How to deal with yellowed leaves in cucumbers

10.08.2016 Cucumbers

leaves turn yellow in cucumbers what to doSometimes, at the next inspection of their beds, gardeners notice that the leaves of the cucumbers acquire a yellow tint, which is an alarming bell. As a rule, there are a number of reasons why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in the open ground and a number of measures on what to do with such a problem. To begin with, you need to discard the panic, and determine what factors cause yellowing: illness, inappropriate soil, poor care and so on.

Yellowing of leaves in cucumbers in the garden: reasons

Before wondering what to do with the yellowed leaves of the plant, it is necessary to establish the reason why the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow (photo). Having recognized your “enemy” in person, you can choose the most suitable method of dealing with it.

The most common causes of yellowed foliage in cucumbers include the following factors:

  • Inadequate plant care;
  • Irregular watering
  • Poor soil;
  • Pest attack;
  • Infectious disease attack.

If you notice in time that the plant is not in order, you can not only choose the method in a timely manner, what to do if the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow, but also save the plant from death, and also rely on the crop.

yellow leaves cucumbers

If the problem is watering

The most common reason why cucumber leaves turn yellow in the open field, and also what to do with it, is the insufficient watering of the vegetable crop. Cucumbers are very fond of being abundantly watered. This method of irrigation provides soil moisture up to the root system of the crop. Experienced gardeners do not recommend watering cucumbers often with small volumes of water. This causes the horse’s horse system to rise closer to the surface, and then it becomes vulnerable to mechanical damage when weeding the beds and loosening the soil.

Having established why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in the open ground, it is not difficult to guess what to do: just change the policy of the irrigation work.

watering cucumbers

If the problem is a lack of nutrients

Cucumber leaves may turn yellow due to lack of nutrients. If the plant lacks magnesium, only the edges of the foliage will turn yellow. In case of iron deficiency, green streaks will appear on a purple-violet background. If there is not enough nitrogen, then not only the entire leaf plate will turn yellow, but also the entire whip. You can correct the situation, applying appropriate fertilizer to the soil.

Improper growth and poor soil

The reason why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in the open ground may be the wrong place to grow this unpretentious, at first glance, crop. If you plant cucumbers in the same place from year to year, this can lead to the development of diseases, respectively, to yellow foliage. The fact is that over time various fungi and pathogenic organisms accumulate in the soil, which will not favorably affect the growth of cucumbers. Therefore, it is best to disinfect or completely replace the soil before planting.

Biological factors

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The biological factors why the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow and what to do accordingly, include the attacks of pests and infectious diseases.

The most common diseases characteristic of cucumbers:

  • Powdery Mildew;
  • Pitiosis;
  • Fusarium

If you do not start to fight these diseases, then they will hit the entire leaf plate as a whole, which, as a result, will dry up and fall off. Visually recognizing these diseases is very simple: on leaflets cucumbers light or brown spots appear, initially small in size, and then become larger and larger, the lashes of plants descend to the ground and cease to respond to watering.

powdery mildew cucumbers

The attack of pests is that they begin to suck the juice from the vine and other parts of the plant, thereby making it weak.

Among the pest-amateur cucumbers are:

  • Aphids;
  • Spider mite;
  • Whitefly;
  • Worm-shaped nematode.

To figure out what to do if the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in the open ground due to pests of diseases, you need to go to a specialized store and buy a remedy for cucumber pests and diseases, on which detailed instructions for use are written and information about the doses used is indicated.

Attention! With the fungal diseases the drug “Quadris” copes well.

Folk methods for eliminating yellowed leaves

Experienced gardeners not only know why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in the open ground, but also what to do about it. The situation can often be saved with the help of folk methods.

For example, to combat powdery mildew, a tincture of garlic is used: finely chop finely chopped garlic, pour in a liter of boiled water, close the lid tightly and leave for a dark place for 24 hours. When time passes, the tincture should be filtered and diluted with a warm soapy solution in 1: 9 proportions.

But to eliminate many other causes of yellowing foliage in cucumbers in the open ground, you can use a solution of wood ash: pour a glass of wood ash with two liters of hot water, leave it to stand for 48 hours. After two days, 10 grams of planed laundry soap should be added to the filtered solution.

Preventative measures

The reasons why the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers in the open ground can not only be eliminated, but also prevented.

In order to prevent yellowing of cucumber foliage, it is recommended to perform the following work:

  • Choose high-quality seeds for seedlings;
  • Choose and prepare the best place on the bed for cucumbers;
  • Take care of fertilizer in a timely manner;
  • Follow the rules for caring for the plant.

Only careful care and care of the plant will avoid consequences such as yellowing of leaves in cucumbers in the open ground.

Good luck in the beds!

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