How to make a greenhouse yourself from polypropylene pipes

24.01.2017 Construction

Do-it-yourself greenhouse from polypropylene pipes: step-by-step instructionsA step-by-step instruction on how to make a greenhouse from polypropylene pipes with your own hands is more understandable in the video, where the specialist explains everything with the construction language. We give such videos with verified information in this material, however, the article also needs to pay attention to the important points of creating such a structure so that it turns out to be durable and reliable, beautiful and functional. How to build a wooden shed with your own hands: helpful tips.

Practice has shown that from a polypropylene pipe you can independently build a greenhouse if you wish in a few days. It is easy to use and durable material, the greenhouse as a result is mobile and durable, and its cost is low. Installation does not require any serious knowledge in the field of construction, which is also a plus.

What shape can a greenhouse be made of PVC pipes:

  • Arched.
  • Rectangular structures are characterized in that the roofs for them can be made with a single-pitched or gable roof.
  • Alternatively, several different sections can be combined in one building.
  • Rectangular greenhouses may have an arched roof. Folding such a design is more difficult, but it turns out to be more practical due to the fact that under the arched roof good air exchange is carried out.

Each person should choose the type of construction, depending on their requirements for this structure at their summer cottage. Separately, it should be noted that the more mates in the original drawing, the more docking elements are needed. In monetary terms, this leads to additional costs.

Advice! It is practical to make a greenhouse small or medium, for example, a height of about two or two and a half meters and a width of up to three meters. The length with such indicators can range from four to 12 meters.

Convenient in the future, the width of the beds in the greenhouse should be about a meter, and the width of the path is about 0.8 meters. Based on these parameters, it will be possible for each specific design, depending on its type, to calculate the dimensions and the number of required pipes.

 greenhouse drawing greenhouse drawing greenhouse drawing

Which pipes to choose

Before starting the step-by-step instructions to build a greenhouse from polypropylene pipes with your own hands, you need to choose the right version of pipes for the construction. It can be PVC water pipes, the standard size of which is about five meters in length, and in diameter from 16 to 1100 mm. The product can also be bought in slices. There are no specific tips and preferences, it all depends on the situation.

In modern building stores, PVC pipes with a reinforced layer made of thin aluminum (in rare cases made of a mixture of fiberglass and propylene) can also be found on sale. Such products are considered more durable, but, accordingly, the price is higher.

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Advice! For arched greenhouses, the optimal pipe diameter should be from 25 to 32 mm, and for racks and vertical supports (rectangular structures), focus on a diameter of 50 mm and above.

Why PVC pipes are great for building greenhouses:

  1. The design, if you follow all the rules of the step by step instructions, will be durable.
  2. Additional costs for the construction, and then during operation, are not required.
  3. The material is resistant to aggressive atmosphere.
  4. The term of operation is from 10 years or more, in construction practice this material is wear-resistant.
  5. Under the influence of moisture they do not give in to the process of decay. Also not susceptible to chemical or biological effects, do not burn.
  6. Do not emit harmful substances.
  7. Without deformation, they are able to withstand sufficiently strong mechanical loads.
  8. Due to its flexibility, this material can be independently bent during installation even to the state of an arc without using special tools.
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Design Features

To build the correct durable construction, you need to independently draw a drawing or find a ready-made sketch. It will be clear on what form of the frame the landlord inclines. It is important that the dimensions of the structure, valuable nodes are indicated on the finished drawing. There are a lot of ready-made projects in the network. Including, some drawings are given in this material. However, it is immediately necessary to consider individual conditions and additionally adapt each finished drawing for yourself.

arochnaya-teplitsa-svoimi-rukami-iz-metalloplastikovyh-trubWhat should be foreseen at the planning stage:

  • Creating an additional foundation and how it will be.
  • What is used for fronts.
  • The shape and distance between the main nodes bearing elements.
  • Docking, as well as the method of fastening pipes, which parts you need to buy. We remind you that PVC pipes can be fixed not only using self-tapping screws, but also soldered, glued.

If we talk about easy ways, it will be easiest to make a frame for an arched greenhouse from PVC pipes, and then cover it with a film. For rectangular buildings, additional rather complicated calculations are required; in addition, it will be necessary to provide for large stiffeners and a large number of docking nodes that weaken the structure itself.


These are the main points that need to be considered if a greenhouse is constructed from polypropylene pipes with your own hands. Detailed step-by-step instructions for the construction of a specific structure are given in several videos that illustrate this material. But you must also read the article in order to understand the basic processes of work and avoid common mistakes.

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