The benefits and harms of cauliflower for human health

14.09.2018 Country kitchen

cauliflower on the tableCauliflower is popularly called "white cottage cheese." And, indeed, its inflorescences are somewhat reminiscent of this dairy product. With us it is not as popular as the white one, but it's a pity, because the product is very useful. Nutritionists recommend using it for both men and women, as well as introducing infants into the diet.

Although you can use cabbage not only in cooking. In traditional medicine and cosmetology, it is no less in demand.

Cabbage composition

Cauliflower, due to its rich composition, is recognized as one of the most useful vegetables. It has a lot of vitamins of the PP group, folic acid, choline, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, chlorine, etc. Vitamin C in it is 2.5 times more than in white cabbage, and iron is 2 times more, than in green peas and greens.


If you eat only 100 grams of cauliflower, you can provide a daily supply of vitamin B in your body.

It should be noted vitamin U, which is quite rare in foods, but is very important for the body. It contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the liver and helps restore its cells, and most importantly - heals sores on the mucous membrane.

Cauliflower can replace animal proteins. This is very important for dieters and losing weight. At the same time, it perfectly saturates, so the feeling of hunger will not bother for a long time even after taking a small portion.

They love cauliflower in America. Scientists of this country already several years ago proved that its regular use helps to strengthen the walls of veins and blood vessels and remove cholesterol from the blood.

Despite its rich composition, cauliflower is a low-calorie product. Per 10 g of product:

  • fresh and steamed contains 30 kcal;
  • in boiled 29 kcal;
  • in fried 120 kcal;
  • in baked 78 kcal;
  • in baked with egg and sour cream 64 kcal.

There are many varieties of cauliflower. In each country, the most suitable for the existing conditions are grown, but they are all similar both in appearance and in taste. The main difference is only in size and shape. Sometimes quite original specimens are found. For example, Cauliflower Lilac. Its inflorescences have a color from light blue to saturated purple. It can be cauliflower with a red, green or yellow center. These external differences do not particularly affect the taste and aroma, but dishes with such options look quite original.

Health benefits of cabbage

The fact that cauliflower is introduced into the lure of babies by one of the first products speaks of great benefits for the body. It is very well absorbed, helps to get rid of many problems and prevent their occurrence in the future. The vegetable restores the digestive system and regulates it, helps to avoid gastritis and peptic ulcers. It helps prevent heart disease and supports its work by supplying an adequate amount of potassium to the body.

For women

Cauliflower contains a substance that prevents the development of breast cancer, stops the growth of the tumor, and destroys diseased cells. The vegetable “works” well in terms of women's health.Regular inflammation, pain during menstruation, painful PMS and menopause - all this can be overcome by cabbage.

You should not consider a vegetable only as an aid in treating the body. Cabbage regulates the hormonal balance of the female body, slows down the aging process, and retains beauty for a long time. To do this, you can either use it as food, or use it in the form of masks and other cosmetics.

For pregnant and lactating

At this important moment in life for women, the product is even more important. Cauliflower provides a sufficient amount of folic acid and vitamin B necessary for the formation of the fetus and the health of the mother. Its regular use in food prevents the development of defects in the baby.

It is especially important to eat it for pregnant women living in industrial centers. Cabbage removes all “garbage” from the body, ensuring the health of both mother and baby.

A vegetable helps nursing women to cope with the most common problems - constipation and dramatic weight gain. In addition, it saturates milk with iron, which is very useful for a newborn.

For weight loss

She is very fond of losing weight. Indeed, with the help of tasty, satisfying, but low-calorie dishes, you can quickly lose extra pounds, but the ability of a vegetable is much greater. Cauliflower relieves obesity of internal organs.

This problem is not able to defeat diet or exercise. But cabbage copes with fat cells, effectively dissolving them and removing them from the body with liquid.


The vegetable contains tartronic acid, which prevents the formation of fatty deposits.

In addition, the digestion of cabbage takes twice as much energy as any other vegetables and fruits, which means that the volumes will go right before our eyes. Even if you do not stick to diets, you can noticeably improve the shape of your figure by eating only 100 grams of product per day.

For men

In addition to the general positive effect on the body, cauliflower helps representatives of the stronger sex to prevent the development of prostate cancer, maintain and restore men's health.

