indicator should also be taken into account.

Semi-pointed peppers usually form cone-shaped fruits, although there are exceptions, such as Numex Suave Orange or Mulato Isleno, in which the peppers are heart-shaped. They need warmth, good lighting, moisture, good nutrition. Under such conditions, the plants will bear fruit abundantly, and the fruits themselves will be juicy and fleshy.

Semi-sharp varieties

Gardeners grow varieties of peninsula peppers of Russian and foreign selection. Which pepper to choose depends on various factors, so you always need to carefully study the information about the variety, take into account various parameters. What to look for:

  • ripening dates;
  • using;
  • mass of fruits;
  • taste qualities;
  • productivity.

Many pay attention to aesthetic characteristics, if only because beautiful fruits are always pleasing to the eye and it is a pleasure to remove such a crop from the bushes.

ON A NOTE! You can collect seeds from varietal peppers if you wish, so that next season you can get your own peppers. Hybrids are not suitable for this.

Our review presents some of the best peninsular peppers that are successfully grown by lovers of piquant and spicy fruits in various regions of the country. Yield indices of varieties and hybrids are calculated not per bush, but per square meter of plantings.

Lightning red

Despite the fact that pepper is a heat-loving culture, in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or under a film it can be grown in Siberia or the Urals.For example, a fruitful hybrid Lightning Red will delight with excellent peninsular fruits after 110 days. The main thing is to provide the plant with full care, and then you will have excellent seasoning for all dishes.

The mid-early pepper grows to about 110-115 cm in height, bears fruit better in film shelters. The hybrid is distinguished by a friendly return of fruits, as well as high yield indicators. The bush is semi-reddish, medium-leaved. A seedling method of cultivation is recommended, otherwise in harsh climatic conditions it will take too long to wait for the crop.

Fruits are long "cones", in unripe form - whitish-green, in a state of full ripeness - red. By weight - about 120-130 grams, the pulp is juicy, sweetish. The severity of the fruits gives the partition inside, so the general taste is peninsular.

The fruits of the hybrid differ not only in their spicy taste, but also in a very pleasant aroma. Red lightning is suitable for all types of processing, cooking sauces, seasonings.

ON A NOTE! The hybrid is resistant to many diseases. It is also highly resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Lightning black

Amazing fruits are formed on bushes of pepper. Lightning black. First, the cone-shaped pods are dark purple in color, then it can acquire a reddish tint and in the end it becomes almost black.

Medium early hybrid (up to 113 days), with a powerful bush, spreading branches. Plant height - up to 60 cm. Fruits - drooping, with a very beautiful glossy skin, weighing up to 120 grams. The taste of peppers is sweetish with a pronounced sharp note. The narrow elongated conical pods of the Black Lightning have not particularly thick walls, but the flesh is juicy. The main amount of capsaicin is found in the septum of the fruit.

Hybrid Lightning Black - fruitful and very hardy to many diseases.

The pepper is suitable for salads, fresh (it looks very nice in slices), as well as for salting, pickles.

ON A NOTE! Hybrid seeds are usually sold processed. They do not need additional preparation for sowing.

It shows the best results when grown in greenhouses.

Indian elephant

Mid-season variety Indian elephant is a mid-sized bush with a large number of fragrant juicy peppers. The plant usually reaches a height of 70 cm, has a compact habit.

Unpretentious pepper, tolerates drought well, but needs good lighting. In order to get the maximum, it is necessary to set aside for this variety sunny places that are closed from drafts. Peppers in a state of technical ripeness have a greenish color, when fully ripe, they turn dark red.

The pods are long, reminiscent of the trunk of an elephant, hence the name of the variety. The average weight is about 20 grams. At the same time, up to 30 fruits can form on the bush. This variety is considered among the hot peppers as one of the best for pickles and fresh consumption. The taste is sweet-burning, there is an aroma. The pericarp of the fruit is about 2 mm, so these peppers can be used for drying at home.

It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in late February, taking into account the fact that peppers are planted in the greenhouse in the middle or end of May. The soil must be warmed up to + 14ºC.

Yield indicators - up to 3.5 kg.

ON A NOTE! When growing this variety, it is required to observe the planting scheme of plants - no more than 3-4 bushes per square meter.

Santa fe grande

The fruits of Santa Fe Grande variety are of moderate severity with a sweet aftertaste. In nature, pepper of this species grows in distant Mexico, so when growing it, we need to create optimal conditions.

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In regions with a cool climate, you should plant Santa Fe Grande only under cover. The bush is stocky, slightly leafy, in height - up to 60 cm.The plant forms cone-shaped fruits, weighing about 80 grams. Coloring goes through several stages, starting from light green, then orange and bright red. The fruits of the variety are distinguished by thick juicy walls, so they are ideally obtained in marinades, pickles.

The variety is very productive, but you must follow the rules of agricultural technology and provide good nutrition. Santa Fe Grande seeds can germinate up to 18-21 days, so this factor must be taken into account so as not to be late with sowing.

