Gourmet grapes early: characteristic and description of the variety, planting and care

3.10.2018 Grape

Gourmet grapes early

Gourmet grapes early, or, as it was called earlier, red Novocherkassk, was bred by Kraynov V.N. A well-known breeder has created a variety with a lot of advantages, but for the maximum disclosure of "talents", owners need to adhere to some recommendations for cultivation and care.

Grade description

To remove the Gourmet, Kishmish (radiant) and the Talisman were used. Thanks to these varieties, it turned out to create a hybrid that has such advantages:

  • early ripening (berries can be eaten after about 115 days after swelling of the kidneys);
  • eatable peel;
  • the density of the peel that wasps cannot “defeat”;
  • universality of use (eat fresh, freeze, use to make juices);
  • high productivity;
  • unpretentiousness to conditions growing.

The plant is medium tall. The flowers are of the female type. The clusters are quite large. The weight of one is from 700 to 1800 gr. The berries are oval and delicate pink. The pulp is very juicy with a rich muscat flavor.

One grape weighs at least 70-80 grams.

Growing Features

The Gourmet early grape variety does not require special care, but its yield largely depends on the choice of place for planting. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the composition of the soil and the illuminance of the site, but also its location relative to the buildings on the site, as well as the location of other plants.

Site preparation and seedling

In order for the Gourmet grapes to justify all the hopes placed on him, he needs to choose a good place of "residence". The plant loves good lighting, so it is advisable to place it on the west or south side of the site. When shaded, the fruits will not be sweet and juicy enough, and the grape bush itself will develop very poorly.

Drafts should not be allowed, but stagnation of air is also not recommended. It is optimal to choose a small hill or plain; in the lowlands moisture and cool air can accumulate.

On a note!
In the northern regions, it is advisable to place this grape variety closer to the house and on the south side.

The soil for the Gourmet is necessary not only fertile, but also quite loose. You can change the density with sand, ash or compost.

Well loosen the soil siderata. If you use these plants correctly, you can completely abandon fertilizers, top dressing, and even from deep digging of the site. Mustard, rapeseed, and oats have proven themselves best. These plants have a powerful root system, which loosens the soil, clogs the weeds and prevents them from developing, and at the same time, the soil is saturated with nitrogen, as well as other useful components.

Saplings should be taken bred in the same conditions in which they will be grown. It can be nurseries, but a sprout from neighboring sites is also suitable.

In any case, only the 2 strongest shoots should be left on the shoot, cutting them to two eyes, and shorten the roots to a length of 15 cm. After that, leave the potassium permanganate solution for 4-6 hours, immersing the seedlings at the root point.

Work order

Plant grapes Gourmet preferably in early spring, even before the buds begin to swell. In autumn, you can also carry out these works, but only in regions where there is no threat of severe frost. In this case, the landing should be carried out in late September-early October.

The order is as follows:

You may be interested in:
  1. Dig a hole with a depth of at least 90-100 cm.
  2. Pour a layer of drainage into it (you can use pebbles, pebbles and even broken brick) about 7 cm.
  3. Put a mixture of one bucket of sand, two buckets of humus, 150 grams of superphosphate and 180 grams of potassium sulfate on top.
  4. Leave on for 2-3 weeks so that the soil is donkey.
  5. After this time, dig up fertile soil from the pit.
  6. Put a seedling in it.
  7. Carefully spread the roots, sprinkle them with earth.
  8. Water abundantly.

If the planting is carried out in the spring, further care consists in watering once every 7-10 days with warm water. If in the fall - watering is carried out depending on the weather, and in winter it is necessary to make a reliable shelter.

Grapes are not needed for feeding for 3-4 years.


Gourmet grapes are not too picky to carebut some features still exist. This is primarily watering, pruning and feeding.


A plant under the age of 3 years should be watered more often than an adult. This is explained by the fact that the roots are still not too deeply rooted and cannot independently receive moisture from underground sources.

In early spring, when there is still a threat of frost, do this once a week at lunch time, 5 liters per bush.

When the weather is stable and warm, you need to do this with the same frequency, but already 10 liters for each plant.

In the heat, watering is carried out twice a week, and in the fall - with the same regularity as in the spring.

Important information!
At the time of ripening of the fruit and before the end of the harvest, watering must either be stopped altogether, or minimized so that the berries do not become too watery.

Regardless of weather conditions, there are three mandatory stages of watering:

  1. Before the leaves.
  2. In the period of budding.
  3. After flowering.

Dissolve a handful of ash in 10 liters of warm water, mix thoroughly. Under a young bush, pour 2 buckets, under an adult plant - 4. Do it slowly so that the moisture is well and evenly absorbed into the soil.

Watering is carried out until the frost. Well-moistened soil protects the roots from freezing in winter.

Top dressing

If the Gourmet early grape planting was carried out in accordance with all the recommendations, you can not think about fertilizers for several years, but then this procedure becomes regular.