Men rarely pay attention to their well-being, and if they feel unwell, try to hide it longer so as not to look weak. As a result, problems with the heart, veins and blood vessels, pressure, etc. worried after 45 years of every second. A vegetable will help both in the prevention and in the treatment of these problems. And also, everyone who regularly eats cauliflower has a good mood, increased working capacity and good sleep.


Vegetables are recommended for use in the fight against baldness. To do this, it must be consumed inside and make special masks.

For children

The structure of cauliflower is very tender, so the child’s body digests it very well. In the form of complementary foods, it is used both separately and together with other components. It is especially recommended to give it with "heavy" food, when the baby starts to try meat. It very rarely causes allergies, but it is often rejected by children because of an absolutely fresh taste.

Take note!

If mom ate this vegetable during pregnancy, the baby will definitely like it.

For older children, “white curd” should be considered as a source of nutrients and vitamins. It will help form a normal skeleton, support the work of internal organs. It is very important to give it to schoolchildren regularly so that they are more attentive, that memory works better, so that fatigue is not felt so much.

For the elderly

Improving memory and attention is also important for the elderly. But besides this, the vegetable will help prevent the problem of constipation, which is very relevant in this period, cleanse blood vessels and normalize heart function.

Vigor, good mood and a minimum of health problems - this is what awaits cauliflower lovers.


Cauliflowers suffering from peptic ulcer disease, colic and high acidity can be added to the diet only after the doctor’s permission Uncontrolled use can provoke a deterioration in health, especially if you eat it during an exacerbation of the problem.

You should not risk people who have undergone surgery on the abdominal cavity or chest. Vegetables can cause gas and severe pain.

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Allergies also do not hurt to be careful. The vegetable itself is not an allergen, but can increase the influence of others.

Prohibited cabbage with gout. It can contribute to the concentration of uric acid and cause an exacerbation of the disease.


Cauliflower, like all other representatives of the broccoli family, can contribute to the development of goiter.

Healing properties

Many health problems can be solved with cauliflower:

  1. With hemorrhoids, you need to disassemble the cabbage for inflorescences, salt and put in a jar. After 2-3 days, a brine will appear. It should be drunk 100 ml twice a day half an hour before meals. Drink until the bumps are gone.
  2. With bleeding gums, with weak and diseased teeth, you need to stir the brine in half with water and rinse your mouth up to 6 times a day.
  3. To heal wounds, and even with severe burns, grind the leaves and mix with the egg until gruel. Spread with a thick layer, gently attach on top with a bandage.
  4. Freshly squeezed juice will help with constipation and appetite problems. It should be diluted in half with water and drink 100 ml an hour before meals.
  5. With abscesses and boils, inflorescences and leaves ground in mashed potatoes will help. Porridge should be applied to the sore spot for 3-5 hours, and preferably at night. The mixture will draw the pus out. It must be removed and sanitized.
  6. After a serious illness, and especially after flu and a cold, you need to take 50 ml of a drink of 100 g of cabbage juice, 100 g of carrot juice, 3 tablespoons of honey and a glass of milk three times a day. It is advisable to warm up before use.

If you drink a glass of cabbage and apple juice mixed in half each day for a month, immunity will increase significantly and seasonal diseases will not be scary.

For beauty

There are many recipes for making homemade cosmetics. Here are just a few of them:

  • To moisturize the skin, mashed a third of the average head of cabbage and cucumber. Add a spoonful of honey and olive oil. Apply to the skin (it can be on the face, neck, and hands) for half an hour, rinse with cool water;
  • to nourish the skin, mix 4 tablespoons of mashed cabbage with a spoon of sour cream and an egg. Apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse, wipe the skin with tea leaves or a parsley broth;
  • to restore the skin, mix cabbage puree and fat cream in equal proportions. Apply for 20 minutes, wipe the face with a paper towel, grease with natural honey;
  • freshly squeezed juice will help get rid of split ends. They need to lubricate the ends of the hair after each shampoo;
  • if you rinse your hair with juice every 3-4 days, they will be stronger, healthy and shiny.

Fans of recipes of folk cosmetology can add cauliflower juice to any mixture instead of water. The effect will be several times more noticeable.