During the harvesting period, the plant requires a large amount of phosphorus and potassium. Basic feeding should include these components.

Mulato isleno

Pure selection varieties include Mulato Isleno pepper, which is famous for its unusual aromatic flesh. The taste of fruits is spicy-sweet, pleasant.

The plant is low, but the yield with proper care is really impressive. In conditions of cool Russian regions, growing under shelters is required.

The fruits have an original shape resembling small pot-bellied hearts. Peppers reach about 13-15 cm along the dyne.

The skin color ranges from saturated green to very dark brown, with a purple hue. The fruits of the Mulato Isleno variety are very similar to the taste of Poblano peppers, but according to the parameters of the Scoville line, their sharpness is lower and the taste is more piquant and delicate.

Numex suave orange

Original “crumpled” Numex Suave Orange fruits have an equally amazing taste and aroma. This variety is "related" to the famous habanero, but unlike it, the taste of the yellow-orange Numex Suave Orange is sweet-sharp, with a citrus hue.

Habanero - the legendary Mexican pepper, which is characterized by strong indicators of hotness. The cuisine of this country is difficult to imagine without habanero, but not everyone can withstand its severity. So, the Numex Suave Orange variety is not so sharp, but rather spicy. It belongs to the early varieties, the first fruits - green thick cones can be removed after 115 days. To achieve full ripeness, you will have to wait another 15-20 days, and then the peppers will turn orange. Weight - about 100 grams, the shell is dense, the walls are fleshy, the skin of the fruits is wrinkled.

The variety is recommended to be planted in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, as it requires warmth and good lighting.

Numex Suave Orange is suitable for making sauces, spicy seasonings, and for salads.


The peninsular hybrid forms fruits up to 140 grams. Thunder is an early pepper, the first long-conical pods can be removed after 90 days.

Unripe fruits have a dark green color, when ripe, the skin becomes bright red. The length of the pods is 20-24 cm, the diameter is about 4-5 cm. The walls of the fruit are not very thick, the pericarp is 4-5 mm thick.

The bushes of the variety are low, highly lobed. Leaf plates cover peppers well from the heat. The fruits themselves are drooping, grow with brushes, which gives small plants a very elegant look.

It is recommended to grow indoors, although in the southern regions this pepper grows successfully in the open. Hybrid Thunder - productive, suitable for all types of processing. Peppers have a pleasant mild taste, there is a classic pepper aroma.

A feature of the hybrid is keeping quality while maintaining all the taste properties, suitability for transportation.


Another weakly acute hybrid of F1 pepper under the colorful name of Kohiba was bred by Japanese breeders. He received his name in honor of the famous brand of cigars, which are produced in Cuba.

The hybrid is early, the fruits begin to be removed after 100 days (subject to proper care).

The bush grows to 75 cm, the foliage is medium. In most Russian regions, it is grown through sowing seeds for seedlings, then planted in a greenhouse or on ridges. The best results are obtained when cultivating a hybrid in shelters.

Fruits - narrow pods cones, first dark green, then, when fully ripe, bright red. Cohiba pepper has a different taste at different stages of maturity.At first, its fruits have a sweetish, slightly spicy taste, as they ripen, by the period of biological maturity, the fruits become burning-sharp.

Knowing such a feature of the Cohiba hybrid, you can vary the timing of its cleaning. The pericarp of the fruit is about 3-4 mm. The weight of peppers on average is no more than 50 grams. Cohibu is pickled, used for salads, as an additive to various dishes. Using hybrid pods, seasonings and sauces are prepared.


Karina, Irkutsk region

I cultivated several varieties of hot pepper last year, among them Cohibu. It is a hybrid, early and fruitful. I also had a Cayenne, and a Red Fat Man. I liked everything, but Kokhtib was the best. I planted its five bushes, I made pickles from fruits. The husband and all his friends ate and praised. Next year I will plant more.

Eugene, Belgorod

The first year I tried to plant hot pepper, but I specially bought the variety with a little spiciness. It was an Indian elephant, and it did not disappoint me. I always grow sweet, I came across this for the first time. Plant it in a corner of the plot, as I was immediately told that it was necessary to grow spicy away from the Bulgarian.

The fruits have grown good, pods. I made a couple of cans in salting, and so finely cut the fruits in the freezer. I add to all dishes, now all my homemade people demand soup with it and stew. Next year I will plant more of such pepper; I have stocked it with my seeds.

Yuri, Moscow

At the dacha, he planted two hybrids of hot pepper - Buffalo Horn and Red Lightning. What can I say - both are good, and fruitful, and the taste is excellent. The wife marinated, added to the pickle to the cucumbers. Their taste is not very sharp at first, and then very hot peppers are obtained. Although I was told that it depends on the sun and heat. The walls themselves are sweet, the sharp is a partition. They tried the fruits themselves - like the Bulgarian sweet, only a little hotter. But the partition - yes, it’s very burning.

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