Top dressing should be carried out:

  • in the spring before the leaves appear. During this period, the plant needs nitrogen. It is optimal to water the bushes with mullein (dissolve 1:15 with water, let it brew before fermentation begins).
  • 2 weeks after flowering. For 10 liters of warm water, you need to take 130 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of potassium salt;
  • at the time of ripening berries. Irrigation is carried out with a solution of urea (a spoon for 10 liters of water);
  • after harvesting. Before wintering, it is advisable to provide the grapes with good nutrition. This can be done with complex fertilizers.
To maintain soil fertility, it is necessary to add 6 manure buckets per meter of kV soil around grape bushes every three years.


It is very important to evenly distribute the load on the branches to get a good crop. To do this, no more than 22-24 shoots are left on the adult bush and each of them must be shortened by 7-8 eyes each spring. This should be done before the start of sap flow, when the temperature during the day will reach +5 degrees. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left without berries at all.

In summer you need remove stepsons and leaves that create an extra shadow to the emerging grapes.

Autumn pruning can be done after the end of leaf fall, but there is a risk of frostbite of the branches in severe frosts.


The early Gourmet variety is resistant to gray rot and mildew. But at the same time, he is often exposed to fungal diseases, especially with the wrong choice of place for growing and high humidity areas.

The onset of the disease can be determined by the leaves.Only in a neglected state does the fungus pass to the berries and stem.

The affected leaves and located next to them must be removed and burned, and the diseased plant and all other bushes treated.

Disease prevention

For this, Ridomil, Topaz, Ordan, etc. preparations are used. They are suitable and for treatment, and for prevention. In the second embodiment, the processing is carried out 3-5 times during the growing season.

Take note!
It is forbidden to use any chemical preparations 20 days before the harvest.

It is necessary to protect the Gourmet early and from pests. Most often, the plant suffers from aphids, weevils, ticks and leafworms, but insects can also switch to it from other plants nearby.

For protection and treatment, you can use store-bought insecticides (for example, Actellik and Karbofos) and folk remedies. A solution of laundry soap helps a lot. It is enough to dissolve the bar in a bucket of water and spray the grapes to protect it for 2-3 weeks. It is especially important to carry out this treatment in early spring, when the aphids simply stick to young juicy leaves.

If the infusion wanders, it will be not only protection against “surface” pests, but also an excellent top dressing, as well as a proven repeller of insects that can harm the roots.

Onion peel repels pests. It can be used as decoctions (pour a glass of husk with a liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain, dilute in 5 liters of water) and tinctures (pour a glass of husk with three liters of water, put in a warm place for 3-7 days until there are signs of fermentation , after strain, dissolve in 5 liters of water), and just husk. It can be scattered around the bush.

Onion peel

Wormwood really helps. It can also be spread out or even planted near the vineyard, or you can prepare an infusion for spraying. To do this, grind the plant, fill the bucket by a third. Pour water and leave for a week in the sun. After strain and use for processing.

A proven pest control product is dusting with tobacco dust. Grapes must be watered in the rain way, and then scatter tobacco dust on top. Only berries, if it gets on them, will have to be washed longer so that there is no smell and aftertaste. Therefore, such processing preferably carried out before they begin to ripen.


A very important moment of care, which is of great importance for the development of the plant and the volume of the crop. The Gourmet variety early differs in frost resistance. It is able to withstand temperatures up to -23 degrees. But additional protection measures will not hurt, especially if there is a risk that the winter will be snowless.

In autumn, shoots must be laid on the ground, crushing them slightly, and cover them with a layer of earth. Top with leaves and humus.

Adult plants pressed to the ground will not work. It is necessary to provide them with protection at the roots, as already described, and additionally make a frame on top to pull on burlap or a special agrofibre.

You should not use a film for sheltering grapes. Under it, the plant will rot.
Shelter for the winter

Remove the “blanket” gradually when the temperature during the day is stable +5 degrees. First, make holes for ventilation so that there is no sharp temperature drop.


Natalia, 28 years old

I love grapes! As soon as my husband bought his house, they immediately planted several varieties on the site. An early gourmet grows near my house. The seedling has taken root well, the crop gives a stable. Bunches weigh up to a kilogram. But you can not overload the branches. Then not only will there be less berries, but most importantly, the taste will become more acidic. For the winter we drop it with earth and sprinkle it with leaves. If we plant green manure, then we also place them around for decay.


Oksana, 42 years old

I really like this variety, but ruined a couple of bushes. Pollination from other seedlings occurred. The berries became small, the nutmeg flavor almost disappeared. Will have to transplant.


Nikolay, 39 years old

This is the first variety that I managed to grow. I immediately installed the supports and did the right thing, because they are needed not only for the garter during fruiting, but also during wintering. I process it only with laundry soap, and feed it with wood ash. I just make a hole around the bush, pour ash into it, dig it in, and then water it. All necessary substances are absorbed gradually.

An early gourmet is a grape variety that in fact can satisfy even the most finicky tastes with its taste and appearance. We recommend that you plant this plant for anyone with at least a small piece of land. With little effort, you can annually get an excellent crop of healthy berries with a unique muscat taste and aroma.

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