Hosta - planting and care in the open ground in the Urals

18.07.2019 Flowers

Hosta is one of the most popular plants among gardeners. Not only is this a rather unpretentious flower, it is also beautiful. How to plant and care for a host in the open ground in the Urals? We will help you with tips.

Description of varieties and types of hosts

It is a perennial plant of the asparagus family. Classification of varieties by size, which are grown in open ground:

  • giant, have a height of up to 70 cm;
  • large, grow up to 55 cm;
  • medium, the most common group, from 30 to 50 cm;
  • small in size up to 25 cm;
  • miniature, maximum 15 cm;
  • dwarf, up to 10 cm.

The most common types of hosts

  • wavy - with its appearance this plant resembles a light green ball, which is covered with wavy leaves;
  • bloated - one of the most popular types in landscape design, characterized by pale green leaves;
  • curly - a distinctive feature of this species is that along the entire perimeter of wide leaves stretches a white border;
  • plantain - grows no more than 50 cm and is similar to the leaves of plantain.

Please note that the host has been growing for at least 25 years and is growing fast enough, thereby crowding out even annoying weeds.

Rules and tips for growing hosts

There are a number of important nuances. One of the very first is the purchase of the plant itself. What you need to know for this:

You may be interested in:
  • when buying hosts in a flower shop, first of all, pay attention to the roots: the system must be healthy, have a normally developing leaf bud;
  • do not buy a host with foliage, because then there will be a load on the root and slow development of the plant as a whole;
  • for planting in open ground in the Urals, experts recommend buying not already developing plants, but directly rhizomes;
  • when acquiring hosts via the Internet, the minus is that the plant can come already quite large. If you have not yet prepared a place for a flower, then you should temporarily plant the host in a regular flower pot;
  • if you bought a plant on which a leaf bud has not yet been opened, then it should be stored in a cool place, even in a refrigerator.

Hosting Place

Another advantage of the host is her dislike of sunlight, so a shady place or partial partial shade is ideal for her. There are also species that normally perceive the sun, but still eventually change their color, and if you have a variegated plant, then it can get severe sunburn.

Also, when choosing a place for planting hosts in open ground, it is necessary to remember that this is a moisture-loving plant and should be constantly watered if the place is not wet enough.

Outdoor landing

Before planting a host in open ground in the Urals, you need to pay attention to temperature conditions. It is important that after planting the plant there are no frosts. In order for your host to take, you should remember a few simple rules:

  • First of all, we prepare the pit, which is equal to the size of the root system. The width of the hole should be such that the roots of the hosts fit freely in it. Also, the dug soil should be mixed with peat;
  • in advance, even before placing the root system of the host in the hole, the hole must be thoroughly filled with water, the roots of the plant should be well spread, gently cover with soil, slowly crushing the root system during planting;

Important information!
The host should never be buried, but it is also not recommended to leave the roots on the surface, otherwise it will die.

  • if the host was in a flower pot before the open ground, then the planting should be carried out to the depth that it was.

Soil mulching

To protect the plant from various weather conditions when planting hosts in open ground in the Urals, be sure to mulch the soil. To do this, you can use both sawdust and crushed tree bark. As a result, mulching performs 2 functions:

  • hosta protection against such insects (snails or slugs);
  • prevents moisture from evaporating quickly.

Proper host care

Caring for the host is not difficult. It is important to choose the best place for the plant. It should be moist soil, as in the nature of the host grows along river banks. By the way, the plant loves not only moist soil, but also prefers moist air.

Watering should not be too plentiful, as the roots of the plant can rot. Another important point is soil fertilization.

For the season you need to feed the host about 3 times:

  • fertilize the ground for the first time in the spring, when hosta growth is just beginning;
  • the second time - during the period of rapid flowering;
  • the last - when the host fades.

Hosta bait is made alternately with organic and mineral substances. Dosage is usually indicated on the package.

Soil loosening

Several times during the season, it is necessary to loosen the soil. But it is worth remembering that the roots of the hosts are located quite close to the surface of the soil.

Use our tips on how to properly land and care for the host in the open ground in the Urals.

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