What to cook from cabbage

For cooks, cauliflower is a real find. A lot of dishes can be prepared from it, and it will not lose useful properties, except that it can slightly lose them. Before you start cooking, you need to take note of the following recommendations:

  • if you add a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water, the inflorescences will remain white;
  • using iron or aluminum utensils is not recommended, so as not to provoke chemical reactions;
  • do not pour the broth after cauliflower.Even if it is not needed for cooking, it can be drunk, used to rinse hair or water plants.

The most beneficial properties are stored in steamed cabbage, or boiled in a minimum amount of water.



Experienced chefs advise using mineral (non-carbonated) water for cooking cauliflower or adding to regular sugar.

Fried in batter or breadcrumbs

This is one of the most common cooking methods. Cabbage needs to be sorted into inflorescences, lowered for 3 minutes in boiling water, cool. Prepare batter to the best of thick eggs, sour cream, mayonnaise or cream, salt and spices. Dip cabbage into batter and fry on both sides in a well-heated skillet. It turns out very similar to chicken or fish fillet, especially if the seasonings are chosen correctly.

You can cook a more savory dish. To do this, after blanching, you need to dip the cabbage in a beaten egg, and then roll in a mixture of crackers, salt and spices. It turns out a very fragrant and mouth-watering crisp.

With an egg in a pan

A great option for a full dinner or lunch. Blanch cauliflower, cool. Fry the onions in a pan, put chopped cabbage, add salt and spices, cover and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Beat the egg, add to the pan and mix with all the other ingredients, sprinkle with fresh herbs, cover and turn off. After 10 minutes you can eat. It turns out very satisfying, and the aroma is incredible.


Boil the cabbage until cooked in salted water. Cool. Disassemble into small pieces with your hands, salt and drizzle with lemon juice. Cut an egg (about the same as cabbage) into slices and add to the cabbage. Season the salad with yogurt or mayonnaise, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Chicken fillet casserole

Disassemble the cabbage for inflorescences, pour boiling water and leave to cool completely. Cut about the same amount of fillet into slices, salt and pepper. Put cabbage in a baking dish, fillet on top. Pour everything with a beaten egg so that it completely covers. Bake in a well preheated oven until a crust appears, about 35 minutes.

How to choose and store

In order for cauliflower to actually bring only benefit, you must correctly select and save it.

When buying, follow these recommendations:

  • the head should be tight and heavy;
  • green leaves should tightly fit the head of the cabbage, and not puff;
  • leaflets must be required! Otherwise, it is likely that they turned yellow and sellers simply deleted them;
  • regardless of the color of the head, brown spots or dots are unacceptable;
  • there should be no gaps between the heads. They must fit very tightly together.

Shelf life of cabbage is small. The beneficial substances in it remain no more than 10 days after collection. Therefore, at home, whole cabbage can be stored for no more than a week. She should lie in the refrigerator upside down without a bag or film. Nearby it is not advisable to keep products with a pungent smell.

In winter, it is not difficult to buy cauliflower, but it is better to purchase a frozen product or make a harvest yourself, so that the vegetable retains more benefits for the body.


Elena, 32 years old

I didn’t buy especially cauliflower before, I really didn’t know what to do with it. A colleague brought me to work to try fried in batter, I really liked it. At home, she also made only with chicken seasoning. The children did not even understand that this is not a chicken. Although the youngest kept asking - fish or meat? And it turns out very profitable. One head is enough for dinner.


Svetlana, 25 years old

I love cauliflower. I use inflorescences for cooking, and from the leaves I prepare a tonic. You just need to chop them very finely, put them in a jar or bottle to the top and pour vodka. About a week later, the leaf settles.Then it is necessary to strain through cheesecloth and wipe the face with tonic every day after removing makeup in the evening. The result will be noticeable almost immediately. Be sure to try.


Vera Anatolyevna, 65 years old

I have been closing cauliflower for the winter for so many years. At the bottom of a liter jar, put a couple of cloves of garlic, a leaf of horseradish and an umbrella of dill. On top of cabbage inflorescences. Pour boiling water twice, and in the third in each jar put a spoonful of sugar, 2/3 tablespoons of salt, pour 30 ml of vinegar, pour boiling water and roll. You can add more rings of carrots, but then you will need to additionally sterilize the jars for at least 20 minutes before rolling.

In England they say that there is no more beautiful flower than cauliflower. It turns out that this vegetable is not only attractive in appearance. This is a real treasure that you only need to learn how to use correctly for your health and beauty.

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